Home > Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom > Tamil Armed Resistance & the Law > Reports on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam > Sinhala Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse celebrates 'capture' of East Tamil Eelam REPORTS ON ARMED CONFLICT IN TAMIL EELAM Sinhala Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse celebrates 'capture' of East Tamil Eelam 19 July 2007 "The mistake which despots, benevolent or malevolent, have been making ever since organised states came into existence and which, it seems, they will go on making to the end of the chapter, is that they overestimate their coercive power, which is physical and material and therefore palpable, and underestimate the power and vitality of ideas and sentiments. A feeling or a thought, the aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power, in so many fighting men, so many armed police, so many guns, so many prisons, such and such laws, ukases, and executive powers. But such feelings and thoughts are more powerful than fighting men and guns and prisons and laws and ukases. Their beginnings are feeble, their end is mighty. But of despotic repression the beginnings are mighty, the end is feeble... But the despot will not recognise this superiority, the teachings of history have no meaning for him. ..He is deceived also by the temporary triumph of his repressive measures.. and thinks, “Oh, the circumstances in my case are quite different, I am a different thing from any yet recorded in history, stronger, more virtuous and moral, better organised. I am God’s favourite and can never come to harm.” And so the old drama is staged again and acted till it reaches the old catastrophe..." Sri Aurobindo on the Strength of an Idea, One Hundred Years Ago in 1907 [see also -
USD200 million profit margins maintain sophisticated Tamil Tiger war - Janes Intelligence Review
Sri Lankan government celebrates “victory” after army seizes the East "The army’s capture of the last eastern stronghold of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at Thoppigala on July 11 became the occasion for the Sri Lankan government to stage a grotesque “victory” celebration last Thursday to whip up jingoistic sentiment. Far from evoking popular support, however, the ceremony exposed President Mahinda Rajapakse’s increasing reliance on the armed forces and the growing militarisation of every aspect of society... Aspects of the ceremony took on the character of a feudal ceremony presided over by the monarch. The commanders of the armed forces and police all presented sannasas or parchments to the president, proclaiming “mission accomplished”. The triumphalism stripped away the government’s threadbare pretense that the military offensives of the past year had been “defensive” and conformed to the 2002 ceasefire agreement..." and
Sanmugam Sabesan's மகிந்த ராஜபக்சவின் வெ(ற்)றி விழா! ]
| And so the old drama is staged again and acted till it reaches the old catastrophe... |  |  | 12 years after... | 12 years before... | President Rajapakse 'conquers' the East & holds 'Dawn of the East' victory ceremony, 19 July 2007 | President Kumaratunga 'conquers' Jaffna & holds a medieval victory ceremony, 6 December 1995 |
கொழும்பில் நடைபெற்ற தொப்பிக்கல வெற்றி விழா நிகழ்வு தொடர்பாக அவுஸ்திரேலிய தமிழ் ஒலிபரப்புக் கூட்டுத்தாபனத்தின் கொழும்பு நிருபர் கலையரசன் வழங்கிய சிறப்பு செய்தி அலசல்
[TamilNet, Thursday, 19 July 2007] The celebration 'Dawn of the East', was held ceremoniously 19 July 2007 morning at the Independent Square in Colombo, in praise of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) capture of Kudumpimalai (named Thoppigala in Sinhala), in the Eastern province, presided by Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa. SLA Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka presented a plaque inscribed with the message of conquest of the Eastern province to Rajapaksa. 21 volleys were fired as the Commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force presented the President with "Sannasa" shields ceremonially "confirming" that the Eastern Province has been cleared from Tigers. SL Minister of Water Supply and Drainage, ALM Athaullah also presented the SL president with a shield expressing his gratitude on the 'Dawn of the East'. 
Full text of the address delivered by the Sri Lankan President: "I am greatly honoured at being given the opportunity of meeting with you on this proud occasion. I accept this honour with all humility, expressing the gratitude of the Sri Lankan State to the great heroes of war who have brought hope and glory to the entire country. 
The glorious chapter that begins with the communications presented to me as the custodian of the State by the Service Commanders ["Sannasa" shields ceremonially "confirming" that the Eastern Province has been cleared from Tigers] will be etched in gold in the annals of our history. Never before have we had the opportunity to make the proud and satisfying declaration as it is announced today that the demonic forces of terror who for several decades had robbed the freedom of the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim people who lived in the fertile lands of the East of our motherland, have been completely driven away. This blessed land will forever cherish, protect and value the fruits of the brave and courageous operation conducted by the Sri Lankan Security Forces to bring liberation to the people of the East; who for more than two decades were held hostage by the forces of vicious and violent terrorism. For many centuries the memory of this feat will inspire generations to come. That this operation against terrorism was concluded with minimum harm to the people and least harm to the Security Forces stands out as an example of such action to all armies of the world that battle terrorism. "...stands out as an example... to all armies of the world"... | Tamil civilians killed by President Rajapakse's Security Forces... 12 months to December 2006 - Daniel Quinton (24), Mylvaganam Thavarajah (28), Nadarajah Raviraj, Murugesu Markandu (62), Murugesu Shanmugarathinam (56), Rathinam Sarawathy (59), Shanmugaratnam Sasi (20, Shannmugaratnam Krishanth (18), Sivamaharajah, K.Vimalathasan (30), C.Vijayasekaran (25), Sivasangaran, Thambirasa Lakiya (17), Mahalingam Vensidiyoola (17), Thuraisingam Sutharsini (17), Nagalingam Theepa(19), Thambirasa Theepa (19), Thirunavukkarasu Niranjini (18), Raveenthirarasa Ramya (18), Kanapathipillai Nanthini (18), Vijayabavan Sinthuja (18), Naguleswaran Nishanthini (17), Tharmakulasingam Kemala (19), Arulampalam Yasothini (18) Muthaih Indra (18), Murugaiah Arulselvi (18), Sivamoorthy Karthikayini (18), Santhanam Sathyakala (20), Kanagalingam Nirupa (17), Kanagalingam Nirusa (17), Navaratnam Santhakumari (18), Nagalingam Kokila(19), Sivamayajeyam Kokila, Shanmugarasa Paventhini, Balakrishnan Mathani (18), Sivanantham Thivya (18), Thambirasa Suganthini (18), S.Vathsalamary (20), Thanabalasingam Bakeerathy (19), Thanikasalam Thanusa (19), Pathmanathan Kalaipriya (18), Markupillai Kelansuthayini (18), Rasamohan Hamsana (19), Vivekanantham Thadchayini (18), Santhakumar Sukirtha (19), Uthayakumaran Kousika (19), Nallapillai Ninthija(18), Veerasingam Rajitha (18), Thamilvasan Nivethika (18), Suntharam Anoja (17), Puvanasekaram Puvaneswari (17), Kiritharan Thayani (17), Mahalingam Vasantharani (18), Thuraisingam Thisani (18), Vairavamoorthy Kirithika (19), Chandramohan Nivethika (17), Sellam Nirojini, Tharmarasa Brintha (17), Thevarasa Sharmini (17), Varatharaja Mangaleswari (17), Rasenthiraselvam Mahilvathani (18), Nilayinar Nivakini (17), Kubenthiraselvam Lihitha (19), Chandrasekaran Vijayakumari (27), Kandasamy Kumarasamy (48), Solomon Singarasa (65), S Jeyarubi (20), G. Kavitha ( 27), S. Ganesh (54), K.Kovarthani (28), S.Romila (25), V.Kokilavathani (29), G. Sreethraran ( 36), Primus Anandarajah, Matahavarasa Ketheeswaran (36), M. Narmathan (24), R. Arulraj (24), P.Pratheeban (27), M. Rishikeshan (28), Y. Kodeeswaran (31), Muraleetharan (35), K. Koneshwaran (24 ), Abdul Latif Mohamed Jauffer (Age 31), A. Jaseelan, Pon Ganeshamoorthy, Ambalavanar Punithavathy, Manaval Claramma Leela (75), Jesuthasan Jude Nixon (23), Cyrilappar St.Jude (22) Turairaja Vijekumar (39), Kodalingham Linganathan (20), Abdul Raheem Latheep (28) Mary Medaline (27), Moorthy Martin (35), Ann Nilxon (7), Ann Luxica(9), Ketheeswaran Yathursan (4 months), Ketheeswaran Thanushkanth (4), Palachamy Ketheeswaran (25), Ketheeswaran Anex Ester (23), Abraham Robinson (28), Sellathurai Amalathas (28), Kanesh Navaratnam (50) , Joseph Anthonymuttu ,(64) Sinnathurai Sivanesan (46, Murugesu Shanmugalingam(72), S Kantharoopan (29), Shanmugalingam Parameswari (65), Ratnam Senthuran (38), Somasuntharam Maheswary, ..Thanuskodi Premini, Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa, Shanmuganathan Sujendram, Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa , Satheesharan, .Ramanathan Ratheeskumar, Thanuskodi Premini, Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa, Shanmuganathan Sujendram,Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa Satheesharan, Thambiah Jeyarajah, Major Kapilan, Thambipillai Selvarajah, Ramalingam Suntheralingam, Kandasamy Vaikunthan, Anthonippillai Soosainather, Thevasahayampillai Jeyakumar Soosainather, Subramaniam Sugirtharajan, Chandrakanthan Vijayatharson. Chandragajan Krishnagobi, Illayathamby Ramakrishnan, Thurairajah Ravichandran, Kanapathy Murugesu, Mariyanayagam Maruthanayagam, Suppiah Murugan, Sithambari Ganesaratnam, Visuvar Krishnan, Bojan Renuka, Bojan Shanuka, Bojan Arthanageswary, Tharmarasan Tharmaseelan, N Kandeepan ,T Tharmasri, Soosaithas K Marinthiran, Sebastiampillai P Ruban, Selvarajah Uthayarajah, S. Thanabalasingham, Balakrishnan Rajeevmohan, Parimalarajah Robinson, Iyathurai Baskaran, Thangathurai Sivanantha, Logithasan Rohanth, Shanmugarajah Sajeenthiran, Manoharan Rajeehar, Yogarajah Hemachandran (20), Thambirajah Arulajanthan (15), Joseph Pararajasingham (71), Jude Sugathy (Theresa) Croos (30) , Jude Arokiyathass Fernando, Emmanual Croos (42), Emmanuel Anthonikkam Croos (42), Jude Arokiaraj Parunandu (3) and many more... |  
| Aerial attack on Padahuthurai, 14 civilians killed, 35 wounded - "a crime against humanity" says Bishop of Mannar, 2 January 2007 |
I observed some criticism of this victory. It said this was the majority race trampling on the minority race. Majority – minority? I do not like this interpretation. We are the Sri Lankan Nation. "...We are the Sri Lankan Nation.." | "...Sri Lanka President, Mahinda Rajapakse is openly subjugating the Tamil East in military, economic and political spheres. More than half of the entire Eastern Tamils live as refugees.... At the same time very silently state sponsored Sinhalese settlement programmes are at full swing in the newly captured Tamil lands of the East in the name of high security zones. Sinhalese civilian settlements rob the Tamils of every vital resource and freedom necessary for their life, both as individuals and as a nation.." Sinhala Colonisation of East Tamil Eelam, 22 May 2007 | "During the past 50 years and more, ethnic identity has in fact determined the way in which both the Sinhala people and the Tamil people have exercised their political right of universal franchise. In this period, no Tamil has ever been elected to a predominantly Sinhala electorate and no Sinhalese has ever been elected to a predominantly Tamil electorate - apart, that is, from multi member constituencies. The political reality is that the practice of 'democracy' within the confines of an unitary state has led to rule by a permanent Sinhala majority. A Tamil 'however much he may try' cannot become the executive head of government in Sri Lanka...And, so we return to our simple question. Q. Why is it that in Sri Lanka, for five long decades since 1948, we have always had a Sinhala Buddhist as the executive head of government ? A. Because, a Sinhala Buddhist nation masquerading as the Sri Lankan nation, will always have a Sinhala Buddhist as executive head of government. Behind the masquerade lies the political reality - and it is this political reality that will need to be addressed, if the conflict in the island is to end." A Simple Question - Nadesan Satyendra, 1998 |
It is the Tamil and Muslim people and the clergy in the East that paved the way for the National Flag to be hoisted at Thoppigala. I do not wish to describe the defeat inflicted on the LTTE as a purely military victory. There is in this victory something more, which is of larger national and international significance. "Friends, "There is no country other than Sri Lanka, where the criminal act of conceding a legal area of control to terrorists has been implemented through an agreement. It is the debunking of the myth of such an area of control, and the shattering into smithereens of the crowning terrorist fantasy of Eelam that our brave soldiers who captured Thoppigala have announced loud and clear to the entire world. "That is not all. The East was considered the least developed region of our country. By being subject to the forces of terror, the fertile lands of the East and its enterprising people were handicapped both economically and socially. They were disadvantaged politically and culturally, too. Our children who covered their heads with hijab or placed a “pottu” on their forehead as well as Sinhala children were deprived of their right to education. "Dear Friends, "Can you imagine your children of 12 or 14 years carrying weapons of war? Certainly you cannot? Yet, the reality in the North and East is that. What these children received in place of their books and crayons were the guns, ammunition, bombs and the cyanide capsules of the LTTE. Now, let us all join hands to build the future world of these children. I believe with optimism that our international friends would help us in this task. Friends, please come to the East. "Similarly, I wish to ask the international community and even some of our own politicians, not to obstruct this New Dawn of the East by raising false slogans, and not engage in globe-trotting to betray the Sri Lankan State. "If there are shortcomings let us get together and criticize them. It is alright slighting Mahinda Rajapaksa. But do not betray the country. "The safeguarding of human rights is our primary responsibility. It is no secret that throughout my life I have stood consistently for human rights. However, one must understand clearly the difference between human rights and terrorist activities. Do not confuse the two. "We also see an attempt to bury the victories of our troops by insulting them or leveling serious charges against them. Today, we see attempts by some who try to hide their own “stripes” by insulting the Maha Sangha. "Is Thoppigala a forest? Or is it a sanctuary? How many tanks did it have? How many houses? How many trees were there to an acre? Such questions are only important to cartographers. Please do not look at this victory with envy or jealousy. This is neither a victory of the State nor my personal victory. "This is not a personal victory of the Defence Secretary or the Service Commanders. Some who think so are engaged in insane prattle. "Dear friends, "This is a people’s victory. I invite the Leader of the Opposition not to be an outsider but to be a stakeholder in this victory. No matter that I am insulted or members of my family are insulted. We will bear it with patience. But do not insult our Security Forces. Do not belittle or underestimate our Security Forces. It is with the sacrifice of life and limb that they have won these victories for our motherland. "The day we leave politics, our conscience will ask us what we have given to our children. Is it a colony or a heavily fractured country? "No, friends, we will gift our children with a land they will be proud to live in. "Let us bequeath to them a land where Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims can live together and smile as the children of one mother. "What we seek to achieve through the All Party Representative Conference is to bring together the diverse views of political parties to find a political solution to the North East crisis. Please do not delay this any further. I make a public appeal to all political parties to kindly present their proposals with speed. Do not delay this any further. Please come together, discuss and reach agreement, and give us a single final solution. "We should formulate a suitable framework to bring the Tamil speaking people more into the process of political power. We should be sensitive and responsive to the genuine grievances of the people in the North and East. We should not be prejudiced against anyone in our society by the fact of their being Tamil or Muslim.Similarly, the LTTE should even now accept the reality that it is not possible to bring liberation to the Tamil people through guns, bombs and cyanide capsules. What they destroy is the future of Tamil children. They destroy the future of the children of our country. What they demolish is their own culture. However dreadful, I will not be subdued or frightened by the violent growls of the LTTE. I will not be shaken by their threats of assassination. I am bound by conscience to fulfill my duties and obligations by the country.
"Now, did the people in the Eastern Province enjoy their basic right to vote? The civic rights of these innocent people were usurped for 15 years. We are returning these usurped rights to the people. We will take steps to conduct the Provincial and Local Government Elections in the East by the end of this year. By this time we will give the people of the East their sovereign right to elect their representatives to the Provincial Council and Local Government bodies. Those who engaged in election malpractices throughout history will shout this time too, as if frightened by a nightmare. Not only the right to vote, we are confident that the day is not far when the Eastern Province would prosper with more electricity, highways, buses, hospitals and new industries. Economic freedom is as important as freeing territory. We expect to launch an all out development war, throughout the country, giving priority to agriculture. I expect this economic war to bring back economic prosperity denied to the country. "Friends, "We have no desire to enter history as a popular politician. It is sufficient for me to be remembered in history as a trustee and protector of this country, its people, all its fauna and flora. I wish that history would remember me as a Sri Lankan who was in politics, not for elections but to serve the country. That will be the highest honour. In conclusion, My Dear Friends, I wish to identify the Thoppigala victory as the symbol of the aspirations and determination of the people who truly love our motherland. It is with the warmest of friendship that I recognize and appreciate the strength and courage given in this task by the working people, in silence, and amidst great difficulties; without strikes and other disruptions. Brothers and Sisters, this is the victory of your patience. The vast majority of the media in our country discharged their responsibility as a vanguard in this battle. Friends, the Government is with you at heart. Whatever problems they have, what our innocent people sought was an undivided country; an honourable peace. Citizens, this is your victory. Similarly, all political parties that unconditionally stand to protect the Government now become stakeholders in this victory.
My Dear Friends who speak the Tamil language, I know that you value peace more than a war waged even on the most reasonable grounds. We all value this. I know you value peace more than an abundant meal. Therefore, I express my deepest regrets for that tearful history which was thrust upon you. Therefore again, it is with deep emotion that I have accepted the great responsibility for your future and that of your children. "As much as the New Dawn in the East lights up the lives of the innocent people of the East, I am convinced this light would cause the historic brotherhood among the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims to sprout fresh shoots and thrive. "...historic brotherhood ... to sprout fresh roots.." | | "Two different nations, from a very ancient period, have divided between them the possession of the Island: the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior in its Southern and western parts from the river Wallouwe to Chilaw, and the Malabars (Tamils) who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners." - Sir Hugh Cleghorn, British Colonial Secretary, June 1879 quoted in Tamil Eelam: Reversion of Sovereignty | | Short History Of Sri Lanka And Tamils - Video Presentation in English | | "...The notion of the Sri Lankan nation subscribed to by many Sinhalese – including most of Sri Lanka’s politically influential Buddhist monks – is based on a firmly-rooted belief in the primacy of the Sinhalese/Buddhist majority and its culture. .." US Aid - Sri Lanka Democracy and Governance Assessments, May 2001 | | "...In the Sinhala language, the words for nation, race and people are practically synonymous, and a multiethnic or multicommunal nation or state is incomprehensible to the popular mind. The emphasis on Sri Lanka as the land of the Sinhala Buddhists carried an emotional popular appeal, compared with which the concept of a multiethnic polity was a meaningless abstraction..." Sinhala Historian K. M. de Silva in Religion, Nationalism and the State, quoted by David Little in Religion and Self Determination in Self Determination - International Perspectives, MacMillan Press, 1996 - Sinhala Buddhist Ethno Nationalism - Masquerading as Sri Lankan 'Civic Nationalism' | |
Hence, make use of this victorious moment as one that changes the recent history of Sri Lanka. I call upon you with deep emotion and responsibility to resolve to live together in unity and fraternity among all races and religions. 
May the Triple Gem bless you! May all deities protect you!" |