Geneva Talks & After: 2006 - 2007 |
25 January 2006 | LTTE, GoSL to hold talks on truce implementation in Geneva Liberation Tigers said 25 January 2006, Wednesday that they have agreed to hold talks in Geneva with the Government of Sri Lanka on "smooth implementation" of the February 2002 Cease Fire Agreement. Chief Negotiator and Political Strategist of the Liberation Tigers, Mr. Anton Balasingham, told reporters that the talks, expected to begin in mid-February, would be limited to the implementation of the truce which has come under increasing strain recently. Talks on further matters could only take place after complete cessation of the Sri Lankan military's violent repression of the population in Government held areas of the Northeast, he said. 
25 January 2006 | Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) on Sri Lanka's proposed peace talks: The challenge of enforcing cease-fire |
26 January 2006 | Japan welcomes talks agreement |
26 January 2006 | US welcomes agreement to hold peace talks in Geneva |
26 January 2006 | Switzerland welcomes decision to hold talks in Geneva |
27 January 2006 | EU commends Solheim, welcomes LTTE, GoSL agreement |
27 January 2006 | UK welcomes LTTE, GoSL agreement |
29 January 2006 | Sri Lanka Sunday Leader on LTTE Agreement for Talks in Geneva "...Significantly, Pirapaharan said what the LTTE was prepared is to discuss the implementation of all provisions in the CFA and not its amendment, thereby placing the burden on the government to renege on an internationally facilitated agreement..."
31 January 2006 | Patience of Justice - நீதியின் பொறுமை "பனங்காட்டு நரிகளே, சலசலப்புக்கு அஞ்சாதபோது பனங்காட்டுப்புலிகள் எவ்வாறு அஞ்சும்?"
2 February 2006 | (Ranil Wickremasinghe supporting) Sinhala Lankadeepa Daily on Geneva & Karuna - பேச்சுக்களின் பெயரால் புலிகளைச் சிதைக்க தீட்டிய திட்டங்கள் என்ன?: ஆதாரங்களோடு அம்பலப்படுத்தியது 'சிங்கள' நாளேடு! - "...சமாதான பேச்சுவார்த்தை நிகழ்ச்சி நிரலின் முதலாவது விடயம் யுத்த நிறுத்த உடன்படிக்கையை அமுல்படுத்துவதாகும். விடுதலைப் புலிகள் சொல்லப்போவது அதெல்லாம் செய்வதற்கு முன்னர் கருணாவை நிராயுதபாணியாக்குங்கள் என்பதையாகும்... அரசாங்கம் கருணாவின் தலையைப் பலிகொடுக்குமா? .." |
3 February 2006 | S.J.Tissainayagam asks 'Will talks in Geneva dispel war clouds?' |
6 February 2006 | Truce talks in Geneva on February 22 - Norway
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry on Monday informed the press that the parties to the conflict in Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, have asked Norway to facilitate talks in Geneva from 22 to 23 February.Full text of the Press Release issued by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs follows: "The parties to the conflict in Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, have asked Norway to facilitate talks in Geneva from 22 to 23 February. The parties will discuss how they can improve the implementation of the ceasefire agreement that was signed on 22 February 2002. This is the first time in three years that the parties meet face-to-face at such a high level.
“It is very positive that the parties have agreed to meet at high level to discuss how to improve the serious security situation,” says International Development Minister Erik Solheim. “Norway, in its role as facilitator, will do its best to help the parties find a practical solution to relieve the pressure the ceasefire has come under.
“The parties are taking a small but very significant step towards putting the peace process back on a positive track. And we expect the negotiations to be tough,” underlined Mr Solheim.
The International Development Minister will lead the Norwegian delegation, which includes Ambassador Hans Brattskar and Vidar Helgesen. The head of the civilian Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, Hagrup Haukland, will also be present.
“The parties have chosen Geneva for their meeting because of the very supportive role Switzerland has always played in the peace process,” the Minister added. "
7 February 2006 | Switzerland welcomes talks |
8 February 2006 | The Essence of the Geneva Talks - Wakeley Paul |
9 February 2006 | Sri Lanka delegation announced for Geneva talks |
13 February 2006 | First Accept The Sovereignty Of Our People - Tamilchelvan In TIME " .......Both nations have their own way of life, culture and language. If all that is restored, and respected, and we are returned to our dignity and right to self-determination, then moving away from federalism will be ruled out. We can have a relationship, and political arrangements can be worked out. But, first accept the sovereignty of our people."
14 February 2006 | Peace delegation Muslim representative still to be named |
14 February 2006 | No Tamil Eelam, only devolution within Unitary State says Sri Lanka President Rajapakse "This is a small country, where you can't have two states. I won't allow the country to be divided... You have to give up the concept of having two nations, or two countries … There is no Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. There cannot be an Eelam."
15 February 2006 | LTTE responds to Rajapakse's statement |
17 February 2006 | LTTE delegation leaves Kilinochchi for Geneva |
18 February 2006 | R.Cholan writes a 'A Private Letter to President Mahinda Rajapakse' "...You made a bit of a ‘BOOBOO’ this week in your interview with the Reuters [13 February 2006] and I was quite embarrassed, you being the President of my old country and all that. You had said, “[Sri Lanka] is a small country, where you can’t have two states…” You are an educated man (a lawyer, I am told) and I am surprised at your lack of knowledge on such matters. The fact is – Sri Lanka is not a small country as you claim. I have listed below data on 138 countries smaller in population than Sri Lanka, all full-fledged members of the United Nations. The total membership of the UN is only 191 countries..."more
18 February 2006 | LTTE Delegation arrives in Geneva, Switzerland for Talks on Ceasefire Implementation |
21 February 2006 | Kasra Naji, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), reports from the Vanni on Talks in Switzerland |
22 - 23 February 2006 | Geneva Talks at a Four Sided Table 1. Opening Remarks by Urs Ziswiler, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, 22 February 2006 2. Statement by Anton Balasingham, Head of LTTE Delegation, 22 February 2006 3. Statement by Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, Head of Sri Lanka Delegation, 22 February 2006 4. Statement by LTTE Political Wing Leader, S. P Tamilselvan, 22 February 2006 5. Concluding Statement released by Norwegian Facilitator, 23 February 2006 6. LTTE Political Wing Leader Interview in Tamil with IBC at conclusion of Talks, 24 February 2006 7. Swiss Government welcomes positive outcome of Geneva talks, 24 February 2004 8. Report on Talks in Sri Lanka State Controlled Daily News, 25 February 2006 9. Balasingham's interview with Sunday Leader after Geneva Talks, 26 February 2006 "... I told the delegation that I have come with a specific mandate from Mr. Pirapaharan to only talk about the implementation of the CFA. I said we will walk out if anybody raises anything or starts discussing constitutional or legal problems pertaining to this document. I said the moment you claim the CFA is incorrect, then you are coming out of the CFA. That means you are giving two weeks notice for the resumption of hostilities. You better think very carefully, I said. So they kept quiet..."
10. Senior Member of LTTE, V.Balakumaran in Tamil National Television on the Geneva Talks- தமிழீழ தேசிய தொலைக்காட்சியில் ஒளிபரப்பாகிய - நிலவரம், 27 February 2006 |
23 February 2006 | Transformation, not just reform of the state, is the need of the hour - Foundation for Co-existence (FCE) Symposium |
28 February 2006 | Co- Chairs welcome Geneva Outcome |
1 March 2006 | SL President to meet JVP, JHU separately before APC |
| Sri Lanka should ignore Geneva Agreement- JHU |
| Colombo misleads public on CFA amendments- UNP |
| National Peace Council welcomes Geneva agreement, requests space for civil society during talks |
| SLMM tells military to be truthful |
3 March 2006 | "It is time for Colombo to prove demonstrated commitment to February 2002 Ceasefire Agreement," - LTTE's Political Head S. P. Thamilchelvan, |
| Sri Lankan truce monitors probe rebel claim of government arrests |
5 March 2006 | LTTE Report on Sri Lanka Paramilitary Forces |
6 March 2006 | JHU, JVP reject Geneva agreement in All Party Conference |
7 March 2006 | JVP demands expulsion of Norway from peace process |
7 March 2006 | On the EU Contribution to the Peace Process in Sri Lanka - Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam |
7 March 2006 | Needed: Positive contribution by International players, key to Peace in Sri Lanka - Senewiratne |
8 March 2006 | JVP demands expulsion of Norway from peace process |
13 March 2006 | Geneva peace talks in grave danger – Balasingham "The Geneva peace talks will face grave danger if the Sri Lanka government refuses to disarm Tamil paramilitary organisations and continues allowing them to launch offensive military operations against our military positions in Batticaloa district," warned Mr Anton Balasingham, the chief negotiator and political strategist of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Commenting on the current situation Mr Balasingham told TamilNet that the LTTE leadership would be compelled to review its decision to participate in the next round of talks, to be held in Geneva on 19 April, if Colombo fails to fulfil the pledges agreed in the joint statement issued after the first session of talks in Geneva."
17 March 2006 | Solheim to give up Sri Lanka Mediation |
| Paramilitary issue raised in US Congressional Hearing |
| Jon Hanssen-Bauer appointed as new Special Envoy for the peace process in Sri Lanka |
18 March 2006 | Britain’s Answer to Separatism – Lessons for Us - Vasantharajah |
| Government has reneged on Geneva agreement - Thamilchelven |
21 March 2006 | Non-States and Non-Events - S.N.Lingam |
27 March 2006 | President Mahinda Rajapakse Is Wrong |
2006 | The Sri Lanka Peace Process - A Critical Review Sonia Bouffard David Carment [Journal of South Asian Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, 151-177 (2006) DOI: 10.1177/097317410600100201] "In the wake of a new wave of violence in Sri Lanka and the classification by numerous Western countries of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organisation, many wonder if the agreement mediated by Norway between the government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE has any long-term chance of success. This review will analyse the different strategies and proposals elaborated in previous agreements and peace talks designed to end the conflict between the government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil minority, with the purpose of identifying whether the current ceasefire agreement has a chance of lasting and leading to a peaceful and durable resolution of the conflict."
16 April 2006 | Sri Lankan peace talks in doubt |
16 April 2006 | LTTE to Norway "We have already explained to you that we cannot attend the Geneva talks without meeting our eastern commanders and take some firm decisions."
17 April 2006 | LTTE will not participate in Geneva -2, until the hurdles are removed |
18 April 2006 | When Tamils Are Being Slaughtered How Can We Sit and Talk? - Director-General, Peace Secretariat, LTTE "Our people are killed; they are driven out of their traditional homes and villages; their houses are burnt down; Tamil business establishments are targeted; businessmen singled out for murder; the paramilitaries are on a rampage; When all these are taking place, how could anyone expect us to proceed to Geneva?"
30 April 2006 | Air strikes violate Ceasefire Agreement - SLMM |
30 April 2006 | Colombo assails SLMM, accuses media bias in refugee figure dispute |
2 May 2006 | SLMM Clarification – regarding SLMM press release |
3 May 2006 | SLMM issuing clarifications under pressure, disturbing - LTTE |
5 May 2006 | Indiscriminate Attacks strengthens case for Tamil self-rule - John Murphy MP |
5 May 2006 | Coordinated International Effort Needed to Contain Situation in Sri Lanka |
7 May 2006 | Colombo adopting Machiavellian approach to Karuna, inevitable says SLMM Head Gen. Henricsson |
11 May 2006 | LTTE has no rights at sea - SLMM |
11 May 2006 | LTTE refutes SLMM's statement on Rights to Sea |
14 May 2006 | Neither party can win militarily, says SLMM Head Gen. Henricsson |
14 May 2006 | Sea Rights of States in Formation - SLMM and International Law "..A state in the process of formation has a right to the seas surrounding the land territory over which it has control. Such a right flows from the control of territory. It is control over land territory that gives control over the adjacent sea. The term “territorial sea” itself makes this relationship of the land and the sea clear... The failed state of Sri Lanka, which does not control the whole land territory of the island, cannot lay claims to the whole of the appurtenant seas. of the island..."
16 May 2006 | International silence is encouraging killings says Tamil Guardian “Emboldened by the manifest reluctance of international ceasefire monitors, leading members of the international community and southern liberals to condemn its actions, Sri Lanka’s military is now readily killing Tamil civilians with abandon,”
17 May 2006 | Sri Lanka refutes LTTE claim of sovereignty |
17 May 2006 | What Next for the International Community? |
22 May 2006 | Sri Lanka government can still avert new war - Anton Balasingham |
22 May 2006 | TNA calls for an even-handed approach |
26 May 2006 | Mahinda adopts definite strategy towards Tamils says D.B.S.Jeyaraj |
30 May 2006 | Co-chairs Press Release |
30 May 2006 | Peace - The Difficult, Yet Necessary Path - Jayadeva Uyangoda |
1 June 2006 | Richard Boucher, US Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs on EU Ban & Peace Process |
1 June 2006 | EU, co-chairs can't halt Tamil Eelam goal - M.R. Narayan Swamy |
3 June 2006 | EU ban ‘will radically transform’ Sri Lanka’s conflict says Tamil Guardian |
3 June 2006 | Envoy of EU Presidency in Sri Lanka on EU Ban and the Peace Process |
4 June 2006 | EU ban, one-sided and counterproductive - Anton Balasingham |
6 June 2006 | LTTE delegation meets Norwegian Development Minister |
7 June 2006 | Australian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation Interview with LTTE Political Head, Mr. S. P Tamilselvan from Oslo, Norway "...The European Union ban creates difficulties about the neutrality of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission which includes states which have banned the LTTE...It is out of respect for Norway that we are here to participate in the discussion. The condition at home is at its worst. Yet, our national leader felt we should honour Norway's invitation despite the EU ban.."
8 June 2006 | LTTE continues dialogue with Norwegian Minister, SLMM Head |
8 June 2006 | Norway sends 5 point questionaire to Sri Lanka, and LTTE - 'profoundly concerned with grave situation in Sri Lanka' |
8 June 2006 | Undue emphasis on direct talks sidelined key issues - Thamilchelvan |
9 June 2006 | Norway blames EU for Sri Lanka talks crisis |
10 June 2006 | LTTE's Constitutional Affairs Committee meets in Oslo The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) delegation led by its Political Head, S.P. Thamilchelvan met in Oslo with legal experts from the Tamil diaspora, Saturday, Tamil sources from Oslo said. The discussions focussed on the status quo between the Sri Lankan and the LTTE forces, including the territorial sea rights, and formulated recommendations to the LTTE leadership on the future course of action on these matters. Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) during Friday's meeting had confirmed SLMM's position on sea-activities that officials of the SLMM will not travel on board the Sri Lankan vessels until the sea dispute is resolved between the parties.
9 June 2006 | LTTE Communiqué at Oslo |
11 June 2006 | SLMM Report on Implementation of Geneva Agreements |
13 June 2006 | LTTE Delegation in Zurich |
13 June 2006 | செல்வராஜா கஜேந்திரன், யாழ்மாவட்டம் பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர், பத்திரிகை அறிக்கை |
25 June 2006 | Rajapakse will disarm Karuna if LTTE accepts direct peace deal |
25 June 2006 | |
8 July 2006 | நேரடிப் பேச்சுக்கான மகிந்தாவின் அழைப்பு போலித்தனமானது: சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் |
29 July 2006 | SLMM Head, villagers discussion abruptly ends following aerial strike A crucial discussion over the Mavilaru water crisis held Friday afternoon between Maj. Gen. Ulf Henricsson, Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) and villagers of LTTE held Eachchilampathu Vaharai division at Kallady LTTE political office ended abruptly following aerial strike on civilian targets in the area by Sri Lanka Air Force. Buildings of the Verugal Muhathuwaram Government Tamil School were damaged and two Tamil civilians were injured when Kifir jets dropped bombs on the area located about 750 meters away from the Kallady LTTE political office where the SLMM head had discussion with representatives of the villagers. more
29 July 2006 | 8 LTTE members killed, 4 wounded in SLAF bombing Eight Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) members, 2 offiicals and 6 cadres, were killed and four wounded when Sri Lanka Air Force bombed Liberation Tigers' Thenaham Conference Centre in Karadiyanaru, 24 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa. SLAF bombers attacked the LTTE run Thenaham between 11:30 and 12:00 Saturday. Batticaloa Head of Tamileelam War Hero's Affairs, Thamilchelvan mama and Batticaloa Coordinator of Village Development Scheme Ariharan were among the dead, according to LTTE Batticaloa Political Head Daya Mohan. Kfir jets dropped 12 bombs in three rounds, destroying the Conference Centre. more
29 July 2006 | SLAF, SLA attacks tantamount to declaration of war by Colombo, Elilan tells SLMM Liberation Tigers Trincomalee District Political Head S. Elilan, in an urgent letter to the Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) Major General Ulf Henricsson Saturday evening said that artillery attacks by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) and air strikes by the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) in the Liberation Tigers controlled territories in the Northeast, tantamounted to Declaration of War by the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) against the LTTE. "It is now appropriate for the SLMM to declare publicly that the ceasefire agreement is not holding anymore on the ground," Mr. Elilan told media. more
29 June 2006 | Sri Lanka truce dead in all but name: Swedish Major General Ulf Henricsson, Head, Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) A four-year ceasefire between Sri Lanka's government and the Tamil Tiger rebels is dead in all but name and a low intensity war continues to rage, the head of the Nordic mission that oversees the truce said on Saturday. Neither the government nor the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are willing to compromise to try to halt violence that has killed more than 800 people this year, and the military is being heavy-handed, said retired Swedish Major General Ulf Henricsson, who heads the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM)... "We sat talking and got clearance from the government and tried to convince the LTTE to have confidence in the government," he said. "They dropped a bomb in the vicinity. That's not the right signal."
29 July 2006 | Sri Lanka masses troops, bombardment continues As thousands of Sri Lankan troops were moved to Kallaru junction ahead of a threatened offensive, Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) Kfir jets Saturday flew three bombing sorties over the Mavilaru area in Eachchilampathu division south of Trincomalee district. Sri Lanka Army (SLA) continued shelling of the area as Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army, Major General Nanda Mallawarachchi, visited Kallaru area. more
4 August 2006 | Withdraw from Ceasefire Agreement, Wimal urges Government |
6 August 2006 | LTTE Peace Secretariat Press Release on Opening of Sluice Gates |
6 August 2006 | Sri Lanka’s shelling ‘declaration of war’ - LTTE |
6 August 2006 | நோர்வேயின் சிறப்பு சமாதானத் தூதுவர் ஜோன் ஹன்சன் பௌயரை சந்தித்த பின்னர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் ஊடகவியலாளர்களுக்கு வழங்கிய நேர்காணல் |
6 August 2006 | Sri Lanka forces launch fresh attacks on reservoir - BBC |
6 August 2006 | SLMM had entered Mavil Aru area unannounced - Sri Lanka Secretariat for Coordinating Peace (SCOPP) Press Release |
7 August 2006 | GoSL paying "scant regard" to Norway's peace efforts - LTTE |
11 August 2006 | No military solution to the conflict, says US Embassy PRESS RELEASE Release no. 20060811 Negotiations Are The Only Way Forward The events of the past weeks demonstrate again that there can be no military solution to the conflict that continues to divide Sri Lankans. The people of Sri Lanka need and deserve peace. The United States is deeply concerned by the dislocation of tens of thousands of innocent civilians and the killing of NGO personnel in the northeast. We call on the LTTE to return to political negotiations and to renounce terrorism. At the same time, we look to the Government of Sri Lanka to address the legitimate grievances of Tamil-speaking people and to respond to incidents of violence against civilians with prompt, independent investigations. Without political commitment and a spirit of compromise between both parties, there will be no end to the conflict. There is no other way forward than through a return to negotiations.
21 August 2006 | Sri Lanka: EU ban on LTTE hurt peace efforts -- Hanssen-Bauer, Norway Envoy |
21 August 2006 | "There is no military solution to this conflict" - Retiring SLMM Head Ulf Henricsson |
24 August 2006 | EU ban gave Sri Lanka carteblanche - SLMM head Major General Ulf Henricsson, the Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), in an interview to AFP, Thursday, criticised the European Union for having ignored a "seven-point memo" sent by the SLMM before banning the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The EU ruling meant the Sri Lankan government thought it had "carte blanche" to take on the Tigers, the outgoing Head of Mission said adding that he had become "more convinced than other" that there would be no military solution to the Sri Lankan crisis. "The EU decision was made following a "more high-level decision made in the cafes of Brussels," the Swedish Major General was quoted as saying. "If one is suddenly on a terrorist list it's not very difficult to see we're going to run into difficulties -- which we have done." "We had (seven) bullets in that memo which was some kind of worst case scenario," Henricsson told AFP about the message he passed to EU before the EU decision was made. "All of the bullets were fulfilled," he has told referring to the current situation."They [the EU] can't say they didn't know or at least have any signal about what could happen," Maj. Gen. Henricsson was quoted as saying. "I think the EU thought that the government of Sri Lanka was a responsible government, who could take the appropriate decision and work for peace instead of war." "I would say it's [the EU decision to ban LTTE] a mistake, it was a wrong decision because... the LTTE and the government have signed the ceasefire agreement as equal partners." "If one is suddenly on a terrorist list it's not very difficult to see we're going to run into difficulties -- which we have done." Diplomatic circles in Colombo interpreted the message from the outgoing SLMM Head as a serious blow to Colombo that initially insisted upon appointing a Swedish Head of Mission as all the previous HoMs had faulted Colombo for the deadlock in the implementation of the February 2002 Ceasefire Agreement.
12 September 2006 | Co-Chairs Call for Talks |
10 October 2006 | Seven vital points for peace talks from government -Department of Government Information, Sri Lanka |
11 October 2006 | Offensive must stop before talks can begin, says LTTE |
16 October 2006 | Sri Lanka Supreme Court Rules North-East Merger invalid |
20 October 2006 | Writing is on the wall and it is in red - Oru Paper |
23 October 2006 | Text of Memorandum of Understanding Between SLFP and UNP |
24 October 2006 | LTTE to focus humanitarian issues, CFA implementation in Geneva S.P. Thamilchelvan, the Political Head of the Liberation Tigers, before leaving Kilinochchi Tuesday morning, with Norwegian Ambassador Hans Brattskar and the LTTE delegation, for talks in Geneva, told media that the Tigers were participating in the talks respecting the call by Co-Chairs. "Agenda for the talks has not been worked out," Mr. Thamilchelvan said. "However, on our part, we have prepared to focus the urgent humanitarian crisis caused by the Sri Lankan state terrorism in the Tamil homeland," he told media adding that the Tigers were also prepared to focus on the implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement.
24 October 2006 | On the Eve of Geneva Talks: Sri Lanka State Controlled Daily News on Fundamentals of Ethnic issue |
25 October 2006 | Maximum devolution envisaged:Sri Lanka pact avoids unitary model says B. Muralidhar Reddy in Brahmin controlled Hindu |
28-29 October 2006 | Geneva II Talks Norway says that all three issues - humanitarian suffering, military de-escalation and underlying political problems should be addressed simultaneously during talks
Thamilchelvan on First Day Talks - No progress on Humanitarian issues, CFA
Peace process depends on ceasefire implementation - LTTE Opening Statement
Opening Statement by Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, Head of Delegation, GoSL
30 October 2006 | Highway is Sri Lanka's road to war says Hindustan Times |
4 November 2006 | A9 closure is ‘breach of CFA’ – SLMM International monitors overseesing Sri Lanka’s truce have criticized the Sri Lankan government for closing the A9 highway at Muhamalai, The Sunday Leader reported. "The government is clearly violating the Ceasefire Agreement and they have trapped more than half a million civilians within the Jaffna Peninsula. The A9 should be opened immediately," acting spokesperson for the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), Helen Olafsdottir, said. We do not know what the government's intentions are by keeping the A9 closed," she said. “We were expecting the government to discuss the opening of the A9 highway at the Geneva talks.”
7 November 2006 | LTTE reiterates SLMM access to Northern FDL, Vaharai region "Colombo should allow the neutral Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) officials to inspect the forward defence line (FDL) areas and provide the SLMM access Vaharai region to undertake independent verification of the ground situation, instead of producing "baseless allegations of LTTE attacks," in Colombo media, LTTE's Military Spokesman Irasiah Ilanthirayan said Monday night. Sri Lankan armed forces have intensified the attacks with a "military intention" of launching another offensive aiming to escalate the armed hostilities, the Tigers spokesman told media from Kilinochchi. "
7 November 2006 | Never say, never again - Shah Jehan |
9 November 2006 | Norwegian International Development Minister Erik Solheim condemns Sri Lanka Army for unprovoked shelling at Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission in Pooneryn "...There was clear was impossible to misunderstand the situation. The army was in advance informed of the meeting which was about inspecting the pathway that has been damaged. SLA fired artillery shells started to hit the ground first at 100 meter distance, but gradually the shells began approaching the delegation, at closest 50 meter from the Head of Mission. One of the vehicles was pushed off the path due to the air pressure caused by the artillery shelling..."
16 November 2006 | ‘Everything on table, equal respect for all’ needed for peace - Murphy Peace talks can succeed only if “everything is on the table and there is respect for all points of view,” Britain’s former Northern Ireland Minister said Thursday after meeting Tamil Tiger officials. Saying there is a “huge comparison” between the conflicts in Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka, Mr. Murphy said: “no one can win this kind of war. … we have the same message for the Sri Lankan government as the LTTE: keep searching for a solution, ensure the ceasefire agreement is one of integrity, renounce violence and ensure there is a proper look at everything that can bring peace.”
21 November 2006 | Co-chairs of Tokyo Donors Conference call for full implementation of CFA - and continue to label LTTE as a 'terrorist' organisation |
28 November 2006 | |