தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > Struggle for Tamil Eelam > Sri Lanka's Broken Pacts & Evasive Proposals > Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95 > LTTE leader  to Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, 1 January 1995

Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95 

LTTE leader to
Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister

1 January 1995

Col. Anuraddha Ratwatte
Minister of Irrigation, Power and Energy
Deputy Minister of Defence
Sri Lanka

Dear Col. Ratwatte,

Thank you very much for your letter dated 29th December 1994.

I am pleased to note that you are in agreement with our view concerning the procedure of the peace process i.e. that the negotiating process should be advanced in stages and that the early stages of the peace negotiations should address the immediate problems and hardships experienced by our people.

We appreciate your Government's commitment to ameliorate the conditions of existence of our people and to resolve the Tamil national conflict through peace negotiations. There has never been any misconception on our part that the fundamental objective of the peace process is to find a meaningful political solution that would satisfy the aspirations of the Tamil people.

You are fully aware that the Tamil people in the Northeast are undergoing extreme hardships as the direct consequence of the war and the hard-line militaristic approach advanced by the previous regime, the constraints and pressures of which have not yet been relaxed to create the conditions of normalcy in the war affected areas. The elimination of these constraints, we believe, will not only alleviate the hardships experienced by our people but also will create a congenial environment to conduct peace negotiations in a free and unrestrained atmosphere which is crucial for the success of the peace talks. Such a process of reconciliation is also necessary to build trust and confidence among the Tamil community which has been embittered by non-fulfilment of pledges and promises for decades. It is for these reasons, we placed emphasis on the resolution of the immediate, day to day issues, which are of paramount importance in relation to the existential conditions experienced by our people.

Our delegation will spell out in more detail and in depth such issues in the second round of talks and we hope that the Government will take concrete action to redress these grievances.

The Government delegation is welcome to Jaffna on the 2nd January 1995, as you have suggested, to conduct the second round of talks.

May I wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely.

Leader Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

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