United Kingdom, London Excel, Royal Victoria Dock, London, 27 November 2004 |

additional photos at tamilnaatham.com |
Switzerland |

Germany Revier Park, Gysenberg, Herne, 27 November 2004 |

  additional photos at tamilnaatham.com
France Le Grande Dome, Paris, 28 November 2004 |
  photos courtesy tamilnaatham.com
Netherlands, Utrecht 4 December 2004 |

Italy, Thileepan Illam - திலீபன் இல்லம் |
Denmark, Hoelbaek Fritdscenter, Mellemvang, 4300 Holbaek, 27 November 2004, |
Sweden 27.11.04 சுவீடனில் நடைபெற்ற மாவீரர் நாள் நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு |

Canada November 2004 |
29.11.04 அன்று கனடா ஒட்டாவா கால்ரன்ற் பல்கலைக்கழக தமிழ் மாணவர் அமைப்பினர் நடத்திய மாவீரர் நாள் நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு கனடா ரொறன்ரோ நகரின் பல்வேறு பகுதிகளில் நடைபெற்ற மாவீரர் நாள் நிகழ்வுகளின் படத்தொகுப்புக்கள் 27.11.04 கனடா கியூபெக் மாநிலத்தில் நடைபெற்ற மாவீரர் நாள் நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு  in Toronto
27 November 2004 Ottawa Tamil's Maaveerar Naal 2004 - Date: 27 November 2004 Time: 04:30 PM Place: St. Agnes Adult School 18 Louisa St., Ottawa, Ontario. (Bronson and Gladstone) |
21.11.04 அன்று கனடா உலகத் தமிழர் இயக்கத்தினால் மாவீரர்களின் பெற்றோர்கள் சிறப்பிக்கப்பட்ட நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு [photographs - courtesy tamilnaatham]    
Australia |
Sydney - 28.11.04 அவுஸ்திரேலியா சிட்னி நகரில் நடைபெற்ற மாவீரர் நாள் நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு 
Melbourne, 4 December 2004 
New Zealand, 4 December 2004 |

USA Maha Veerar Naal 2004 - World Tamil Coordinating Committee, |
New York Tamils commemorate Maha Veerar Naal, 2004
 New Jersey 4 December 2004   
San Francisco, California, 4 December 2004   
Maha Veerar Naal in Tamil Eelam |
27 November 2004 North East celebrates Martyrs Day in Eelam Towns, villages, remotest hamlets in the NorthEast are gaily decorated with yellow and red flags and cut outs depicting the Tamil liberation struggle observing the final day of the 'Maaveerar Naal' (Heroes Day) celebrations Saturday more
25 November 2004 Sri Lankan Armed Forces try to disrupt the Martyrs' Day celebrations in Eelam - Peace Secretariat of LTTE, Killinochchi, Eelam "The SLA has been engaged in disrupting the Martyrs Day celebrations in various places in the NorthEast. There were several incidents through out the NorthEast wherein the SLA and SL Police opened fire on civilians and members of the LTTE and assaulted them indiscriminately. SLA troops and Police attempted to prevent crowds from hoisting the Tamil Eelam flag at Veppankulam Junction. But people thronged and insisted that the flag had to be hoisted in memory of the Martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their people. The SLA troops returned later in the day in armored carriers and attacked people in the area, residents of Veppankulam. Two civilians were severely injured when the SLA opened fire on the people at Veppankulam junction in Vavuniya today around 5.15pm. It is relevant to note here that incidents similar to the above have taken place in Mannar also. In another incident, a member of the LTTE, Kanthan alias Samiththamby Umakanthan was shot dead in Akkaraippattu town today around 3.30pm by unidentified gunmen. This incident has taken place in the area fully controlled by the GoSL.
24 November 2004 Batticaloa LTTE honours martyrs parents Parents of martyrs of Libertion Tigers were honoured at an event held at Batticaloa Mahajana College Hall Wednesday. Batticaloa Amparai district Head of the Women's Political Wing Ms Kuveni addressing the event told the parents that only because of the courage of their sons and daughters that Tamil people are close to reaching their goals. 49 black tigers from Batticaloa Amparai district died during the last 22 years of war, 47 of them men. 22 of those were Black Sea Tigers according to a recent list of statistics released by the Heroes Welfare Section of the Political Wing of the Liberation Tigers. The total for all districts was 263. Total number of LTTE fighters for all districts was 17780, out of which 4560 were from Batticaloa Amparai district.
23 November 2004 Heroes' parents honoured in Trincomalee, Tamil Eelam  "The Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) in past abrogated pacts with Tamils because they were merely written on piece of paper. The current MoU was signed with the backing of our military strength. Sri Lanka Government knows the consequences of violating this agreement," said Mr.S.Elilan, Trincomalee district political head of the LTTE addressing an event held Monday in Trincomalee to honour parents of LTTE martyrs of Trincomalee division as a part of Heroes Day celebrations
21 November 2004 - Maveerar Day celebrations begin in Jaffna
Maveerar day celebrations began Sunday morning (21 November) in Jaffna district with hoisting of Thamileelam national flag and lighting the flame of sacrifice in several LTTE war cemeteries. Students, parents, relatives of martyrs and members of public participated in these events in large numbers.. |