SINHALA COLONISATION OF TAMIL HOMELAND - Presentation on Post Resettlement Development Plan for The Eastern Region by M.S.Jayasinghe Advisor Sri Lanka Ministry of Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development, [see full presentation in PDF] 10 August 2007
 | "...whilst the current landscape in the East is one of humanitarian crisis and endemic human rights abuses, the current focus on human rights issues, which whilst performing the essential task of exposing the authoritarianism and violence of the current regime, is insufficient to capture the cold calculations and reasoning in the intentions of the Sri Lankan State which has once again returned to the the logic of Sinhala colonisation.." David Rampton, Lecturer, SOAS, University of London |

Donor funding is requested to develop the following sectors Rehabilitation , improvement & replacement of Railway tracks, engines and carriages Expansion of electrification Fisheries sector-providing multi day boats, trawlers, fishing gears Roads and bridges Telecommunication Private sector contribution is invited for the development of the enterprises in the region. They are supposed to participate in establishing industries and investing in tourism and garment factories. At the moment there are only 5 industries operated inthe North Eastern region while employed only 2600 persons.