| S P Thamilselvan (1967 - 2007) Head of LTTE Political Division, Tamil Eelam "he gave his life for the freedom of his people" வாழ்ந்தவர் கோடி மறைந்தவர் கோடி, மக்களின் மனதில் நிற்பவர் யார்? - மானம் காப்போர் சரித்திரம் தனிலே நிற்கின்றார்... | "..There is sobbing of the strong, And a pall upon the land But the People in their weeping Bare the iron hand: Beware the People weeping When they bare the iron hand..." The Martyr by Herman Melville |  | The Last Words of Thamilchelven at Geneva Talks, 2006
| Brigadier Thamilchelvan - Eelam Song
| நித்தியப் புன்னகை அழகன் இங்கே மீள்துயில் கொள்கிறான்.... இயற்றியவர்: புதுவை இரத்தினதுரை பாடியவர்: எஸ்.ஜி.சாந்தன், வெளியீடு: தமிழீழ தேசியத் தொலைக்காட்சி
| | S P Thamilselvan: Tamil Tigers leader
| S.P. Tamilselvan
|  Prof John Whitehall pays tribute to S. P. Thamilchelvan
Dr John Whitehall is a pediatrician, who works as the Director of Townsville Hospital's Neonatal Unit. John has also saved the lives of children all around the world, doing humanitarian work in often violent and dangerous places. He has worked in the Tamil Homeland in the island of Sri Lanka and pays his tribute to S. P. Thamilchelvan, the political head of the Tamil people.
| A Life of Service to Tamil Eelam... Tribute by Velupillai Pirabakaran, Leader of Tamil Eelam
"தமிழுலகமே ஆழமாக நேசித்த ஒரு அரசியல் தலைவனைச் சிங்கள தேசம் இன்று சாகடித்திருக்கிறது. தமிழீழ மக்களின் மனங்களை வென்ற ஒரு தன்னிகரற்ற தலைவனைச் சிங்களம் பலிகொண்டிருக்கிறது... நீண்ட நெருப்பு நதியாக நகரும் எமது விடுதலை வரலாற்றில் அவன் ஒரு புதிய நெருப்பாக இணைந்திருக்கிறான்."
Thamilchelvan laid to rest, 25 000 attend funeral, 5 November 2007
Tribute by M.Karunandhi, Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu
" The 'Utham Purush' that you are, Your life is not extinguishable nor Would you let your brethren die Selva, you have carved a place for yourself In every Tamil habitat and heart Where have you gone? "
Kanimozhi Karunanidhi: Slaying of Thamilchelvan against the norms of war
Vaiko condemns killing
"Whenever representatives from the various countries in the world and United Nations visited Tamil areas in Sri Lanka, it was Thamilchelvan who met them on behalf of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).He had a special ability to analyze problems, had the talent to tactfully confront his rivals during peace talks and was always able to attract the audience towards him. He led a life of sacrifice."
Tribute by M.Thanapalasingham - தமிழ்ச்செல்வனின் சிரிப்பு மலர்ந்துகொண்டிருக்கும் தமிழீழத்தின் சிரிப்பு
"... இவன் இழப்பிற்கு ஈடில்லை. நாம் அழுவதை அவன் தடுக்கமாட்டான் ஆனால் தளம்பினால் அவன் சகிக்கமாட்டான். எந்த உன்னதமான இலட்சியத்திற்காக தன் உயிரையும் காதலையும் ஈய்வதற்கு அவன் என்றுமே முன்னின்றானோ அந்த இலட்சியத்திற்காக நாம் பன்மடங்கான உறுதியோடு செயல்படுவதே நாம் தமிழ்ச்செல்வனுக்கு செலுத்தக்கூடிய வீர வணக்கமாகும்..." more
Tribute to Thamilselvan - Sachi Sri Kantha
"Thamilselvan has bid us adieu unexpectedly. Many will be gloating. Many will be grieving. Some will be smiling. Some will be weeping. Those who hated his guts will gloat and smile. Those who loved his dedication to the cause of Tamil liberation will grieve and weep. ...The heroic deaths of brothers and sisters younger than I in the service of Eelam liberation, invigorates me. Though Thamilselvan will be physically missing when I visit our homeland next time, I look forward to meeting him in spirit, in the appropriate venue..." more
International Federation of Tamils, Geneva - பலபரிமாணம் கொண்ட தமிழ்ச்செல்வனை இழந்து தவிக்கின்றோம்!
"நமது பணிமனைக்குப் பலதடவை வருகை தந்தும், நம்மோடு தொடர்பு கொண்டும் அனைத்துத் தமிழ் கல்வியாளர்கள், சிந்தனையாளர்களை நாம் இணைத்து, தமிழ் தேசியத்தை ஒன்றுதிரண்ட சக்தியாக்கும் முயற்சியில், ஒன்றுபட்டுழைக்க வேண்டும் என அவர் அறிவுறுத்தியும், உற்சாகப்படுத்தியும் வந்தார்."
Memories of TS - N Malathy
"...I learnt something about the renowned LTTE member view of the world talking to Tamilselvan. It was not said directly, but he - in a very literal sense - did not fear death. He contributed to my understanding of how ready and fearless they are to die. My view is still incomplete; I am still learning. I also had my own criticisms of him. I will strive to understand some of these, too, as time goes on... Most of the western media writing about Tamilselvan after his death said he was the public face of the LTTE. How well he served that role as a smiling rebel cum de-facto prime minister. That is how he will be remembered in history..."
தமிழ் (ஈழத்தின்) செல்வன் - Sanmugam Sanesan
Tribute by Tamil Centre for Human Rights
Tribute by Tamils in USA, 4 November 2007
Tribute by World Tamil Affairs Association, Malaysia
Brig. S P Thamilselvan killed in Sri Lanka Air Force aerial bombardment - LTTE Peace Secretariat, 2 November 2007
Thamilchelvan killed in SLAF air attack - [TamilNet, Friday, 02 November 2007]
Tamil National Alliance salutes Thamilchelvan's selfless sacrifice for the Tamil Eelam struggle
LTTE political leader & 5 others killed in Sri Lanka strike - AFP Report, 2 November 2007
Thamilselvan was a moderate - Hindustan Times, 2 November 2007
பொறுப்பாளர் பிரிகேடியர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் வீரச்சாவு
| A Life of Service to Tamil Eelam... | |    
|  |  | S. P. Thamilchelvan with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahre in Oslo, March 2006 | S. P. Thamilchelvan with Thorbjørn Jagland, President, Norwegian Parliament in Oslo, March 2006 |  |  | S. P. Thamilchelvan with British special peace envoy Paul Murphy, in Tamil Eelam, November 2006 | S. P. Thamilchelvan with Sri Lanka Minister, at Peace Talks in Geneva, October 2006 |  |  | Canadian High-Commissioner for Sri Lanka, Ms. Valerie Raymond with S. P. Thamilchelvan in Tamil Eelam, July 2003 | Japanese Special Peace Envoy Mr.Yasushi Akash with S. P. Thamilchelvan in Tamil Eelam, September 2003 |  |  | Swedish Ambassador Ms. Ann Marie Fallenius with S. P. Thamilchelvan in Tamil Eelam, November 2002 | Danish Ambassador Mr. Michael Sternberg with S. P. Thamilchelvan in Tamil Eelam, September 2003 |  |  | President, Asian Development Bank (ADB, Mr.Tadao Chino, with S. P. Thamilchelvan in Tamil Eelam, March 2003 | S.P.Thamilchevan with UK Shadow Foreign Secretary, Mr. Michael Ancram,M.P., and Lord Ashcroft, September 2003 |
| தமிழுலகமே ஆழமாக நேசித்த ஒரு அரசியல் தலைவனைச் சிங்கள தேசம் இன்று சாகடித்திருக்கிறது: - வே.பிரபாகரன், 3 November 2007
தலைமைச் செயலகம் தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் தமிழீழம். 3 - 11- 2007
எனது அன்பான மக்களே!
சமாதான வழியில் நீதியான முறையிலே எமது மக்களது தேசியப் பிரச்சினைக்கு அமைதித்தீர்வு காணுமாறு அனைத்துலகம் அடுத்தடுத்து அழைப்பு விடுத்தபோதும் சிங்கள தேசத்திலிருந்து நல்லெண்ணம் வெளிப்படவில்லை. பௌத்தத்தின் காருண்யத்தைக் காண முடியவில்லை. சிங்கள தேசம் தனது இதயக் கதவுகளைத் திறந்து சமாதானத் தூதும் அனுப்பவில்லை. மாறாக போர்க்கழுகுகளை ஏவி இராட்சதக் குண்டுகளை வீசியிருக்கிறது. எமது அமைதிப்புறாவைக் கொடூரமாக கோரமாகக் கொன்றழித்திருக்கிறது.
தமிழுலகமே ஆழமாக நேசித்த ஒரு அரசியல் தலைவனைச் சிங்கள தேசம் இன்று சாகடித்திருக்கிறது. தமிழீழ மக்களின் மனங்களை வென்ற ஒரு தன்னிகரற்ற தலைவனைச் சிங்களம் பலிகொண்டிருக்கிறது. எமது சுதந்திர இயக்கத்தின் அரசியற்றுறைப் பொறுப்பாளர் பிரிகேடியர் தமிழ்ச்செல்வனையும் ஏனைய ஐந்து போராளிகளையும் இழந்து இன்று தமிழீழ தேசம் வரலாற்றில் என்றுமில்லாத ஒரு பேரிழப்பைச் சந்தித்திருக்கிறது. இந்த மாபெரும் சோக நிகழ்வு எம்மக்களை அதிர்ச்சியிலும் ஆழ்ந்த துயரத்திலும் ஆழ்த்தியுள்ளது.
தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் எமது சுதந்திர இயக்கத்தில் இணைந்த காலத்திலிருந்தே என்னோடு ஒன்றாக நெருக்கமாக வாழ்ந்தவன். நான் அவனை ஆழமாக அறிந்து ஆழமாகவே நேசித்தேன். எனது அன்புத் தம்பியாகவே வளர்த்தேன். அவனது அழகிய சிரிப்பும் அதனுள் புதைந்த ஆயிரம் அர்த்தங்களையும் அவனுள் அடர்ந்து கிடந்த ஆற்றல்களையும் ஆளுமைகளையும் நான் ஆரம்பத்திலிருந்தே கண்டுகொண்டேன். இலட்சியப் போராளியாக தலைசிறந்த தானைத் தளபதியாக மாபெரும் அரசியல் பொறுப்பாளனாக அனைத்துலகோடும் உறவாடிய இராஜதந்திரியாக பேராற்றல் மிக்க பேச்சுவார்த்தையாளனாக அவனை வளர்த்தெடுத்தேன்.
தான் நேசித்த மண் விடுதலை பெறவேண்டும் தான் நேசித்த மக்கள் சுதந்திரமாக கௌரவமாக பாதுகாப்பாக வாழ வேண்டுமென்று சதா சிந்தித்தான். தான் நேசித்த அந்த மக்களது விடுதலைக்காக விடிவிற்காகத் தன்னையே ஊனாக உருக்கி உறுதியாக உழைத்த ஒரு இலட்சிய நெருப்பு அவன்.
நீண்ட நெருப்பு நதியாக நகரும் எமது விடுதலை வரலாற்றில் அவன் ஒரு புதிய நெருப்பாக இணைந்திருக்கிறான். இந்த இணைவிலே எமது கனத்த இதயங்களில் ஒரு பெரும் இலட்சிய நெருப்பை மூட்டியிருக்கிறான். எமது இலட்சிய உறுதிக்கு உரமேற்றியிருக்கிறான். இந்த உறுதியில் உரம்பெற்று நாம் எமது இலட்சியப் பாதையில் தொடர்ந்தும் உறுதியோடு பயணிப்போம்.
"புலிகளின் தாகம் தமிழீழத் தாயகம்"
(வே. பிரபாகரன்) தலைவர் தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள்.
| Thamilchelvan laid to rest, 25 000 attend funeral, TamilNet, Monday, 05 November 2007More than 25,000 people took part in the funeral procession of LTTE's Political Head and Chief Negotiator S.P. Thamilchelvan, despite the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) Kfir bombers circling over the Ki'linochchi town. The remains of Brigadier Thamilchelvan were taken in procession from the LTTE Peace Secretariat to Ki'linochchi Cooperative Training Hall Monday morning and kept there for the public to pay their last respects till 4:45 p.m., where Liberation Tigers Intelligence Wing Chief Pottu Amman and the new Political Head, P. Nadesan, addresed the gathering. Mr. Thamilchelvan was laid to rest at Kanakapuram Heroes Cemetery at 7:45 p.m. Monday.  Thamilchelvan's wife Sasiroaja, placing her yellow thread of marital union on the remains of her husband.
Mr. Thamilchelvan's funeral cortage towards Heroes cemetery started around 4:45 p.m. and reached the cemetery at 6:15 as SLAF bombers circled over the town.
Several LTTE commanders, officials, religious leaders and Tamil National Alliance parliamentarians took part in the funeral procession.
During the last three days of national mourning announced by the political division of the LTTE, the remains of Thamilchelvan were taken in procession to the twelve sectors (Koaddams) of the LTTE-administered Vanni where thousands of people had paid their last respects to the slain leader.
Meanwhile, LTTE officials in Ki'linochchi said they were receiving hundreds of condolence messages from foreign diplomats, NGO officials and other missions on Sunday and Monday through telephone and email. Thousands of Tamils all over the world were also sending in their condolences through various media outfits and email.
| Tribute by M.Karunandhi, Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu எப்போதும் சிரித்திடும் முகம் - எதிர்ப்புகளை எரித்திடும் நெஞ்சம்!
இளமை இளமை இதயமோ இமயத்தின் வலிமை! வலிமை!
கிழச் சிங்கம் பாலசிங்கம் வழியில் பழமாய் பக்குவம்பெற்ற படைத் தளபதி!
உரமாய் தன்னையும் உரிமைப் போருக்கென உதவிய உத்தம வாலிபன் -
உயிர் அணையான் உடன் பிறப்பணையான்
தமிழர் வாழும் நிலமெலாம் அவர்தம் மனையெலாம் தன்புகழ் செதுக்கிய செல்வா - எங்கு சென்றாய்? Always a smiling face - A heart and mind that burnt obtacles A young, young, heart But Himalayan strength, strength! In the footsteps of the old singham, Balasingham But, a ripened and seasoned army commander An 'Uthama Valipan' who with stern determination, offered himself to help in an 'Urimai Por' - You are not extinguished You have not gone brotherless Selva, you who have carved a place for yourself In every Tamil heart and in every Tamil home - where have you gone? Karunanidhi pays homage to slain LTTE leader, Saturday, 03 November 2007 - Sify
Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Saturday paid homage to a Tamil Tiger leader killed in Sri Lanka a day earlier, suggesting his death could spur the battle for "Tamil rights." In a poem released by the state government, Karunanidhi described S P Thamilchelvan as "a general" who had a "heart that would render the Opposition to ashes." Thamilchelvan, who headed the political wing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and was considered close to LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, was popularly known as ‘Selva.’ He was killed when the Sri Lankan Air Force bombed a rebel base in Kilinochchi in the island's north early on Friday. The LTTE posthumously promoted Thamilchelvan to the rank of a "brigadier." Five senior LTTE military cadres also died in the strike. In his poem, written in a manner as if Karunanidhi was addressing it to Thamilchelvan, the Chief Minister said by dying "(you) turned yourself into fertiliser, for the sake of the struggle for (Tamil) rights."
A prolific writer, Karunanidhi added in his poem:
The 'Utham Purush' that you are, Your life is not extinguishable nor Would you let your brethren die Selva, you have carved a place for yourself In every Tamil habitat and heart Where have you gone?
| International Federation of Tamils, Geneva - பலபரிமாணம் கொண்ட தமிழ்ச்செல்வனை இழந்து தவிக்கின்றோம்! [also in PDF]
தமிழீழ தேசத்தினதும், தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் இயக்கத்தினதும் அரசியல் விவகாரங்களையும், இராஐரீக விவகாரங்களையும் ஒருங்கிணைத்து செயற்படுத்தி வந்த பிரிகேடியர் சுப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்களின் இழப்பு புலம்பெயர் தமிழ் சமூகத்தினிடையே ஆழ்ந்த துயரத்தினை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது.
மிக நீண்ட காலம் தமிழீழ தேசிய தலைவர் வே.பிரபாகரன் அவர்களின் வழிநடத்தலில் தமிழீழ தேசிய விடுதலைப் போருக்கான அரசியல் - இராணுவ முனைகளிற் செயற்பட்டு, செழுமையுற்ற ஞானமும் - முதிர்ச்சியும் கொண்ட முதல் நிலைப் பேச்சுவார்த்தையாளராகச் செயற்பட்டு வந்த திரு.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்களை இழந்தமை தமிழ் தேசியத்துக்கு ஏற்பட்ட மற்றுமொரு துன்பகரமான இழப்பாகும்.
நோர்வே ஏற்பாட்டில் இடம்பெற்ற சமாதான முயற்சிகளின் ஒரு பகுதியாக பல்வேறு சர்வதேச நாடுகளுக்குப் பயணம் சென்ற தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்கள் தமது அரசியல்-இராஐரீகப் பணிகளுக்கு இடையே தமது தனிப்பட்ட பண்புகளால் புலத்தமிழ் அறிஞர்கள், கல்வியாளர்கள், செயற்பாட்டாளர்கள் பலரை ஈர்த்து அவர்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கையூட்டி வந்தார். தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளால் சமர்ப்பிக்கப்பட்ட இடைக்கால தன்னாட்சி சபை தொடர்பான வரைவினை உருவாக்குவாற்காக புலத்துத் தமிழ் அறிஞர்களையுயம் ஈடுபடுத்தி ஒன்றுபட்ட தமிழ் தேசியத்தின் வீச்சை பலப்படுத்துவதில் தமிழ்செல்வன் முன்னுதாரணமாகவும் திகழ்ந்தார்.
நமது பணிமனைக்குப் பலதடவை வருகை தந்தும், நம்மோடு தொடர்பு கொண்டும் அனைத்துத் தமிழ் கல்வியாளர்கள், சிந்தனையாளர்களை நாம் இணைத்து, தமிழ் தேசியத்தை ஒன்றுதிரண்ட சக்தியாக்கும் முயற்சியில், ஒன்றுபட்டுழைக்க வேண்டும் என அவர் அறிவுறுத்தியும், உற்சாகப்படுத்தியும் வந்தார்.
தமிழீழம் விடிவுபெறும் என்ற நம்பிக்கையினை அடித்தளமாகக் கொண்ட இராஐரீக அணுகு முறைகளைகளை பாதுகாத்தவாறு, சர்வதேச செல்நெறியினூடு உருவாகிவரும் தமிழீழத்தின் நலன்களைப் பொருத்திப் பார்த்து - சாத்தியங்களை செயற்படுத்தும் இராஐரீக பார்வையை கொண்டவராக தமிழ்செல்வன் அவர்கள் செயற்பட்டார் என்பதே அவருடனான எமது பணிசார் தொடர்பாடல்களில் நாம் பெற்ற அனுபவமாகும்.
மேலும், சிங்கள தேசியவாத அரசின் இராணுவ நிகழ்ச்சிநிரலை அப்பட்டமாக நிரூபிக்கும் விதத்தில் இந்தப் படுகொலையை சிறீலங்கா செய்துள்ளது. சமாதானத்தினை ஆதரிப்பதாகக் கூறிக்கொள்ளும் சில தரப்புக்களின் இராணுவ ஆதரவுடன் சிறீலங்கா நடாத்தும் இத்தகைய படுகொலை மற்றும் இராணுவ நடவடிக்கைகள் இலங்கைத் தீவினதும் - தென்னாசியாவினதும் உண்மையான அமைதிக்கும், உறுதித்தன்மைக்கும் நீண்டகால பின்னிடைவுகளை ஏற்படுத்த கூடிய திசையில் பயணிக்கின்றன. ஒடுக்கப்பட்ட மக்கள் மீது திணிக்கப்படும் இராணுவ வன்முறைகள் மூலம் சமாதானமும், இணக்கமும் ஏற்படா என்பதை சமாதானத்தினை ஆதரிப்பதாகக் கூறியவாறு இராணுவ வழியில் உதவும் நாடுகள் உணர்வதே உண்மையான சமாதானத்தினை இலங்கைத்தீவில் ஏற்படுத்த வழிசமைக்கும்.
பிரிகேடியர் சுப.தமிழ்செல்வன் விட்டுச்சென்ற பணிகளை, அவர் விரும்பியது போன்றே, தமிழீழ தேசியத் தலைவரின் வழிநடத்தலில் நிறைவேற்ற, புலத்தமிழ்ச் சமூகம் உழைக்கும். சுப.தமிழ்செல்வனின் இழப்பால் துன்புறும் அவரது குடும்பத்தினர், நண்பர்கள் மற்றும் பொது மக்களின் உணர்வுகளுடன் நாமும் இணைந்து கொள்கின்றோம்.
அனைத்துலக தமிழர் கூட்டமைப்பு - ஐனீவா
Deprived of a many faceted hero... [also in PDF] The passing away of Brigadier SP Thamilselvan has triggered a tidal wave of immense sorrow amidst the entire Tamil Diaspora. Our loss is a loss of a leader who served tirelessly, co-ordinating the political and diplomatic affairs of Tamil Ealam as well as those of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam,. Journeying for a very long time under the guidance of the Tamil Ealam national leader V.Pirabakaran, Thamilselvan gained sophisticated maturity and wisdom at the political and military fronts of the liberation struggle, and emerged as the chief negotiator and spokesman. It is the tragic loss of this great son of Tamil Ealam that we now mourn. In the midst of his several trips abroad as a part of the peace process facilitated by Norway, he charmed with his unique characteristics many an expatriate Tamil intellectual, educationist and activist, inspiring them all with hope. He engaged a number of legal and political experts from among the Tamil Diaspora into drafting the ISGA (Interim Self Governing Authority) the proposal offered by the LTTE to the government of Sri Lanka and the international community. On several occasions he visited our office and maintained constant contact, encouraging us to pool together the resources of our academics and intellectuals with a view to building Tamil nationalism into a formidable force. Tamilselvan operated with the vision of maintaining diplomatic approaches founded on the firm belief that Tamil Ealam is sure to dawn and assessing the interests of Tamil Ealam in the light of international principles and modalities. This is the impression we gained of him from our communications. Sri Lanka has perpetrated this heinous crime, unambiguously exposing the military agenda of a Sinhala nationalistic regime. Such atrocities and military operations carried out with the military support of certain quarters that claim to be advocates of peace, are moving in the direction of causing setbacks for the genuine peace and stability of that Island and South Asia.To establish enduring peace in Sri Lanka, those countries that support the country militarily while overtly declaring to support peace, should realize that peace and conciliation could never be achieved through violence perpetrated against an oppressed people. The Tamil diaspora will toil hard under the guidance of the national leader of Tamil Ealam, holding on to the inspirations that Tamilselvan has bequeathed to us and treading the path of his dreams. We remain united with the bereaved family, friends and all others at this moment of sorrow and pain.
| Memories of TS - N Malathy
The 2002 ceasefire agreement threw Tamilselvan truly into the international stage. For many Diaspora Tamils like me that was the first time his name became a familiar one. It was also a time when the Diaspora Tamils were attracted to Tamil Eelam. Hundreds of thousands of them came with many different goals. I came too to see if I have any role here in peacetime.
My first few hours in Tamil Eelam were to become a scene setter for me. The driver of the vehicle in which I traveled from Colombo took me to the Head Quarters of the Political Wing to meet Tamilselvan. Since nobody there knew me, I was made to wait a few hours at the PR office nearby.
There was a 16-year-old girl there, who had been brought to the PR office by her mother. Initially the mother said that the girl was recently released from the LTTE through the Transit Camp run by UNCEF as part of the 2003 Action Plan. They had come to collect some certificates, she said. But when their turn to meet the officer came, the girl suddenly revealed her real intention. She refused to go back with the mother. The PR officer was faced with the only option: advising the mother to leave her daughter at the educational training centre. The outraged mother stripped the girl of all her jewels and left, cursing everyone. To me, this was the beginning of trying to understand the “child soldier” issue within the LTTE. I had just seen an aspect of this that I had not read about. Three years later, I heard a UNICEF Head referring to this issue of child soldiers as a “sexy issue,” which in some way completed my three year process of understanding this issue.
Based on this first impression of a 16 year old at the PR office, when I met Tamilselvan a couple of hours later, I told him rather strongly that there is a need to research and report on this phenomenon and that the LTTE has failed to do this. I hardly realized at that time how weak this aspect, that of explaining “the various issues of the LTTE” to the western society, was.
Tamilselvan responded to my comment approvingly in his characteristic manner of acknowledging a Tamil person who has said something worthy. This involves some loud laughter and some characteristic Tamil phrases. Then and there, he promised me to give complete freedom to study the issue and write about it. This was in early 2004. He understood what I am about immediately.
Tamilselvan kept to his promise and gave me a vehicle to travel wherever I like to speak to badly affected children in varying situations. As I gained an insight into the picture first hand, I was outraged at the skewed representation of the “child soldier” issue in the media. I wrote a few articles and produced some documentaries. But that was to be only part of the picture.Over the next three years, I had more in-depth dealing with this issue, first at NESOHR and later at the Child Protection Authority (CPA). It is a revealing, enlightening, deeply upsetting, complex topic. During the last year of my work at the CPA, I had my most frequent contact with Tamilselvan about the “child soldier” issue. It was a very rewarding working relationship. His grasp of issues at all levels and his ability to listen with a smile to griping comments of all sorts made him an outstanding leader to work with on such a thorny issue.
Tamilselvan's commitment to ending the “child soldier” issue is what gave me the confidence to take a major role within the CPA. I was not disappointed. His commitment to ending under-18 recruitment was real. He felt hurt throughout 2006 when the media and international VIPs failed to recognize the strenuous efforts that were being made by the LTTE and himself in particular. He told me that he would take full responsibility to end new underage recruitment and he did. He had handed the task of releasing those who had already joined the LTTE to Thiagaraja, another senior LTTE member. Between the three of us there have been endless discussions, complaints, communiqués on how to deal with this internally to end it and, externally, to educate the media and the international VIPs about the genuine efforts that were being made by him, the CPA and the LTTE.
However many people there were in Tamilselvan's meetings and however many differing opinions those people held, his meetings were always harmonious. Is it because of the LTTE discipline? I think not. He had the ability to direct meetings. On a greater scale, he managed a massive sub-organization of various branches of the political division. It is something that an outsider would hardly know about. Something even I, after being here for more than three years, do not know about fully. He managed it brilliantly. He spread a warm Tamilselvan space around him, within which everyone felt comfortable working. Both LTTE members and non-members alike kind of swam in it. All doubts were referred to him and his advice sought. That is not to say that they were always accepted like an order, but it was always good to seek his view. It was more than his intelligence and competence that helped create this aura. It was his truly selfless service.
I learnt something about the renowned LTTE member view of the world talking to Tamilselvan. It was not said directly, but he - in a very literal sense - did not fear death. He contributed to my understanding of how ready and fearless they are to die. My view is still incomplete; I am still learning. I also had my own criticisms of him. I will strive to understand some of these, too, as time goes on.
Tamilselvan treated people with the greatest of respect. Many people close to him commented after his death about his constant reprimands for not taking enough safety precautions from the incessant aerial bombardments. He inquired after the bunker facilities available to me at the places where I worked. He did that to many people. Alas, his fondness for his office/residence has made him neglect his own safety.
Most of the western media writing about Tamilselvan after his death said he was the public face of the LTTE. How well he served that role as a smiling rebel cum de-facto prime minister. That is how he will be remembered in history. |
Tribute by Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR
TAMIL CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS - TCHR/CTDH CENTRE TAMOUL POUR LES DROITS DE L'HOMME (Established in 1990) (UN accredited NGO to the World Summit on Information Society and the Warsaw Conference) www.tchr.net
Ref : QX027/UA/2007 November 2, 2007
Political chief negotiator killed by Sri Lanka Air Force
TCHR is shocked and saddened to hear the news that Political head, Chief negotiator, diplomat, Humanitarian co-ordinator and Brigadier, S P Thamilselvan was killed along with five others in Kilinochchi by the Sri Lankan Air Force, today Friday 2 November 2007.
Thamilselvan was engaged in many political negotiations with the various governments of Sri Lanka over several years, with the unwavering intention of bringing a negotiated political solution to the people in the North East. In the latest negotiations in Thailand, Norway, Germany and Japan he played an important role in giving the views of the people who were severely affected by decades of bloody war.
Thamilselvan was the main co-ordinator of the 2003 proposal to fulfil the political aspirations of the Tamil people – the Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) – which was handed over to the Government of Sri Lanka on 30 October 2003. At the same time he called for a discussion with the government. However, even though this ISGA proposal was welcomed by the International community, the government of Sri Lanka rejected it without any discussion whatsoever.
When the ISGA proposal was released during a press conference in Kilinochchi, on 1 November 2003, Tamilselvan said the following :
........."We took up arms as a matter of self-defense and fight against unlawful military occupation of our natural habitat. With the advent of peace and a conducive environment for political negotiations, we are now engaged in this exercise with sincere commitment.
........" We have asked the Royal Norwegian Government to arrange for a meeting at which we can discuss this proposal, in their presence, with the representatives of the GOSL at a mutually convenient time and venue.
"We look forward to continuing our dialogue with the GOSL and to reaching rapid agreement on the creation of an Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) so as to effectively bring normalcy and economic development to the Tamil People in the NorthEast.
"We trust the creation of the ISGA will provide a conducive environment for negotiating towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the island."
We hope that the international community would have taken note that the call by Thamilselvan in October 2003, fell on the deaf ears of the Sri Lankan government.
Being the political head and negotiator, Thamilselvan met many diplomats, VIPs, Ministers and others around the world.
His death is a severe blow to all who want a peaceful negotiated political settlement in the island.
We, TCHR, strongly condemn this barbaric act of the government of Sri Lanka – the killing of a tireless peace negotiator. Also we take this opportunity to express our heartfelt condolences to the families of Thamilselvan and the five other persons who were also killed in this incident.
"Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country" -- Bertrand Russell
HEAD OFFICE: Tamil Centre for Human Rights - TCHR/CTDH 9, rue des Peupliers - 95140 Garge les Gonesse - FRANCE
Contact person : S. V. Kirubaharan – General Secretary Tel/Fax: + 33 1 42 67 54 36 - Email: [email protected] /
| Tribute by Tamils in USA, 4 November 2007Tamils all over the world are saddened by the death of Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan, Chief Negotiator and Political Head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. He was assassinated by the Sri Lankan government air force which targeted and fired at him from the air. Such targeted assassination is yet another illegal act of the government of Sri Lanka. The Tamils all over the world are one with his family in mourning the loss of a great man. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family and the families of Anpumani (Alex), Mihuthan, Nethagy, Adchivel, and Mavaikkumaran who were also killed in the air attack.
Mr. Tamilselvan was completely dedicated to the Tamil quest for the realization of their right to self-determination. He believed that through diplomatic means both the Sinhala nation and the Tamil nation could exercise their right to self-determination and peacefully co-exist on the island of Sri Lanka. He has worked tirelessly to shed light upon the sufferings of the Tamil people under the yoke of the permanent Sinhala domination and has articulated the moral justifications of the Tamil cause to the international community. He told the Tamil story in a persuasive and meaningful manner. The assassination of Mr. Tamilselvan is an irreparable loss to both the Tamil nation and the peace process. With an ever smiling face coupled with confidence and firmness he worked with various international diplomats and earned their respect.
Mr. Tamilselvan firmly believed that the Tamils’ quest for self-determination is, in essence, a campaign for the right of democratic entitlement. He envisioned a democratic Tamil Eelam. The Interim Self Governing Authority (ISGA) proposal [which was prepared under the able leadership of Mr. Tamilselvan] guarantees the rule of law and contains the framework for the establishment of democratic institutions with an emphasis on human-rights. He played a crucial role in the formation of the North East Secretariat of Human Rights (NESoHR) to protect and promote the human rights of the people in the de facto state of Tamil Eelam.
The Tamils all over the world strongly condemn this targeted assassination. It is illegal under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Principles on Effective Prevention and Investigation of the Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions. We call upon the international community to join us in condemning this terrorist act. We also believe that any material support provided by the international community in support of the government of Sri Lanka facilitated this terrorist act.
The Tamil National Leader Mr. Pirabaharan has called Mr. Tamilselvan the “peace dove” of the Tamil nation. We are bewildered to learn that he was on the top of the GOSL’s hit list, as targeting the Chief Negotiator would be a clear indication that the Sinhala nation still seeks to resolve the Tamil national question through military means.
By targeting the Chief Negotiator, the Sinhala racism of the GOSL is sending a clear message to the Tamil nation and the international community that it is not interested in a negotiated settlement.
We hope that the international community will charter a new course that guarantees the basic human rights of all individuals and the equality of all nations in the island of Sri Lanka. We believe that such a course would promote peace and stability in South Asia.
Association of Tamil Americans, USA Carolina Tamil Americans Illankai Tamil Sangam – California, USA Illankai Tamil Sangam – Florida, USA Illankai Tamil Sangam – USA Ilankai Tamil Sangam –Texas, USA Ohio Tamil Association – Ohio, USA Tamil Refugees Rehabilitation Organization - California Tamil Youth Organization - USA Tamil Welfare and Human Rights Committee – District of Columbia, USA World Tamil Women Organization – USA World Tamil Coordinating Committee – USA | World Tamil Affairs Association, Malaysia No 10, Jalan Changgai, 46000, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Tel/Fax: 603-79682321. h/p: 016-6880455 e.mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Dear Sir,
Our heartfelt condolences to LTTE and the family of late S.P.Thamiselvan who died in a brutal airstrike. The world Tamils are indeed sad and shocked over this incident. We believe that Thamilselvan has contirubted to the peace efforts in Sri Lanka. His service to international peace and brotherhood shall be long remembered. We also strongly condemn the air raid by the Sri Lankan air force. We pray that the soul of Thamilselvan will rest in peace.yours sincerely,
Eashvara Lingam Protem President |
Brig. S P Thamilselvan killed in Sri Lanka Air Force aerial bombardment - LTTE Peace Secretariat, 2 November 2007
The LTTE Head quarters announced that the Head of the LTTE Political Division, S P Thamilselvan, was killed in a Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombardment today at 6.00 am. The full text of the announcement made by the LTTE Head Quarters is as follows: “With deep sorrow we announce to the people of Tamil Eelam, the Tamil people living all over the world and the international community that at 6.00am today, Friday 2nd November 2007, Head of our organization’s Political Division, Brig. S P Thamilselvan was killed by the Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombing. With him Lt Col Anpumani (Alex), Major Mihuthan, Major Nethagy, Lt Adchgivel, and Lt Mavaikkumaran were also killed.
Seeran Secretary LTTE Head Quarters”
| Thamilchelvan killed in SLAF air attack - [TamilNet, Friday, 02 November 2007] S.P. Thamilchelvan, Liberation Tigers Political Head was killed in Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) aerial bombardment Friday morning in Ki'linochchi. The Head Quarters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) in a press communique said it was conveying the loss of Brigadier Thamilchelvan with profound sadness to the people of Tamil Eelam, the Tamil Diaspora and the Global Community. The Sri Lanka Air Force attack has specifically targeted the residence of the members of the Political Division.
The Secretary General at the Head Quarters of the LTTE, S. Cheeran said the LTTE Political Head was killed in the SLAF bombardment that took place at 6:00 a.m. Friday along with Lt. Col. Anpumani (Alex), Major Mikuthan, Major Neathaaji, Lt. Aadchiveal and Lt. Maavaikkumaran. The LTTE has conferred its highest military rank, Brigadier, to Mr. Thamilchelvan.
| Tamil National Alliance salutes Thamilchelvan's selfless sacrifice for the Tamil Eelam struggle [TamilNet, Friday, 02 November 2007]Sri Lanka’s largest Tamil political party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Friday expressed its shock at the killing in a government airstrike of Mr S. P. Thamilchelvan the LTTE’s Chief Negotiator and head of its Political Wing and five other LTTE officials. The TNA said the targeted killing of the LTTE’s Chief Negotiator underlined President Mahinda Rajapakse’s insincerity towards a negotiated solution, the TNA also said.
Saluting Mr Thamilchelvan's "selfless sacrifice for the Tamil Eelam struggle" the TNA said it joined the rest of the Tamil community in saluting him and the other LTTE officials killed by the Sri Lanka Air Force bombing.
"We salute his services to the Tamil people and selfless sacrifice for the Tamil Eelam struggle," the brief media release said.
"Although his death is destined to create thousands of new Thamilchelvans who will doubtless serve our freedom struggle with dedication, we shudder at the repercussions for peace of this act by the Sri Lanka government," the TNA said.
The TNA said it joined the Tamil community and activists in saluting and paying tribute to Mr. Thamilchelvan and the other LTTE officials killed in Friday’s airstrike on their residence.
Speaking to TamilNet Friday, Mr. Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, of the TNA’s Foreign Affairs Committee said that the targeted killing of Mr. Thamilchelvan underlined the insincerity of the Rajapakse government’s peace claims.
"In our meetings with numerous representatives of the international community, the TNA repeatedly stated that the Sri Lankan state was not committed to negotiating an equitable solution,” he said. “Despite our warnings, the state was fully backed in its hard line."
"When President Rajapakse came to power, the shift to a military track became much more pronounced. But when we protested to many members of the international community, we were told that this was only to get the LTTE to come to the negotiating table."
"The targeted killing of the LTTE’s Chief Negotiator, in our view, means there can no longer be any illusion as to the State’s interest in negotiating a lasting solution. In this context, the Tamil community will be closely watching the actions of the international community vis-à-vis its repeatedly stated commitment to a negotiated peace."
| LTTE political leader killed with 5 others in Sri Lanka strike - AFP Report, 2 November 2007 COLOMBO (AFP) ... S.P. Thamilselvan, 40, the public face of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, died with five others in an attack by the Sri Lankan air force on rebel-held territory, the Tigers reported. He was the highest-ranking member of the LTTE to be killed by government forces in the 35-year separatist campaign. The defence ministry said it had targeted a venue where rebel leaders were meeting and scored a direct hit, taking out the highest-ranking guerrilla to be killed in three and a half decades of fighting. The LTTE immediately declared three days of mourning and named Thamilselvan a brigadier, the highest rank conferred posthumously to any guerrilla by elusive supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran since the group's formation in 1972. Thamilselvan, who led a peace-negotiating team at talks with the Sri Lankan government that were hosted by Switzerland last year, had emerged as a de facto number two in the LTTE. The Sri Lankan air force had several times ferried him from rebel-held territory to the international airport to attend peace talks between September 2002 and October last year. A further and last round of talks led by Thamilselvan in October 2006 ended in failure and led to more bloodshed in the fight for a Tamil homeland that has left tens of thousands dead since 1972. Military officials said Friday they had received a report of a top-level gathering near the northern town of Kilinochchi, the political capital of the LTTE where Thamilselvan was based, and ordered the air raids. "We had information about a high-level gathering and it was after that the jets were sent to bomb the area," a military source here said. "Sri Lanka air force jet fighters targeted with air strikes Thiruvaiaru, south of Kilinochchi, a venue where LTTE leaders gathered at 6:00 am today," the defence ministry said in a statement before the LTTE announcement. Later, the ministry said "pin-point" bombing took out Thamilselvan and five others. "The killing of Thamilselvan is a big blow to the LTTE politically," said former Tamil militant turned political leader Dharmalingam Sithadthan. "It is also a big morale booster for the air force after their big loss last month." Tamil Tiger rebels staged a devastating attack against a key air base on October 22 and wiped out virtually the entire fleet of spy planes, inflicting the biggest single loss on the air force. He had also been an active combatant who was injured while leading an offensive on an army camp in 1993 and survived a 2002 bomb attack said to have been carried out by Sri Lankan security forces. "(The) head of our organisation's political division, Brigadier S.P. Thamilselvan, was killed by the Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombing," the LTTE said in a statement. The guerrillas named five other victims of Friday's strike, including a senior LTTE photographer who had travelled to Europe, Thailand and Japan with Thamilselvan to attend Norwegian-brokered peace talks since 2002. Thamilselvan's killing follows the death of former chief negotiator Anton Balasingham last December. He had been an understudy of Balasingham -- the key contact for Norwegian peacebrokers -- who died of cancer at his home in London.
| Thamilselvan was a moderate - Hindustan Times, 2 November 2007
SP Thamilselvan, the Head of the LTTE's political wing, who was killed in Kilinochchi on Friday in an air raid conducted by the Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF), was a political moderate, LTTE watchers say.
"Though he had been a military man for very many years since joining the LTTE in 1984, Thamilselvan could be considered a political moderate in the context of the LTTE's overall militant orientation," a source who had interacted with him closely told Hindustan Times.
Like many young Tamil men did in the years following the anti-Tamil pogrom in Colombo in 1983, Thamilselvan joined the then nascent armed struggle. And like others of that time, he was taken to India for training in basic military tactics, weapons handling and sabotage techniques.
When he came back, he took part in several military operations in North Sri Lanka, including the abortive bid to storm the Elephant Base base camp in 1992. He was wounded in the stomach and the leg and had to be retired from active military service.
But seeing his potential for being a political activist, LTTE chief Prabhakaran began to groom him as a successor to Thileepan who had died in a fast unto death campaign against the activities of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in the late eighties.
Thamilselvan did not speak English, nor was he an ideologue, unlike the late Dr.Anton Balasingham. Therefore, as long as Balasingham was physically fit and enjoyed the confidence of Prabhakaran, Tamilsevlan had to play second fiddle as far as the foreign media and the international community were concerned.
But Balasingham was mostly abroad. Later he became very ill with a kidney complaint and died. During this period, from the mid 1990s to mid 2000s, Thamilselvan was made to interact with the international community and the media, both Sri Lankan and non-Sri Lankan. What he said in Tamil was translated into English and Sinhala by George, a retired post master.
Except in the first round of talks with the Sri Lankan government led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in 2002-2003, Thamilselvan had participated in all the remaining five rounds. After the eclipse of Anton Balasingham, Thamilselvan led the LTTE's delegation in its talks with the government led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2006.
| பொறுப்பாளர் பிரிகேடியர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் வீரச்சாவு [வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, 02 நவம்பர் 2007, 01:21 PM ஈழம்] [தாயக செய்தியாளர்]
சிறிலங்கா வான்படையின் வான்குண்டுத் தாக்குதலில் தமிழீழ அரசியல்துறைப் பொறுப்பாளர் பிரிகேடியர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் வீரச்சாவடைந்துள்ளதாக தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் அறிவித்துள்ளனர். இது தொடர்பாக தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் வெளியிட்டுள்ள அறிக்கை:
தலைமைச் செயலகம், தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள், கிளிநொச்சி 2007.11.02
பிரிகேடியர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்கள் வீரச்சாவு
இன்று காலை ஆறு மணியளவில் எமது அமைப்பின் அரசியல்துறைப் பொறுப்பாளர் பிரிகேடியர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்களும் லெப். கேணல் அன்புமணி (அலெக்ஸ்), மேஜர் மிகுதன், மேஜர் நேதாஜி, லெப். ஆட்சிவேல், லெப். மாவைக்குமரன் ஆகியோரும் சிறிலங்கா வான்படையின் குண்டுவீச்சுத் தாக்குதலில் வீரச்சாவடைந்தனர் என்பதை தமிழீழ மக்களுக்கும் உலகெங்கும் வாழும் தமிழ் மக்களுக்கும் பன்னாட்டுச் சமூகத்திற்கும் ஆழ்ந்த வருத்தத்துடன் தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கின்றோம்.
சோ.சீரன், செயலர், தலைமைச் செயலகம்
என்று அதில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
1984 ஆம் ஆண்டு முதல்...
தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள் அமைப்பில் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் 1984 ஆம் ஆண்டில் தன்னை இணைத்துக்கொண்டார்.
தமிழகத்தில் விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் 4 ஆவது பயிற்சி முகாமில் அவர் பயிற்சியைப்பெற்று தமிழகத்தில் தமிழீழ தேசியத் தலைவர் அவர்களின் தனிப்பட்ட இணைப்பாளராக பணியாற்றினார்.
1986 இல் தமிழீழ தேசியத் தலைவர் அவர்கள் தமிழகத்திலிருந்து தமிழீழ தாயகம் வருவதற்கு முன் தாயகத்துக்கு வந்து களநிலைமைகள் பற்றிய தகவல்களை திரட்டி மீளவும் தமிழகம் சென்று திரும்பவும் தமிழீழ தேசியத் தலைவர் அவர்களுடன் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் தாயகம் திரும்பினார். அப்போது அவரின் விடுதலைப் புலிகள் அமைப்பின் பெயர் தினேஸ் என்பதாகும்.
தேசியத் தலைவர் அவர்களுடன் தாயகம் திரும்பிய அவர், 1987 மே மாதம் யாழ். தென்மராட்சி கோட்டப் பொறுப்பாளராக நியமிக்கப்பட்டார். 1991 வரை அப்பதவியில் அவர் நீடித்தார். இந்தியப் படைகளுக்கு எதிரான போரில் தென்மராட்சியில் நின்று தாக்குதல் நடவடிக்கைகளை அவர் மேற்கொண்டார். 1991 இல் யாழ். மாவட்ட சிறப்புத் தளபதியாக செயற்பட்டார். 1993 இல் தமிழீழ அரசியல்துறைப் பொறுப்பாளர் என்ற நிலையை அவர் பெற்று கடைசிவரை அந்தப் பொறுப்பில் இருந்தார். 1994-1995 இல் சந்திரிகா அரசுடனான அமைதிப் பேச்சுவார்த்தையில் விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் அணிக்கு தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் தலைமை தாங்கினார்.
2002 ஆம் ஆண்டு நோர்வே அனுசரணையிலான பேச்சுவார்த்தைக்குழுவில் "தேசத்தின் குரல்" அன்ரன் பாலசிங்கம் அவர்களுடன் இருந்து பின்னர் பேச்சுவார்த்தைக் குழுவின் தலைமைப்பணியை செய்து வந்தார்.
அமைதிப் பேச்சுக்களில் வெளிநாடுகளின் முதன்மைப் பிரதிநிதிகளுடன் சந்திப்புக்களை மேற்கொண்டு சிறிலங்கா அரசின் அமைதிப் பேச்சுக்களின் உண்மை முகத்தை வெளிப்படுத்தியவர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன்.
படைத்துறை வழியில் அவரின் செயற்பாடுகள்
1991 இல் ஆகாய கடல்வெளி நடவடிக்கையிலும் 1992 இல் சிறிலங்கா படையினரின் "பலவேகய - 02" எதிர்ச்சமரிலும் முதன்மையானதாக இருந்தது. மேலும் தச்சன்காடு சிறிலங்காப் படைமுகாம் மீதான தாக்குதல் காரைநகரில் சிறிலங்காப் படையினர் மீதான தாக்குதல் ஆகியவற்றிலும் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் அவர்கள் முதன்மைப் பங்காற்றினார். 1991 இல் மன்னார் சிலாபத்துறை சிறிலங்காப் படைத்தளம் மீதான தாக்குதலுக்கு அவர் தளபதியாக செயற்பட்டார். ஆகாய கடல்வெளிச் சமரில் அவர் விழுப்புண்பட்டார்.
பூநகரி சிறிலங்கா படைத்தளம் மீதான "தவளை நடவடிக்கை"யில் பங்காற்றிய அவர் தன்னுடைய காலில் விழுப்புண்பட்டார். "ஒயாத அலைகள் - 03" நடவடிக்கையில் தென்மராட்சி தனங்கிளப்பு சிறிலங்கா படைத்தளம் அழிப்பு உள்ளிட்ட தென்மராட்சிப்பகுதி மீட்புத்தாக்குதலில் கட்டளைத் தளபதியாக அவர் பங்காற்றினார். தன்னுடைய அரசியல் பணி மூலம் அதிகம் மக்கள் மனதில் நிறைந்தவராக சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் விளங்கினார். தாயகத்திலும் புலம்பெயர் தமிழ்மக்கள் மத்தியிலும் தமிழ்நாட்டிலும் அன்பையும் மதிப்பையும் பெற்றவராக அவர் விளங்கினார்.
அமைதி நடவடிக்கையில் தமிழினத்தின் விடுதலைக் கொள்கையில் உறுதியாக நின்று எதிரிகளின் ஏமாற்று நடவடிக்கைகளை அம்பலப்படுத்தியவர் அவர்.
மேலும் பன்னாட்டு இராஜதந்திரிகள் மத்தியில் பெருமதிப்பை பெற்றிருந்தவர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன்.