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Week Ending: Sunday, 18 November 2007 Reflections 
| "...Nobody blames the Americans for throwing British tea into Boston harbour, nor can anybody blame a similar action in India on moral grounds. It is reprehensible from the point of view of law, of social peace and order, not of political morality. It has been eschewed by us because it is unwise and because it carried the battle on to a ground where we are comparatively weak, from a ground where we are strong. Under other circumstances we might have followed the American precedent, and if we had done so, historians and moralists would have applauded, not censured..." Sri Aurobindo on The Morality of Boycott, May 1908 |
Tamil National Frame International Frame of Tamil Eelam Freedom Struggle Dr.Vickramabahu Karunaratne - Sinhala regime playing role similar to Israel "...Under Mahinda, the Sinhala regime is playing a role similar to that of Israel in the Middle East...Though critical, the western powers, in particular the US, support every action of Israel against the Palestinian liberation struggle... Mahinda has convinced those powers that a Sinhala authoritarian regime is the only viable state that can take their economic agenda forward, suppressing opposition from trade unions and plebian organisations... " more |
Tamils - a Trans State Nation Comments & About Us to include 1. Manohari Velamati, New Delhi, India "I’m pursuing my PhD on Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Your website is of great use for my research as it helps me have a broader understanding of various perceptions of Tamils across the world."... more 2. Jey Raj, Canada "I am really overwhelmed by the content on your site. This by far the best reference we Thamizh people have in reach. Although I used your site before, I did not realize how much of content it is made up of and the depth of the content..." more 3. Jiang Huazhi, People’s Republic of China. "I know that Sri Lanka is a small but very beautiful country. But the island has had very cruel war between the government and Tamils for nearly 30 years. Many people, young and old, men and women have been killed, which is a national tragedy. Some Tamils want to establish a separate Tamil Eelam, which is understandable but impractical..." together with response by tamilnation.org more |
Week Ending: Sunday, 11 November 2007 Reflection  "And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?... Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live - at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! Alba gu bra! (Scotland forever!)" - William Wallace in Braveheart |
Tamil Nation Library: Eelam Sinhala Buddhist Nationalist Ideology: Implications for Politics and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka - Neil Devotta, East West Centre, Washington Publication, 2007 "...The institutionalization of the Sinhalese Buddhist nationalist ideology means that a political solution to Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict is unlikely...The study recommends that the international community advocate and foster the development of a plural state and society in Sri Lanka that can be home to all ethnic and religious communities..." together with comment by Nadesan Satyendra " ...The mantra of a 'multi ethnic plural society' has a nice meditative ring to it. It conjures up the soothing vision of a society where all ethnic groups are equal and a plurality of view points is encouraged and secured. But mantras directed to resolve an armed political conflict, must fit the political reality on the ground - and not the other way round.We need to recognise that multi ethnic plural societies cannot be created by dictat." - more |
International Frame & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom No Choice: International Community has made Tamil rights depend entirely on the battlefield outcome - Tamil Guardian "The military has for two years blasted villages, driven hundreds of thousands Tamils from their homes and continues to abduct, torture and murder…For all the noise about human rights (and much of that has dissipated now), the Sri Lankan state actually wants for nothing. Ironically, the more the international community is convinced the LTTE can be defeated, the freer the hand that Sri Lanka will have....Let there be no mistake: irrespective of the extent of the casualties or suffering the Sinhala military inflicts on Tamil civilians, the international community will not restrain the state. Not, that is, until the Sri Lanka military is checked on the battlefield by the LTTE's counter-violence...If the state fails to defeat the LTTE then it will be compelled to negotiate with the Tamils. If it wins, we are lost. But, then, it was ever thus. " more |
Democracy Continues, Sri Lanka Style to include The Karuna Affair - Sonali Samarasinghe in the Sunday Leader "I suggest let the government get rid of Karuna, a liability and work with Pillayan and his men who are more popular in the east than Karuna," Rajasingham had proposed. The President according to the minutes then makes a damning comment. States the minutes sent by Rajasingham on Rajapakse's response; "HE said that he will take up the matter with his defence people and do the needful." more |
Tamil National Forum 1. Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia - நினைவு தினம் - Remembrance Day "நவம்பர் மாதம் 11ம் திகதியானது அவுஸ்திரேலிய மக்களுக்கு ஒரு மிக முக்கியமான தினமாகும். பதினொராம் மாதம், பதினொராம் திகதியின் பகல் பதினொரு மணிக்கு அவுஸ்திரேலிய மக்கள் கடந்த நூறு ஆண்டு காலத்தில் போரினால் மடிந்த தமது மாவீரர்களையும், கடமையாற்றிய அனைத்துப் போர்வீரர்களையும், மடிந்த மக்களையும், போரினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களையும் நினைத்து அக வணக்கம் செலுத்துவார்கள்." more | | 2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan - Some Thoughts on the deaths of Dudayev and Thamilselvan |  
| "Chechen leader Dudayev’s killing in 1996 and Thamilselvan’s assassination appear to have many parallels, in the manner of execution... Here is the AFP news report of 1996 from Moscow, which announced the targeted assassination of Dzhokhar Dudayev (1944-1996), the Chechen rebel leader. 'Mobile phone betrayed Dudayev’ was the caption of the news report... " more | 3.R.Cholan writes from USA - We Send Them the Money: So don’t complain - Part 3 "We gained a lot from the stupidity of the GoSL, which helped create the strong Tamil Diaspora. The achievements of the Tamil Diaspora in the cause of Thamileelam so far have been impressive, and I am proud to have been part of it. But we cannot go forward, if we keep on sending our grocery-money to the GoSL, to help it kill our people..." more |
Revisited: On Violence & Integrity - Nadesan Satyendra "...tamilnation.org together with many Tamils, will continue to grapple with (and agonise over) the question of moral laws and ethical ideals in the context of an armed struggle for freedom. The question troubled Arujna in the battlefield of Kurushetra. In Pondicherry, Aurobindo grappled with the broader moral issues in 'The Evolution of Man'. Kannagi in Cilapathikaram, took the law into her own hands and burnt down Madurai in her search for justice. The response to the Tamil Eelam armed struggle from those who are not members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, must spring from a coincidence of what they themselves say, with what they do, and in this way reflect their own integrity... " more |
International Frame of Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom: United States to include 
| U.S. Military Assistance to Sri Lanka Continues - "Radar-based maritime surveillance system and several Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) were donated to Sri Lanka Navy by U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Robert O. Blake in a ceremonial function at Trincomalee on 8 November 2007" more |
Reflections Tamil National Forum Thamizh Literature Through the Ages 
| ".... probably the most significant contribution (of the Tamils) is that of Tamil literature, which still remains to be 'discovered' and enjoyed by the non Tamilians and adopted as an essential and remarkable part of universal heritage. If it is true that liberal education should 'liberate' by demonstrating the cultural values and norms foreign to us, by revealing the relativity of our own values, then the 'discovery' and enjoyment of Tamil literature, and even its teaching ... should find its place in the systems of Western training and instruction in the humanities.." Kamil Zvelebil in The Smile of Murugan : On Tamil Literature of South India more |
Learning & Teaching Tamil to include Google: English - Tamil Online Transliteration with Tamil Keyboard - " A language is more than just a means of communication. It is a repository of a community’s collective history and heritage. It also provides an identity and a focus that binds together a community for social togetherness, that makes individual accomplishments that much easier.." Kumar Kumarappan on the Endowment of the Tamil Chair at University of California, Berkeley, 2001 |
Week Ending: Sunday, 4 November 2007 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to include Brigadier S P Tamilselvan: to include நித்தியப் புன்னகை அழகன் இங்கே மீள்துயில் கொள்கிறான்.... இயற்றியவர்: புதுவை இரத்தினதுரை பாடியவர்: எஸ்.ஜி.சாந்தன் வெளியீடு: தமிழீழ தேசியத் தொலைக்காட்சி
Tribute by Velupillai Pirabakaran, Leader of Tamil Eelam "தமிழுலகமே ஆழமாக நேசித்த ஒரு அரசியல் தலைவனைச் சிங்கள தேசம் இன்று சாகடித்திருக்கிறது. தமிழீழ மக்களின் மனங்களை வென்ற ஒரு தன்னிகரற்ற தலைவனைச் சிங்களம் பலிகொண்டிருக்கிறது." more Tribute by M.Karunanidhi, Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu "Always a smiling face - A heart and mind that burnt obtacles A young, young, heart But Himalayan strength, strength! In the footsteps of the old singham, Balasingham But, a ripened and seasoned army commander An 'Uthama Valipan' who with stern determination, offered himself to help in an 'Urimai Por' - You are not extinguished You have not gone brotherless Selva, you who have carved a place for yourself In every Tamil heart and in every Tamil home - where have you gone? more
International Federation of Tamils, Geneva - பலபரிமாணம் கொண்ட தமிழ்ச் செல்வனை இழந்து தவிக்கின்றோம்! "நமது பணிமனைக்குப் பலதடவை வருகை தந்தும், நம்மோடு தொடர்பு கொண்டும் அனைத்துத் தமிழ் கல்வியாளர்கள், சிந்தனையாளர்களை நாம் இணைத்து, தமிழ் தேசியத்தை ஒன்றுதிரண்ட சக்தியாக்கும் முயற்சியில், ஒன்றுபட்டுழைக்க வேண்டும் என அவர் அறிவுறுத்தியும், உற்சாகப்படுத்தியும் வந்தார்." more |
Tamil National Forum 1. M.Thanapalasingham writes from Australia | தமிழ்ச்செல்வனின் சிரிப்பு மலர்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் தமிழீழத்தின் சிரிப்பு "...இவன் இழப்பிற்கு ஈடில்லை. நாம் அழுவதை அவன் தடுக்கமாட்டான் ஆனால் தளம்பினால் அவன் சகிக்கமாட்டான். எந்த உன்னதமான இலட்சியத்திற்காக தன் உயிரையும் காதலையும் ஈய்வதற்கு அவன் என்றுமே முன்னின்றானோ அந்த இலட்சியத்திற்காக நாம் பன்மடங்கான உறுதியோடு செயல்படுவதே நாம் தமிழ்ச்செல்வனுக்கு செலுத்தக்கூடிய வீர வணக்கமாகும்..." more
2. R.Cholan writes from USA We send them the money - so don’t complain "The only thing more grotesque, uglier, than the Sinhalese leadership currently celebrating the murder of Thamil Selvan is the fact that we the expatriate Tamils send them the money for it....The next time you buy a bottle of MD Brand Seeni-Sambol or Katta-Sambol, think about it. Every dollar we give them buys them at least one bullet!" more 3. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan: Tribute to Thamilselvan "Thamilselvan has bid us adieu unexpectedly. Many will be gloating. Many will be grieving. Some will be smiling. Some will be weeping. Those who hated his guts will gloat and smile. Those who loved his dedication to the cause of Tamil liberation will grieve and weep. ...The heroic deaths of brothers and sisters younger than I in the service of Eelam liberation, invigorates me. Though Thamilselvan will be physically missing when I visit our homeland next time, I look forward to meeting him in spirit, in the appropriate venue..." "..There is sobbing of the strong, And a pall upon the land; But the People in their weeping Bare the iron hand: Beware the People weeping When they bare the iron hand..." The Martyr by Herman Melville
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Reflection Tamil Nation & the Unity of India Interrogating 'India' - a Dravidian Viewpoint V.Geetha and S.V.Rajadurai "Ethnicity has been characterized as the 'new spectre haunting the power elites of our times'... It seems to us that this phenomenon of 'ethnicity' is the most visible symptom of an organic crisis of that most sacrosanct of all political institutions - the nation-state. ...Endless platitudes abound about 'national unity' and the catholicity and durability of 'Indian culture'... (but) our national identity has not been forged through a definitive articulation of a national-popular collective will as has been claimed... It seems urgent, then, that we pose certain crucial and important questions about ourselves: How are we a 'nation'? What are the historical and cultural markers of our 'nation-hood'? Is our national identity the product of a `national popular will'?... The Indian state is of course determined to prevent these questions from being asked. In this context it seems logical that we ask: What is the 'Indian' nation we seek to preserve?" more
Tamil National Forum to include Sanmugam Sabesan on எல்லாளன் நடவடிக்கையும், புலம் பெயர் தமிழர்களும் One Hundred Tamils of 20th Century Birth Centenary of U. Muthuramalingam Thevar - Thevar hailed from the Maravar community. Thevar became the leader of the All India Forward Bloc in Tamil Nadu, and was national deputy chairman of the party from 1952 onwards. He worked with Subhas Chandra Bose. He was elected thrice to Parliament.U. Muthuralingam Thevar is revered as a hero and has become an icon in the political life of Tamil Nadu. more |
Tamil Nation Library:Politics to include 1.Profits of War : Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network by Ari Ben-Menashe "Israeli intelligence agent Ari Ben-Menashe who claims he worked for former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir says that he visited Sri Lanka and met President Premadasa, a minister, top officials and the PLO representative in an attempt to sell US C-130 planes to Iran which was forbidden by the United States. He also states that he went to Jaffna on an $8 million arms deal involving the PLO." more2. Men and Memories: Autobiographical Recollections and Reflections - J.R. Jayawardene " In the course of my speech at the Bank of Ceylon's new headquarters building opening on 27 May 1987, I dwelt at some length on the Vadamarachchi operation, and the government's intention to proceed with that till the LTTE forces were defeated. In the evening, Dixit called on me at my home in Ward Place and conveyed a message from Rajiv. The gist of it was written by Dixit on an envelope! It read as follows: 1. Deeply disappointed and distressed. 2. Thousands of civilians killed since 1983 has aroused tremendous indignation. 3. Your latest offensive in Jaffna peninsula has altered the entire basis of our understanding. 4. We cannot accept genocide. 5. Please do not force us to review our policies." more |
Democracy Continues, Sri Lanka Style Reflection 
| "If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) contributed by Satyendra Chelvendra |
International Relations in a Multi Lateral World: to include 1. United States "You Can't Lump All Terrorists Together" - Hillary Clinton Speaks Out "Well, I believe that terrorism is a tool that has been utilized throughout history to achieve certain objectives. Some have been ideological, others territorial. There are personality-driven terroristic objectives. The bottom line is, you can't lump all terrorists together. And I think we've got to do a much better job of clarifying what are the motivations, the raisons d'être of terrorists. I mean, what the Tamil Tigers are fighting for in Sri Lanka, or the Basque separatists in Spain, or the insurgents in al-Anbar province may only be connected by tactics. They may not share all that much in terms of what is the philosophical or ideological underpinning. And I think one of our mistakes has been painting with such a broad brush, which has not been particularly helpful in understanding what it is we were up against when it comes to those who pursue terrorism for whichever ends they're seeking." together with comment by tamilnation.org "Hillary Clinton's remarks are welcome - and given the culture encouraged by the present US administration, her remarks are courageous and opportune..." more | 2. India & China China hails Sonia's 'milestone' visit, for better ties "..China hailed the visit of India's ruling coalition chief Sonia Gandhi as a "milestone" in the history of Sino-Indian relations, with President Hu Jintao saying his country attached great importance to developing friendly ties with New Delhi..." more
Tamil Nation Library: Politics to include The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation - Drew Westen "..Westin tells us that a good story will speak directly to the emotional brains of the left wing and moderates alike, but if it does not anger the 30% on the hard right it has not been entirely successful. This is because a good story must knock down the antagonist as it builds up the protagonist. At the same time the democrats appeal only to reason they are also much too timid in defending the very real values that the party stands for. If Westin is right the democrats need to nominate a truly charismatic candidate and then speak directly to the American heart. It's not enough that the republicans have made a colossal mess. To win, the democrats must offer an emotionally compelling alternative and not be afraid to shout it from the rooftops. Every democrat should read this book..." more |
Reports on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam Week Ending: Sunday, 28 October 2007 Tamil National Forum Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan - Tears of a Kind to the Heroic Twenty One "...In the hearts and minds of Tamils and those who sympathize with the Tamil cause, the twenty one heroic souls who demonstrated their valor and self sacrifice will live, while the names and deeds of warped Oracles, editorial scribblers and contemptible political turncoats would be dumped into the dustbin of history..." more |
| The Heroic Twenty One | "...நீங்கள் வீழ்ந்ததனால் நாங்கள் வாழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.. உங்கள் உடல்கள் சாய்ந்ததால் எங்கள் தலைகள் நிமிர்ந்தன.. இன்று.. நாங்கள் வெறும் கவிதை பாடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.. நீங்களோ.. காவியமாகி விட்டீர்கள்.. காலம் வரும்.. உங்கள் கனவுகள் நனவாகும்..." ManNin Maintharkal, Raj Swarnan | "Because you gave your lives We continue to live... Because your bodies have fallen We stand perpendicular... Today... We... We are simply singing poems You... You have become the song itself... The time will come... When your dreams, Your dreams for the freedom of your people, Will become an enduring reality... The time will come..." Children of Our Soil - English Version by Nadesan Satyendra |
"வாழ்க ஈழத் தமிழகம், தலை நிமிர்ந்து வாழ்கவே..."
| "...A feeling or a thought, the aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power...The idea or sentiment is at first confined to a few men. The attempt to work brings them into conflict with the established power which the idea threatens and there is persecution. The idea creates its martyrs. And in martyrdom there is an incalculable spiritual magnetism which works miracles... It is at this moment that the idea begins to create its heroes and fighters, whose numbers and courage defeat only multiplies and confirms until the idea militant has become the idea triumphant. Such is the history of the idea, so invariable in its broad lines that it is evidently the working of a natural law. But the despot will not recognise this superiority, the teachings of history have no meaning for him... " Sri Aurobindo, 1907 |
Reports on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam LTTE's Anuradhapura Raid: Determination, Bravery & Precision - B. Raman, South Asia Analysis Group, New Delhi, 23 October 2007 " Reliable details of the combined air and land attack launched by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on the Anuradhapura air base of the Sri Lankan Air Force early in the morning of October 22, 2007, indicate that it was neither an act of desperation as projected by the embarrassed Sri Lankan military spokesmen nor an act of needless dramatics as suggested by others. It was an act of unbelievable determination, bravery and precision successfully carried out by a 21-member suicide commando group of the Black Tigers---significantly led by a Tamil from the Eastern Province--- with the back-up support of two planes of the so-called Tamil Eelam Air Force." more together with Comment by tamilnation.org
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Talking Point Nations & Nationalism to include Tamil National Forum to include  Rajaji
1. Srinivasan Varadarajan writes from Chennai on Rajaji & One Hundred Tamils of 20th Century"...It is easy to call anyone especially a Brahmin a casteist in the present times and accuse him of having 'Sathi Veri'. If Rajaji was one such person, he would not have done so many things that he did in his life... I don't want to enter into any debate. I am not here to prove any point. I am concerned with 'Thamizharin otrumaiyum, uyarvum'... If Tamils unite, not against anybody, but per se, they can produce miracles which will heal all their wounds and end all their woes; may be they can become the nucleus of the world community. Then the world will be Tamilnadu, whether identified or not, whether recognised or not..." more together with response by tamilnation.org 2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan - Sixty Cheers for the Central Intelligence Agency "Even though I’m not an American, I have nothing but admiration for some of the spunk and spirit of the Central Intelligence Agency (aka CIA), the American institution which many non-Americans love to hate. Who (other than those in the league of some iron-willed ‘Lefties’ like Fidel Castro) cannot wilt to the dramatics, spunk and the ‘never give-up spirit’ promoted by the CIA, in its 60 years of existence? Yes, CIA celebrates its 60th birthday this year." more
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