29 June 2006 The Tamil Heritage to include A Streaming Video Essay on Tamil - M. V. Bhaskar and K. T. Gandhirajan "...With 80 million speakers, Tamil is one of the few languages besides Greek that is both classical and modern. This video essay outlines in images and music the development of the rich Tamil culture and writing systems. .. the 26 minute video tracks - through music and images, and archaeology and literary history - the first 800 years of the known history of Tamil." more |
28 June 2006 Revisited Rajiv Gandhi Assassination: The Verdict - Nadesan Satyendra, 23 October 1999 "...Procedural law is civilisation's substitute for private vengeance and self-help. 'Lynch law' is no law. Was the procedure adopted to establish the guilt of the accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination a fair one? Was Amnesty International right in pointing out that: 'The legislation under which they were tried... contravenes several international standards for fair trial, including the holding of trials in camera and the non-disclosure of the identity of witnesses.'..." more |
27 June 2006 Sri Lanka Accused at the United Nations to include Humanitarian Law Project writes to President, Human Rights Council, 23 June 2006 ".... in spite of its own very poor record and the fragility of the ceasefire, the representative of Sri Lanka resorted to distortion and outright untruths, continuing what we have referred to as the “demonizing” of the Tamils and their leadership. The vehicle for this plan is to “convert” what has clearly been an armed conflict into “terrorism and counter-terrorism,” and is overtly aided in this by the United States due to US geopolitical interests in Sri Lanka..." |
27 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include 25 June 2006 New Delhi & the Tamil Struggle - An Amoral Role RAW aiding recruitment of Sri Lanka paramilitary in India, "...Sri Lanka’s Army-backed Tamil paramilitaries are seeking recruits amongst Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu, offering hefty salaries, an Indian news agency reported..The Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF), an India-based paramilitary group now operating in an anti-LTTE grouping under the Karuna Group, is seeking recruits from refugee camps and orphanages in southern India... The recruitment is being conducted with the knowledge of India’s external intelligence agency, RAW (Research and Analysis Wing)..." more
25 June 2006 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: living in many lands... 25 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include 1. Dr. Alvappillai Veluppillai from Arizona State University, USA - Reflections on the national flag of Sri Lanka and State terrorism - Symbolism of Sinhala oppression of Tamils "...If one carefully looks at the national flag of Sri Lanka, its recent history and its symbolism, one need not labor hard at understanding the ethnic problem of the island..." more2. Sanmugam Sabesan from Melbourne, Australia - அன்று சிங்கள பொலிஸ்காரன்: இன்று உலகப் பொலிஸ்காரன் "...தமிழ் மக்களின் உரிமைகளைப் பெறுவதற்கான அகிம்சை வழியிலான சாத்வீகப் போராட்டங்களைப் பிரயோகித்து அடக்க முயன்றதன் விளைவாகவே, தமிழ் மக்கள் ஆயுதப் போராட்டத்தை ஆரம்பிக்க வேண்டி வந்தது...அன்றைய தினம் பொல்லுகளோடும், துப்பாக்கிகளோடும் திரிந்து சண்டித்தனம் செய்துகொண்டிருந்த சிங்களப் பொலிஸ்காரர்களைக் கண்டாலே அச்சம் எளுகின்ற நிலையில் தான் சாதாரண தமிழ் பொதுமக்கள் இருந்தார்கள்." more |
23 June 2006 Reflections "...Against partisans backed by the entire population, colonial armies are helpless. They have only one way of escaping from the harassment which demoralizes them .... This is to eliminate the civilian population. As it is the unity of a whole people that is containing the conventional army, the only anti-guerrilla strategy which will be effective is the destruction of that people, in other words, the civilians, women and children..." Jean Paul Sartre's Statement 'On Genocide' 1967 |
22 June 2006 Indictment against Sri Lanka - Ethnic Cleansing of Tamils to include Sri Lanka Navy murders Tamil civilians in Pesalai Church Bishop of Mannar, Rt Rev.Dr.Rayappu Joseph writes to the Vatican 
" Today we buried the six (Tamil) civilians murdered by the (Sri Lanka) Navy at Pesalai yesterday by shooting them through their mouths and blowing off their heads and I spoke of Jesus Christ cruelly crucified and his Eternal words “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do”. It is this power of forgiveness, I said, that made Him rise again and reminded the people of this hope that enlightens us even at this hour of darkness. We are not convinced that any inquiry worthy of its name will be held on these crimes and the culprits be prevented from further savage onslaught on the innocent civilians and those taking refuge in the sanctuary of their religion, the Church." more
21 June 2006 Tamil Language & Literature 20 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah and Bertram Veerasingham from Canada on Reverend Chandi Sinnathurai's Satya Lobby 20 June 2006 Tamil Diaspora: a Trans State Nation - United Kingdom: Flying Elephant in Trafalgar Square - and Tamil Traditional Dance 
19 June 2006 International Frame & the Tamil Struggle to include 19 June 2006 Reflections "..I have been struggling in my mind against the conclusion that the Sri Lanka government is trying to kill or terrorize as many Tamil people as possible; that the government is trying to keep the conditions of the war unreported internationally, because if those conditions were reported, the actions of the military would be perceived as so deplorable that foreign nations would have no choice but to condemn them. And this would be embarrassing to everybody. But it seems now that no other conclusion is possible..." Professor Margaret Trawick from New Zealand, 10 years ago in 1996 |
19 June 2006 Indictment against Sri Lanka - Ethnic Cleansing of Tamils Tamil civilians in Tamil Eelam murdered in hundreds by Sri Lanka President Rajapakse's armed forces: December 2005 to June 2006... 
Manaval Claramma Leela (75), Jesuthasan Jude Nixon (23), Cyrilappar St.Jude (22) Turairaja Vijekumar (39), Kodalingham Linganathan (20), Abdul Raheem Latheep (28), Mary Medaline (27), Moorthy Martin (35), Ann Nilxon (7), Ann Luxica(9), Ketheeswaran Yathursan (4 months), Ketheeswaran Thanushkanth (4), Palachamy Ketheeswaran (25), Ketheeswaran Anex Ester (23), Abraham Robinson (28), Sellathurai Amalathas (28), Kanesh Navaratnam (50) , Joseph Anthonymuttu ,(64) Sinnathurai Sivanesan (46, Murugesu Shanmugalingam(72), S Kantharoopan (29), Shanmugalingam Parameswari (65), Ratnam Senthuran (38), Somasuntharam Maheswary, Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, Thanuskodi Premini, Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa, Shanmuganathan Sujendram, Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa , Satheesharan, .Ramanathan Ratheeskumar, Thanuskodi Premini, Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa, Shanmuganathan Sujendram,Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa Satheesharan, Thambiah Jeyarajah, Major Kapilan, Thambipillai Selvarajah, Ramalingam Suntheralingam, Kandasamy Vaikunthan, Anthonippillai Soosainather, Thevasahayampillai Jeyakumar Soosainather, Subramaniam Sugirtharajan, Chandrakanthan Vijayatharson. Chandragajan Krishnagobi, Illayathamby Ramakrishnan, Thurairajah Ravichandran, Kanapathy Murugesu, Mariyanayagam Maruthanayagam, Suppiah Murugan, Sithambari Ganesaratnam, Visuvar Krishnan, Bojan Renuka, Bojan Shanuka, Bojan Arthanageswary, Tharmarasan Tharmaseelan, N Kandeepan ,T Tharmasri, Soosaithas K Marinthiran, Sebastiampillai P Ruban, Selvarajah Uthayarajah, S. Thanabalasingham, Balakrishnan Rajeevmohan, Parimalarajah Robinson, Iyathurai Baskaran, Thangathurai Sivanantha, Logithasan Rohanth, Shanmugarajah Sajeenthiran, Manoharan Rajeehar, Yogarajah Hemachandran, Thambirajah Arulajanthan, Joseph Pararajasingham, Jude Sugathy (Theresa) Croos , Jude Arokiyathass Fernando, Emmani Croos, Emmani Anthonikkam Croos and more |
18 June 2006 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: Tamil Nadu to include கனடிய தமிழ்ச்சோலை வானொலிக்கு சனிக்கிழமை (17.06.06) தமிழீழ விடுதலை ஆதரவாளர் பழ. நெடுமாறன் வழங்கிய நேர்காணல்
18 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include 1. Fr. Chandiravarman Sinnathurai from Tamil Eelam on Satya-Lobby: Prophetic Praxis and Imagination "I have received numerous e-mails from various and varied corners of this global village since I wrote Satya-Lobby –‘Take up the white man’s burden’. All e-mails were positive except a few with a negative tinge. Some have asked me questions... Some priests, a few Sinhala Reverend Fathers ...have raised some issues. I shall attempt to answer some of those queries in this short piece. A few questions could be answered by simply quoting a few lines from Ben Okri’s poem – An African Elegy: We are the miracles that God made To taste the bitter fruit of Time. We are precious. And one day our suffering Will turn into the wonders of the earth… Do you see the mystery of our pain? That we bear poverty And are able to sing and dream sweet things... We bless things even in our pain We bless them in silence. And there is surprise In every thing the unseen moves. The ocean is full of songs. The sky is not an enemy Destiny is our friend. more
2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan: Remembering Nandhi (1928-2005) - the foremost physician-literateur of Eelam) with one of his classic short stories. "..In my perception, the first death anniversary of Prof.Chellathurai Sivagnanasundaram passed quietly on June 4th. For Eelam Tamils, he was better known for over four decades, with his nom de plume ‘Nandhi’. He was “our” Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), the rare combination of a physician-litterateur. While Chekhov succumbed to illness at the age of 44, Nandhi lived with us for 77 years..." more 3. Arugan writes from Italy: உலகுக்கு உயிர்தந்த உத்தமர் |
18 June 2006 On Fathers Day - Reflections When I was: Four years old: My daddy can do anything. Five years old: My daddy knows a whole lot. Six years old: My dad is smarter than your dad. Eight years old: My dad doesn't know exactly everything. Ten years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different. Twelve years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn't know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood. Fourteen years old: Don't pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned. Twenty-one years old: Him? My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date. Twenty-five years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long. Thirty years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience. Thirty-five years old: I'm not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad. Forty years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise. Fifty years old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him. - Contributed by Sabapathy Thillairajah, USA |
16 June 2006 Tamil Diaspora: a Trans State Nation to include
1. Germany - Tamils Women Organisation - Ein Appell an die Menschlichkeit Der Europäischen Nationen:An Appeal to the Humanity of Europe 2. Switzerland - Tamilen Forum Schweiz - Info Tamil in Swiss German 15 June 2006 Indictment against Sri Lanka - Ethnic Cleansing of Tamils to include 14 June 2006 Women in Tamil Society - Ideology, Nation & Gender to include KARPU: Tool of Oppression? - SalvaDorai Dalit "...On the 1st of June 2006, I had the privilege to read a poem written by Arugan from Italy: Karpu enpathu nambikkai. It is Arugan’s poem which acted as catalyst to writing this piece. Some long while ago, when I was working for my first degree, I wrote an essay on Inculturation. The professor who marked the paper had the good sense to mark it “A”. Bless his heart! However, this upper crust American, wrote in red ink in the margins, with his indecipherable scribble. ‘Had you not discussed the archaic concept of Karpoo I would have given you A*’.." |
14 June 2006 Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Peace Initiative to include செல்வராஜா கஜேந்திரன், யாழ்மாவட்டம் பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர், பத்திரிகை அறிக்கை "...ஐரோப்பிய ஒன்றியம் புலிகள் மீதான தடையை மறுபரிசீலனை செய்து தடையை நீக்க வேண்டும் எனக் கோருகின்றோம். அத்துடன் சிறீலங்காப்படைகளால் தமிழ் மக்கள் தொடர்ந்தும் அவமதிக்கப்படுதல், அச்சுறுத்தப்படுதல், கைது செய்யப்பட்டு சித்திரவதை செய்யப்படுதல், கடத்தப்படுதல், கொலைசெய்யப்படுதல் போன்ற அரச பயங்கரவாதச் செயற்பாடுகளை தடுப்பதற்கும், போர் நிறுத்த உடன்படிககையினையும், ஜெனீவா உடன்படிக்கையினையும் அரசு உரிய முறையில் நடைமுறைப்படுத்தும் வகையிலும் கடுமையான அழுத்தங்களைப் பிரயோகிக்க வேண்டும் எனவும் கோருகின்றோம். ... இல்லையேல் போர் ஒன்று வெடிப்பதனையும், அதன் மூலம் எமது தாயகதேசத்தினை நாம் மீட்டுக்கொள்வதனையும் யாராலும் தடுக்க முடியாது..." more |
12 June 2006 Tamil Diaspora: a Trans State Nation to include 12 June 2006 Caste & the Tamil Nation - Brahmins, Non Brahmins & Dalits to include  1. Jahawir Iqbal, Kattankudi, Batticaloa, Tamil Eelam "The stand that tamilnation.org has taken on the issue of caste is highly commendable ..... I'm told that in Jaffna conservative society - no matter whether you are Hindu or Christian (Catholic or Protestant) you are bound by this straight-jacket. If they bump into a new person the first question to ask: "Thambi neengal avedum?" They ask from which village they have come from...the next question is: Are you related to so and so...then the "cat" is out of the bag! A human being is treated as to where he finds himself in this system of Varna..." more 2.Comment by Dr.S.Ranganathan and Response by tamilnation.org " ...We do not seek to found Tamil nationalism on the basis of the Aryan invasion theory - nor for that matter, on notions of race. A nation is not a race.. the page “Caste & the Tamil Nation - Brahmins, Non Brahmins & Dalits” contains articles written by many different authors and expressing different points of view. We felt that an open forum which gave expression to the different points of view on the caste issue which has divided the Tamil people for so long and which has worked against the growth of an over riding Tamil togetherness, would further our mission. At the same time, our own view on Periyar appears in the Tamil Heritage page and we quote..." more |
11 June 2006 Sri Lanka Paramilitaries abduct Tamil staff members of Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) to include Fr B J Alexander, Conscience Appeal - Open Letter to TRO "We have not forgotten these precious human beings... It is our desire that the conscience of the international community and its corporate media has to be challenged and convicted in order for them to open their eyes to the plight of innocent Tamils.."  1.Thanuskodi Premini |  2.Kasinather Ganesalingam |  3.Thangarasa |  4.Shanmuganathan Sujendram |  5.Thambiraja Vasantharajan |  6.Kailayapillai Ravindran |  7.Arunesarasa Satheesharan |
10 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include 10 June 2006 Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Peace Initiative to include 1. LTTE Communiqué at Oslo 2. Norway sends 5 point questionaire to Sri Lanka, and LTTE - 'profoundly concerned with grave situation in Sri Lanka' 3. Undue emphasis on direct talks sidelined key issues - Thamilchelvan 4.Sri Lanka Talks With Rebels Collapse - a Spin by Associated Press? 5. Comment by Mariam Manuel Pillai, Matottam, Tamil Eelam together with Response by tamilnation.org "..It is understandable that the Norwegian Development Minister Erik Solheim has sought to smooth over the problem created by the EU ban and has suggested that the 'individual monitors represent the international mission, not their home countries'. But the fact is that individual monitors, though members of an 'international mission' continue to be citizens of the countries to which they belong and are bound to obey the laws of their countries and the international obligations that each of their countries has signed up to. And indeed, the monitors are themselves chosen after consultations with the countries concerned and with their acceptance. The question therefore is not simply one of who the monitors represent, but also one of securing neutrality in action. And here the track record of the SLMM even before the EU ban was by no means exemplary... ...It was because Norway foresaw the difficulties that a EU ban will cause to the peace process, that Norway itself made a public announcement in January 2006 that it will no longer align itself with EU List of Banned Individuals & Organisations. If it had not done so, Norway would have had no option but to give up its facilitator role. It is perhaps important for all concerned to recognise that it is not only facilitators but also monitors (or 'truce observers') who must be both neutral and be clearly seen as being neutral. As the old adage goes - justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done.. It would be simplistic to assume that this can be achieved by guarantees by the Norwegian government, however well intentioned such guarantees may be. After all if it was a question of guarantees, there would have been no need for Norway to have made the public announcement that it did on 4 January 2006. "...more |
9 June 2006 Indictment against Sri Lanka - Ethnic Cleansing of Tamils to include Sri Lanka soldiers massacre Tamil family of four in Vankalai 8 June 2006 Tamil National Forum Dr. Alvappillai Veluppillai from Arizona, USA Reflects on The Shedding of Tamil blood for fifty years in Sri Lanka 7 June 2006 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: Tamil Nadu to include 1. Kannagi statue reinstated in Chennai Marina "..Dusted off the museum dungeons and given a fresh coat of paint, Kannagi is back on her proud pedestal on the scenic Marina shores (of Chennai) striking her famous pose — right hand clenching the ruby-crusted anklet, pointing out imperiously... Kannagi is the legendary heroine of the ancient Tamil literary work ‘Silapathigaram’ written by Ilango Adigal. Seen as an enduring symbol of Tamil culture and chastity, her statue was installed in 1968 during the DMK regime under C N Annadurai. But the statue suddenly disappeared in December 2001 when the AIADMK was in power with rumours abounding that it had been removed after warnings of doom by astrologers and ‘vaastu’ experts close to Jayalalitha.." more 2. Tamil Nadu: New Delhi's Policy on Sri Lanka will be Tamil Nadu's Policy says Karunanidhi together with comment by tamilnation.org "...Mr.Karunanidhi has not been slow to reinstate the Kannagi statute in the Chennai Marina but he is unwilling to give voice - குரல் (leave alone act) in support of the struggle of the people of Tamil Eelam to be free from alien Sinhala rule. It was after all, about Cilapathikaram and Kannagi that Professor A.L. Basham wrote many years ago that it has '' a grim force and splendour unparalleled elsewhere in Indian literature - imbued with both the ferocity of the early Tamils and their stern respect for justice, and incidentally, it throws light on early Tamil political ideas.'' It appears, however, that Mr.Karunanidhi is ready and willing to sacrifice the justice of the struggle for Tamil Eelam in the altar of New Delhi's strategic interests in the Indian region...(and) is content to be silent whilst those he often describes, from public platforms, as his 'udanpirapukal' are raped, murdered, executed, abducted, attacked in their homes and shops, bombed, massacred, and displaced in their thousands from their homes." " more
7 June 2006 Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Peace Initiative to include 1. Australian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation Interview with LTTE Political Head, Mr. S. P Tamilselvan from Oslo, Norway, Interviewed on June 7, 2006 "...The European Union ban creates difficulties about the neutrality of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission which now includes states which have banned the LTTE...It is out of respect for Norway that we are here to participate in the discussion. The condition at home is at its worst. Yet, our national leader felt we should honour Norway's invitation despite the EU ban.."
6 June 2006 Reflections 1. "...I think the European Union ban is extremely harsh, unfair, untimely and one-sided, unlike the Donor Co-chairs declaration, which is a well-crafted, well balanced statement censuring both the parties for the escalation of violence..." Anton Balasingham, Interview in the Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday Times, June 2006 2. "...The creeping intellectual/political barrenness (amongst Tamils) should be stopped without further delay. LTTE officials too should stop making pedestrian, boringly predictable utterances on public forums and, instead, make every endeavour to stir the people's reason, intellectual curiosity, their sense of community, their imagination and their intellectual fervour. This is the only way forward to decisively break the vicious circle of political obfuscation by which our people are deeply but blissfully afflicted today. America may be the mightiest nation on the earth today but that cannot detract an iota from our right to live with honour, dignity and freedom in the land of our fore bears. It cannot for a moment make us give up an inch of our lands to help India or the US Bloc stabilise the Sri Lankan state for the sole purpose of furthering their strategic and economic interests." Mamanithar Dharmeretnam Sivaram, 2003 |
6 June 20006 Tamil National Forum 6 June 2006 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: United Kingdom to include Hunger Strike in London - Thaya Idaikadar "Thaya Idaikadar, a British citizen of Sri Lankan origin, began a hunger strike at 12 PM, June 2, 2006 outside the Houses of Parliament, in a bid to draw attention to the plight of his fellow Tamils amid the deteriorating security situation in Sri Lanka..." லண்டனில் உள்ளுராட்சி சபை உறுப்பினர் தயா இடைக்காடரின் உண்ணா நிலைப் போராட்டத்தின் நிறைவு நாள் நிகழ்வின் ஒலித்தொகுப்பு... more |
4 June 2006 International Frame of Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include Co-chairs Press Release together with Comment by tamilnation.org: "In Tamil there is a saying about pinching the child and rocking the cradle at the same time. The action may seem irrational but there is a frame within which it is perfectly rational. The trick is to understand the frame. The Co-Chairs Press Release came within 24 hours of the EU deciding to impose a ban on the LTTE. Having imposed the ban, the Co-Chairs almost suggest that there are two sides to the story....The frame within which the Press Release by the co-Chairs becomes rational is that the 'international community' (consisting of the trilaterals - US, European Union and Japan but not India or China) are not disinterested good samaritans intent on helping the peoples in Sri Lanka to secure peace. The Press Release is directed to advance the strategic interests of the tri laterals - and in particular the 'containment' strategy that the US has adopted in relation to China, and less obviously in relation to India.. A careful reading of the co-chairs statement suggests that the tri laterals and India are outbidding each other to ensure that the conflict in the island is resolved in a way which secures each of their own strategic interests..." more |
4 June 2006 Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include 3 June 2006 Sri Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils ...in the Shadow of the Ceasefire to include D.B.S.Jeyaraj on Mahinda and the Violence against North Eastern Civilians "...the Rajapakse regime has adopted the targeting of Tamil civilians as deliberate strategy...In a scenario that brings fresh meaning to the proverbial saying about the fence devouring the crops it is supposed to protect the preponderantly “Sinhala” speaking Armed forces and Police are mainly responsible for the violence against innocent Tamil civilians of the North - East. Against this backdrop where and to whom does the civilian complain? Even if they complain what action is taken?.." together with comment by tamilnation.org "..D.B.S.Jeyaraj has always been broadly supportive of New Delhi's approach to the struggle for Tamil Eelam and it may be helpful to place his concerns in the context of B.Raman on the Implications of EU Ban. DBS concludes that 'until and unless the Rajapakse regime is pressurised to remedy this situation there is no light visible at the end of the dark, dark tunnel.' He does not address the question whether there is a need to further strengthen the armed forces of the people of Tamil Eelam to defend their people and their land. The question that may need to be asked is: pressurise the Rajapakse regime to what end? Pressurise the Rajapakse regime to secure New Delhi's strategic interests to the exclusion of those of China and to the exclusion of the tri laterals consisting of the US, EU and Japan or pressurise the Rajapakse regime to recognise the Tamil homeland and the defence forces of Tamil Eelam?. But first, New Delhi may want to recognise that its own strategic interests may not be at variance with those of an independent Tamil Eelam. more |
3 June 2006 International Frame of Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include 1. Father Chandiravarman Sinnathurai on Tamil Struggle: Poesy and Points of View Part A, Part B & Part C "One discards the truthfulness of calling a spade a spade in order to be ‘sophisticated’. Truth is reality – Nijam - ground reality if you prefer. In order to obfuscate reality, you then acquire skills to garnish a lie as truth. You learn to beat about the bush and loose precision and sharpness and call it diplomacy. There is nothing wrong with being diplomatic; being polite, courteous; but for heaven’s sake be honest. Don’t pawn the goal and loose the aim, put your foot in your mouth and dare to call it diplomatic victory!" more 
2. Pallavi Aiyer on From "China fear" to "China fever" "Sri Lanka is also being treated to a Chinese charm offensive... China has offered a preferential buyers' credit scheme for development projects. Currently several such projects are under way in Sri Lanka with Chinese financing and assistance, including the Hambantota Bunkering System, the Puttalam Coal Power Project, and the rail link between Katunayake and Ratmalana...That China was able to gain observer status at the SAARC summit in Dhaka in November 2005 as a result of pressure from Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, despite Indian reluctance, shows how far its influence is spreading in the region. " more 3. B. Raman, Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi on Implications of EU Ban on LTTE "..The reported decision of the Europen Union (EU) countries to declare the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organisation and ban its activities in their respective territories would be unimpeachable legally and on merits, but ill-timed, unwise and ill-considered politically..."[Comment by tamilnation.org: "The question that may arise in many minds is whether Mr.Raman is reflecting New Delhi's concern for Eelam Tamils or simply New Delhi's concern that on the one hand the 'International Community' (i.e. the trilaterals - US, EU and Japan) may seek to resolve the conflict on their own terms and cast New Delhi in a permanent subsidiary role, and that on the other hand concern at the increasing threat of a China role a la Hambantota?] more 4.. Indian General Raghavan on EU Ban on LTTE “Money cannot buy Prabhakaran”, said the general with conviction, having held one - on- one talks with the LTTE chief as an official on behalf of New Delhi on a number of occasions prior to India’s fighting the rebels. “Today, Prabhakaran finds that he is the only bad guy. Terrorism doesn’t work, but he is making it work by striking where it hurts- through attacks and ambushes on the Sri Lankan troops”. “So what you have now is a military stalemate. more 5. Declaration by the European Union concerning listing of the LTTE as a terrorist organisation |
3 June 2006 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: Tamil Nadu to include An Open Letter to Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi from London - Dr.K.Indrakumar & Others 1 June 2006 Tamil National Forum to include