Whats New Archive - October 2007 -Week Ending: Sunday, 28 October 2007 Tamil National Forum Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan - Tears of a Kind to the Heroic Twenty One "...In the hearts and minds of Tamils and those who sympathize with the Tamil cause, the twenty one heroic souls who demonstrated their valor and self sacrifice will live, while the names and deeds of warped Oracles, editorial scribblers and contemptible political turncoats would be dumped into the dustbin of history..." more |
| The Heroic Twenty One | "...நீங்கள் வீழ்ந்ததனால் நாங்கள் வாழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.. உங்கள் உடல்கள் சாய்ந்ததால் எங்கள் தலைகள் நிமிர்ந்தன.. இன்று.. நாங்கள் வெறும் கவிதை பாடிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.. நீங்களோ.. காவியமாகி விட்டீர்கள்.. காலம் வரும்.. உங்கள் கனவுகள் நனவாகும்..." ManNin Maintharkal, Raj Swarnan | "Because you gave your lives We continue to live... Because your bodies have fallen We stand perpendicular... Today... We... We are simply singing poems You... You have become the song itself... The time will come... When your dreams, Your dreams for the freedom of your people, Will become an enduring reality... The time will come..." Children of Our Soil - English Version by Nadesan Satyendra |
"வாழ்க ஈழத் தமிழகம், தலை நிமிர்ந்து வாழ்கவே..."
| "...A feeling or a thought, the aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power...The idea or sentiment is at first confined to a few men. The attempt to work brings them into conflict with the established power which the idea threatens and there is persecution. The idea creates its martyrs. And in martyrdom there is an incalculable spiritual magnetism which works miracles... It is at this moment that the idea begins to create its heroes and fighters, whose numbers and courage defeat only multiplies and confirms until the idea militant has become the idea triumphant. Such is the history of the idea, so invariable in its broad lines that it is evidently the working of a natural law. But the despot will not recognise this superiority, the teachings of history have no meaning for him... " Sri Aurobindo, 1907 |
Reports on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam LTTE's Anuradhapura Raid: Determination, Bravery & Precision - B. Raman, South Asia Analysis Group, New Delhi, 23 October 2007 " Reliable details of the combined air and land attack launched by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on the Anuradhapura air base of the Sri Lankan Air Force early in the morning of October 22, 2007, indicate that it was neither an act of desperation as projected by the embarrassed Sri Lankan military spokesmen nor an act of needless dramatics as suggested by others. It was an act of unbelievable determination, bravery and precision successfully carried out by a 21-member suicide commando group of the Black Tigers---significantly led by a Tamil from the Eastern Province--- with the back-up support of two planes of the so-called Tamil Eelam Air Force." more together with Comment by tamilnation.org
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Talking Point Nations & Nationalism to include Tamil National Forum to include  Rajaji
1. Srinivasan Varadarajan writes from Chennai on Rajaji & One Hundred Tamils of 20th Century"...It is easy to call anyone especially a Brahmin a casteist in the present times and accuse him of having 'Sathi Veri'. If Rajaji was one such person, he would not have done so many things that he did in his life... I don't want to enter into any debate. I am not here to prove any point. I am concerned with 'Thamizharin otrumaiyum, uyarvum'... If Tamils unite, not against anybody, but per se, they can produce miracles which will heal all their wounds and end all their woes; may be they can become the nucleus of the world community. Then the world will be Tamilnadu, whether identified or not, whether recognised or not..." more together with response by tamilnation.org 2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan - Sixty Cheers for the Central Intelligence Agency "Even though I’m not an American, I have nothing but admiration for some of the spunk and spirit of the Central Intelligence Agency (aka CIA), the American institution which many non-Americans love to hate. Who (other than those in the league of some iron-willed ‘Lefties’ like Fidel Castro) cannot wilt to the dramatics, spunk and the ‘never give-up spirit’ promoted by the CIA, in its 60 years of existence? Yes, CIA celebrates its 60th birthday this year." more
Week Ending: Sunday, 21 October 2007 Reflections 1."...We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way... Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of. And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake."" Viktor Emil Frankl in Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning 2."... There are in every part of the world men who search. I am not a prisoner of history. I should not seek there for the meaning of my destiny. I should constantly remind myself that the real leap consists in the introduction of invention into existence. In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself..." Frantz Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks, 1952 |
Reports on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam LTTE on its last legs in Wanni says Sri Lanka State Controlled Observer together with Comment by tamilnation.org "A careful reading of the views expressed by the Sri Lanka State Controlled Observer may lead the reader to conclude that it is President Rajapakse's government which may be on its last legs. Faced with the prospect of losing his slim majority in Parliament (a regime change which the so called 'international community' may welcome for its own reasons) President Rajapakse appears to have felt the need to shore up his support base.." more |
Tamil National Forum Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia மனித உரிமை ஆணையாளரின் வருகையால் விளைந்த, மனித உரிமை மீறல்கள் "...மேற்குலகத்தினூடாகத் தமக்கு ஏதேனும் பிரச்சனைகள், அழுத்தங்கள் என்று சிலவேளைகளில் வந்தால், தன்னுடைய(!) நாட்டின் கேந்திர ஸ்தானத்தை வைத்து, மேற்குலகிற்கு எதிரானவர்களோடு உறவாடுவதன் மூலம் இவர்களையும் எதிர்க்க முடியும் என்பதுவும் மகிந்தவின் கணிப்பு. இந்தக் கணிப்புக்களின் அடிப்படையில்தான் மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச செயல்படுகின்றார்... " more |
International Relations in an Asymmetric Multilateral World 1. Sathyam Commentary Thank you, Ambassador Robert Blake... - Nadesan Satyendra "..The Sri Lankan military has achieved important victories in the past year, including the defeat of the LTTE in the east and the sinking of many rebel tankers used to deliver military and other supplies to the Tamil Tigers. Such victories and US support for Sri Lanka should demonstrate to the LTTE that they cannot hope to win this conflict..." US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Robert Blake, 13 October 2007 more
2. Thank you, President Bush - Paul Coelho "...Thank you for allowing us - an army of anonymous people to know what it feels like to be powerless and to learn to grapple with that feeling and transform it. Thank you, because, without you, we would not have realised our own ability to mobilise. It may serve no purpose this time, but it will doubtless be useful later on. Thank you for not listening to us and not taking us seriously, but know that we are listening to you and that we will not forget your words. So, enjoy your morning and whatever glory it may yet bring you.Thank you, great leader George W. Bush" more
Reflections Swami Vivekananda on Patriotism "They talk of patriotism. I believe in patriotism, and I also have my own ideal of patriotism.Three things are necessary for great achievements... First, feel from the heart... This is the first step to become a patriot, the very first step.(Second) You may feel, then; but instead of spending your energies on frothy talk, have you found any way out, any practical solution, some help instead of condemnation...? (And Third) Yet, that is not all. Have you got the will to surmount mountain high obstructions. If the whole world stands against you sword in hand, would you still dare to do what you think is right?... Have you got that steadfastness? If you have these three things, each one of you will make miracles..." more |
Week Ending: Sunday, 14 October 2007 Tamil National Forum  George Foreman |
1. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan Is That All You Got, Karuna? "The recent newsreports that the erstwhile LTTE Colonel named Karuna had fled to a faraway land prompted me with the title, ‘Is That All You Got, Karuna?’. It is a borrowing from boxing champ Muhammad Ali’s 1974 quip [‘Is That All You Got, George’?] to his rival George Foreman in the ring, when they squared in the then Zaire for the boxing heavyweight title. " more 2.Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia மகிந்தவின் (சிங்களப் பேரினவாதத்தின்) இன்னுமொரு முகம்தான் ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்க! "...இலங்கை இனப் பிரச்சனைக்குச் சமஸ்டி முறையில் தீர்வா? அல்லது ஒற்றையாட்சி முறையில் தீர்வா? என்று கேட்டால், முதலில் பாணின் விலை குறித்து ஊடகங்கள் செய்தி வெளியிடட்டும். அந்தப் பாணை உண்ட பின்னர் ஐக்கிய தேசியக் கட்சி சமஸ்டியையா ஒற்றையாட்சியையா ஆதரிக்கின்றது என்பது குறித்து, ஊடகங்களுககுப் பதில் சொல்லும் என்று ஏளனமாக ரணில் பதில் கூறுகின்றார். அதாவது பதில் சொல்ல மறுக்கின்றார்..." more | 
Reflections "There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know." Harry S Truman quoted by Stephen Kinzer in All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror "Can we say of Reich, as Andre Gide did of Dostoevsky, that he 'remains ever the man of whom there is no way to make use! He is of the stuff which displeases every party. Why? Because he never persuaded himself that less than the whole of his intelligence was necessary to the part he chose to play, or that for the sake of immediate issues he would be justified in forcing so delicate an instrument or upsetting its balance.'" Wilhelm Reich: Life Force Explorer - James Wyckoff |
Indictment against Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka's Undeclared War on Eelam Tamils - in the Shadow of a Ceasefire 
| 1.Sri Lanka's Colonisation of East Tamil Eelam " ... the current focus on human rights issues whilst performing the essential task of exposing the authoritarianism and violence of the current regime, is insufficient to capture the cold calculations and reasoning in the intentions of the Sri Lankan State which has once again returned to the logic of Sinhala colonisation..." David Rampton, Visiting Lecturer at the Development Studies and Politics Departments, SOAS currently engaged in doctoral research on the JVP and nationalism in Sri Lanka
| 2. Presentation on Post Resettlement Development Plan for The Eastern Region by M.S.Jayasinghe Advisor Sri Lanka Ministry of Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development |
Reflections "...When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always... Exploitation and domination of one nation over another can have no place in a world striving to put an end to all war..." Mahatma Gandhi |
Tamils: A Trans State Nation - Australia I am not a terrorist - Loga Prasanna Chandrakumar Mr.Chandrakumar currently serves as Programme Coordinator, Centre for Just Peace & Democracy (CJPD), Switzerland and recently Co-Chaired an International Seminar in Geneva on Humanitarian Action in the 'Undeclared' War in Sri Lanka "..The Tamil people have paid a high price for their dreams of freedom. The social fabric built on family and kin, music and dance, and an ethic of hard work has been torn to shreds as families have been separated by death and forced migration. Their homeland is dotted with orphanages and a whole generation has missed out on basic education. Why don’t I leave my war where I came from? I am burdened by the knowledge that it is a random twist of fate that has me fighting with the pen and not a rifle..." more |
Struggle for Tamil Eelam:The Intelligence War International Frame of Tamil Eelam Freedom Struggle  RAW Headquarters in New Delhi
| RAW recalls Colombo officer suspected of ‘Chinese Connection’ " Three years after it watched Joint Secretary Rabinder Singh flee the country, allegedly to the US, the country’s premier external intelligence agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW), has been forced to bring another of its officers under the scanner..." more |
Tamil National Forum Week Ending: Sunday, 7 October 2007 Reflections "..Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning..." Mahatma Gandhi |
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to include International Frame of the Struggle for Tamil Eelam 1. US should help defeat LTTE - Comrade Wimal Weerawansa, JVP to US, at meeting held at request of US Ambassador | 
| 2. 50 years Ties between China - Sri Lanka Commemorated by the Sri Lanka-China Friendship Foundation led by the Jantha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) | 
| Leader of JVP, Comrade Somawansa Amarasinghe | H.E. Ye Dabo, Ambassador of China | 3. "China must lead the resistance to the West intention to create an Israel in South Asia" Comrade Wimal Weerawansa, JVP in China "...Just as Chinese Communist Party lead the people facing the new challenges of the nation, we intend to fight the western challenge of re-colonization by leading the masses of our county. We have to take examples of Chinese experience identifying new challenges and solving problems before they challenge the society as a whole..." more | 4. Revised on 6 October 2007 - International Dimensions of the Conflict in Sri Lanka - Nadesan Satyendra This is a revised and extended version of a key note address delivered at a Seminar on International Dimensions of the Conflict in Sri Lanka presented by the Centre for Just Peace & Democracy (CJPD) in partnership with TRANSCEND International in Luzern, Switzerland on17 June 2007. "...the denial by international actors of their conflicting strategic interests in Sri Lanka draws a veil over the real issues that any meaningful conflict resolution process in the island will need to address. We cannot ostrich like bury our collective heads in the sand - and, to mix the metaphor, ignore the elephant in the room. Whilst the goal of securing peace through justice is loudly proclaimed by the international actors, real politick leads them to deny the justice of the Tamil Eelam struggle for freedom from alien Sinhala rule. The harsh reality is that on the one hand international actors are concerned to use the opportunity of the conflict in the island to advance each of their own (and conflicting) strategic interests - and on the other hand, Sri Lanka seeks to use the political space created by the geo strategic triangle of US-India-China in the Indian Ocean region, to buy the support of all three for the continued rule of the people of Tamil Eelam by a permanent Sinhala majority within the confines of one state. The record shows that Sinhala Sri Lanka seeks to engage in a 'balance of power' exercise of its own by handing over parts of the island (and the surrounding seas) to India, US and China..." more
Commemorating the 138th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the United Nations International Day of Non Violence - 2 October 2007  Truth is a Pathless Land
1. The Moral Legitimacy of the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom - Nadesan Satyendra "...The Tamil Eelam struggle for freedom is lawful and just - and it will succeed because Mahatma Gandhi was right when he declared in Transvaal, South Africa '..If someone asks me when and how the struggle may end, I may say that, if the entire community manfully stands the test, the end will be near. If many of us fall back under storm and stress, the struggle will be prolonged. But I can boldly declare, and with certainty, that so long as there is even a handful of men true to their pledge, there can only be one end to the struggle, and that is victory...'" more 2. The Doctrine of the Sword - Mahatma Gandhi, 1920 "...I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence I would advise violence... I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. But I believe that nonviolence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment, forgiveness adorns a soldier. But abstinence is forgiveness only when there is the power to punish, it is meaningless when it pretends to proceed from a helpless creature. A mouse hardly forgives a cat when it allows itself to be torn to pieces by her..."
Comments to include From: S.Ranganathan, USA Dear Tamil brother tamilnation.org: "I want the whole world to know what a fantastic service you are doing for all of us, Tamils. Your site is the model of civility, courage, honesty, nobility and inclusiveness – all qualities of Great Tamils. I only wish the present Tamil Nadu government would take a few lessons from you..." more |
The Strength of an Idea to include Mahatma Gandhi's Pledge of Resistance in Transvaal, Africa, 1906 "It is quite possible that.. some or many of those who pledge themselves (to resistance) might weaken at the very first trial. We might have to go to jail, where we might be insulted. We might have to go hungry and suffer extreme heat or cold. Hard labor might be imposed upon us. We might be flogged by rude warders. We might be fined heavily and our property might be attached and held up to auction if there are only a few resisters left. Opulent today, we might be reduced to abject poverty tomorrow. We might be deported. Suffering from starvation and similar hardships in jail, some of us might fall ill and even die. If someone asks me when and how the struggle may end, I may say that, if the entire community manfully stands the test, the end will be near. If many of us fall back under storm and stress, the struggle will be prolonged. But I can boldly declare, and with certainty, that so long as there is even a handful of men true to their pledge, there can only be one end to the struggle, and that is victory... " more |