தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > Tamils: a Trans State Nation > Struggle for Tamil Eelam > Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka > Bandaranaike - Chelvanayakam Pact, 1957 >Dudley Senanayake - Chelvanayakam Agreement, 1965 > District Councils, 1968 > District Development Councils, 1979 > Annexure "C" Proposals, 1983> All Party Conference, 1983/84  >Thimpu Talks, 1985 > Indo Sri Lanka Working Paper, 1985 > "December 19th Proposals", 1986 > Exchange of Letters between India & Sri Lanka, 1987 > Indo Sri Lanka Agreement, 1987 > 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka Constitution - Devolution or Comic Opera?, 1988 > Sri Lanka/LTTE Talks 1989/90 > Select Committee - Interim Report,1992 > Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95 > Chandrika's 'Devolution' Proposals:1995/2001 > Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative - 2001 todate

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Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95  Sri Lanka's Sinhala dominated government commenced a 'Peace Offensive' in August 1994 and engaged the Liberation Tigers in talks with a view to separating them from the Tamil people. One year later, in an interview with the Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday Times, on 20 August 1995, President Kumaratunga admitted: "I have studied and acquired considerable knowledge on guerrilla warfare when I was a student in Paris, and we knew how they would behave. We conducted talks on the basis that the LTTE would not agree to any peaceful settlement and lay down arms." In the event, the attempted entrapment of the Liberation Tigers failed and the 'peace process' collapsed on 18 April 1995.

Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95   brings together the exchange of letters between the LTTE leader Velupillai Pirabaharan and President Kumaratunga during a six month period commencing in September 1994 and ending in April 1995; the LTTE Press Releases during the same period;  the interviews given by the LTTE leader to the BBC at the commencement of the 'peace process' and after the collapse of the talks.; the text of leaflets dropped by Sri Lanka on Jaffna in October 1994 showing the intent of Sri Lanka to separate the Tamil people from the LTTE and an article titled "Towards a just peace or just a peace offensive? " written by Nadesan Satyendra in November 1994 questioning Sri Lanka's bona fides in the 'peace process'; and the text of the Cessation of Hostilties Agreement of January 1995. In separate articles, M.Vasantharajah, Dr. S. Sathananthan, Dr. Rajan Sriskandarajah, and Natkunam, examine the failure of Sri Lanka's Peace Trap. The Petition by the Swiss Federation of Tamil Associations of June 1995, details the steps that led to the collapse of the talks.

Politics of Duplicity - Anton Balasingham, Political Adviser, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam


Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95 

"I have studied and acquired considerable knowledge on guerrilla warfare when I was a student in Paris, and we knew how they would behave. We conducted talks on the basis that the LTTE would not agree to any peaceful settlement and lay down arms." President Kumaratunga, Sri Lanka Sunday Times, 20 August 1995

Exchange of Letters between LTTE leader and Sri Lanka Prime Minister, 9 & 12 September 1994
Press Release - LTTE International Secretariat, 10 September 1994
BBC interview -  LTTE Leader, 13 September 1994
Sri Lanka Prime Minister to LTTE Leader, 21 September 1994
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka Prime Minister, 23 September 1994
Tamil Eelam News Letter, October 1994: Priority for day to day problems 
Sri Lanka Prime Minister to LTTE Leader, 6 October 1994
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka Prime Minister, 8 October 1994
Secretary, Sri Lanka Prime Minister to LTTE Leader, 11 October 1994
Commencement of Talks between LTTE and Sri Lanka - 13 October 1994
Joint Sri Lanka - LTTE Statement at end of First Round of Talks 13 -14 October 1994
Letter from Sri Lanka Prime Minister to LTTE Leader, 21 October 1994
Peace: Can Chandrika Deliver the Goods?- Tamil Eelam News Letter October 1994.
Text of Leaflets dropped by Sri Lanka on Jaffna - October 1994
Towards a Just Peace or just a peace offensive? - Nadesan Satyendra - November 1994
Sinhala chauvinism bears its fangs - Nadesan Satyendra - November 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister to LTTE Leader,  19 November 1994
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 20 November 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister to LTTE Leader, 22 November 1994
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 25 November 1994
Sri Lanka Preparing for War? - Tamil Eelam News Letter, December 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, to LTTE Leader -  7 December 1994
LTTE leader  to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 8 December 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister to LTTE leader, 13 December 1994
LTTE leader  to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 15 December 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister to LTTE leader, 19 December 1994
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister - 21 December 1994
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister to LTTE Leader -  29  December 1994
LTTE leader  to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 1 January 1995
Declaration of Cessation of Hostilities, 5 January 1995
Exchange of Letters between Mr.Tamilselvan & Secretary to Sri Lanka President, 13 January 1995
LTTE leader to Sri Lanka President, 25 February 1995 (1)
LTTE leader to Sri Lanka President, 25 February 1995 (2)
Press Release by Political Committee of LTTE - 26 February 1995
Press Release -Political Committee of LTTE - 7 March 1995
Sri Lanka President to LTTE Leader, 9 March 1995
LTTE leader to Sri Lanka President, 16 March 1995
LTTE Leader to  Sri Lanka President, 22  March 1995
Sri Lanka President to LTTE leader, 24  March 1995
LTTE leader to Sri Lanka President  28 March 1995
Sri Lanka President to LTTE leader, 1 April 1995
LTTE leader to Sri Lanka President  6 April 1995
Sri Lanka President to LTTE Leader - 12 April 1995
LTTE Political Wing Leader Thamilchelven's Statement, 17 April 1995
LTTE Leader to Sri Lanka President - 18 April 1995
LTTE Press Release, 19 April 1995
Statement - Political Committee of LTTE - 23 April 1995
BBC interview - LTTE Leader Velupillai Pirabaharan - 27 April 1995
Tamil Eelam News Letter April 1995: Government propaganda and international public opinion 
Statement by International Secretariat of LTTE, 26 May 1995
Petition by Swiss Federation of Tamil Associations to President Kumaratunga - 3 June 1995
What went wrong with the peace process? - M.Vasantharajah, 25 June 1995
The Chandrika - LTTE Talks: Dr. S. Sathananthan - July 1995
Failed Peace Process: the Reasons - Dr. Rajan Sriskandarajah, October 1995
President Chandrika: Peace Dove with War Medal - Natkunam -  November 1995


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