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Sathyam Commentary Tomorrow is Maaveerar Naal ![]() உங்கள் உடல்கள் சாய்ந்ததால், எங்கள் தலைகள் நிமிர்ந்தன..
However, we do not seek to glorify war because we know too well the pain and suffering that war brings in its trail. Neither do we seek to glorify our war heroes. To glorify is to boast and magnify. And we do not seek to boast or magnify. But we do seek to remember, honour and mourn our war dead - remember with gratitude, honour with humility and mourn from deep within our hearts. Tomorrow is a day of remembrance. It is also a day of re-dedication by the many, who may not have put their lives at risk, but who nonetheless identify themselves with the cause for which their brothers and sisters in Tamil Eelam have given their lives - a struggle for freedom from alien Sinhala rule. It is a day of re-dedication which will reflect the settled determination of Tamils living in many lands and across distant seas, as far apart as Australia, South Africa, London, U.S.A., Canada, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany and Tamil Nadu, to preserve their national identity and to live as a free people - a national identity, rooted in a shared heritage, in a vibrant culture, a rich language and literature and consolidated by struggle and suffering.
The pain and suffering of the people of Tamil Eelam and their struggle for freedom has served to cement the growing togetherness of more than seventy million Tamil people - a nation without a state. is an aspiration which has found an answering response in the hearts and minds of Tamils living in many lands and across distant seas. Tamil Eelam is without the resources that a full fledged state may command. The people of Tamil Eelam can only turn to their ‘udan pirapukal’ in many lands - the Tamil diaspora is the hinterland for the struggle for justice and freedom in Tamil Eelam. Some 18 years ago, in April 1988, at a time when the struggle for Tamil Eelam was confronted with the occupying forces of a foreign army, Velupillai Pirabaharan, the leader of Tamil Eelam sent a message to an international Tamil Conference in London:
Today, 18 years later, the people of Tamil Eelam face another grim prospect. The Sinhala Sri Lanka government headed by President Rajapakse is pursuing with ruthlessness and renewed vigour, the decades old Sinhala assimilative agenda by reneging on the 2002 Oslo Declaration, by refusing to recognise the existence of the Tamil homeland, and by perpetuating a Sri Lankan state structure within which the Tamil people may continue to be ruled by a permanent Sinhala majority. The genocidal intent of the Sinhala government is reflected in the war crimes committed by the armed forces under the President Rajapakse's command. In the shadow of a ceasefire, they have raped, murdered Tamil Parliamentarians, Tamil journalists, executed Tamil students with impunity, arbitrarily arrested and detained Tamil civilians, abducted Tamil refugee workers, orchestrated attacks on Tamil civilians and Tamil shops, bombed Tamil civilian population centres and displaced thousands of Tamils from their homes. And the Tamil people know that many foreign governments have not only simply looked the other way but have also lent their tacit and overt support for the actions of the Sinhala Sri Lanka government. These foreign governments do so, not because they are unaware of the continuing suffering and pain of the people of Tamil Eelam in Jaffna and in the Vanni. They do so, not because they do not know that the use of food as a weapon of war is a war crime. They do so, not because the efforts of the Tamil people to make known to the world the suffering and pain of their brothers and sisters in Tamil Eelam, have failed. They do so, not because these governments are so foolish as to be 'misguided' by Sri Lanka's propaganda and 'diplomacy' - after all most governments have their own sources of reliable information, together with the capacity to sift the information that they receive. They do so, because the question is not so much a matter of human rights, humanitarian standards and justice but a matter of real politick. Here, it is not only the Indian sub continent but also the Indian Ocean (Trincomalee as well as the Arabian Sea) that has assumed a vital strategic importance in international relations in this age of empire. And so today, as the Tamil Guardian has rightly pointed out, Sri Lanka's strategy of terror has international backing. The efforts of foreign governments are directed not so much to secure 'justice' for the people of Tamil Eelam, or for that matter to simply 'stabilise' Sri Lanka but to 'stabilise' each of their own positions and influence in Sri Lanka and in that way in the Indian Ocean region. The US and India find common cause in weakening the LTTE - but weaken it in such a way that thereafter each of them may successfully jockey for position and influence in the Indian region. The political reality is that the US is mindful that it was after all President Jayawardene's 'growing togetherness' with the US which led to New Delhi's support of the Tamil militant movement in the early 1980s. At that time the US kept its oars in Tamil waters with efforts such as hoisting the Eelam flag in the State of Massachusetts. Today, the same US continues to speak of the 'legitimate grievances' of the Tamil people. It was this 'twin track' approach which the Press Trust of India (PTI) correspondent, Sridhar pointedly emphasised in his questions to US Under Secretary of State, Burns at the Tokyo Donors Co-Chairs Press Conference in Washington on 21 November 2006 -
The PTI questions also reflected New Delhi's concern to secure its own ability to continue to play the 'Tamil card' and keep Sri Lanka in line in the years to come - even after the successful removal of Velupillai Pirabakharan and the weakening of the LTTE. And so New Delhi too proclaims ad nauseam that they are concerned to secure the 'legitimate aspirations' of the Tamil people. Additionally it builds its own network amongst dissident Tamils both in Sri Lanka and abroad to secure its foothold in the island of Sri Lanka. And so it is that both US and New Delhi (at present) deny the right of the people of Tamil Eelam to be free of alien Sinhala rule. They would deny the record which proves that during the past fifty years and more, the intent and goal of all Sinhala governments (without exception) has been to secure the island as a Sinhala Buddhist Deepa. They would deny that rule by a permanent ethnic majority within the confines of a single state is the dark side of 'democracy'. They would deny that the Sinhala Buddhist nation masquerading as a multi ethnic 'civic' 'Sri Lankan' nation set about its task of assimilation and 'cleansing' the island of the Tamils, as a people, by
They would ignore the political reality that when these attempts at ethnic cleansing were resisted by the Tamil people by non violent means and parliamentary struggle, Sinhala governments resorted to violence in 1956, in 1958, in 1961 and again in 1977 - a murderous violence directed to terrorise the Tamils into submission. They would deny the lawfulness of Tamil armed resistance, which arose as a last resort against continuing State terror. They would ignore the political reality that that lawful resistance of the Tamil people was met with enactment of laws which were an 'ugly blot on statute book of any civilised country', with arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, extra judicial killings and massacres, indiscriminate aerial bombardment and artillery shelling, wanton rape, and genocide - together with press censorship, disinformation and murder of journalists. They would deny that the impunity granted to Sinhala armed forces, para military groups, goondas and Sinhala thugs, proved beyond doubt the encouragement, support and direction given by successive Sri Lanka governments for the crimes committed against the Tamil people. They would suggest to the people of Tamil Eelam that they should be satisfied with autonomy, devolution, and perhaps pseudo federalism, even though the Sinhala political parties cannot agree amongst themselves as to the extent of that devolution and even though under any such dispensation Sinhala majority rule will continue from the centre and the Sinhala armed forces will continue as the ultimate repository of the coercive power of a Sinhala dominated Buddhist state. They would deny that to work for the flowering of an independent Tamil Eelam is to bring forward the emergence of a true trans nationalism and that a true trans nationalism will come only from nationalisms that have flowered and matured - and that it will not come by the suppression of one nation by another.They would deny the historical reality that throughout the ages the Sinhalese and Tamils in the country lived as distinct sovereign people till they were brought under foreign domination in 1833. They would deny the force of reason in that which Gandhian Tamil leader S.J.V.Chelvanayagam declared in 1975 -
They would deny that the people of Tamil Eelam are subject to rule by an alien Sinhala people and they assert that universal franchise affords every Tamil the right to vote. They would ignore the political reality that during the past 50 years and more, ethnic identity has in fact determined the way in which both the Sinhala people and the Tamil people have exercised their political right of universal franchise and that during this period, no Tamil has ever been elected to a predominantly Sinhala electorate and no Sinhalese has ever been elected to a predominantly Tamil electorate - apart, that is, from multi member constituencies. They choose to ignore the political reality that the practice of 'democracy' within the confines of one state has led to rule by a permanent Sinhala majority. They continue to speak of a multi ethnic plural society though no such society exists in Sri Lanka. In the 1980s when the Tamil people cried out against the murderous onslaught by President J. R. Jayawardenes Sri Lanka, they chose to call Sri Lanka an open, working, multiparty democracy. But in October 1998, Sri Lanka President Chandrika Kumaratunga facing growing expressions of support from Tamils in South Africa, found it politically expedient to admit in a TV interview in that country:
Notwithstanding President Chandrika Kumaratunga's admissions, governments which characterised Sri Lanka as an open, working, multiparty democracy in the 1980s, continue the charade today. They choose to ignore the well documented record of the genocidal war launched by Sri Lanka, the Chemmanis, the Vaharais, the Vallipunams, the Mandaithivus, the Pesalais, and the rapes and they continue to proclaim their friendship and support for the Sri Lanka government -
They find it expedient to ignore the constitutional reality of a Buddhist Sri Lankan state and the political reality of a belligerent Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalism - in the same way as they found it expedient to ignore the murderous violence of other "good friends" such as the Shah of Iran and President Pinochet of Chile. They would deny that the people of Tamil Eelam constitute a people entitled to freedom, though that view has found support amongst many non governmental organisations. They would deny the right of the people of Tamil Eelam to freely determine their political status - in the same way as many of them denied, for centuries, the right of a colonial people to secure freedom from alien rule. They would deny the force of reason in the words of Professor Margaret Morre in Normative justifications for Liberal Nationalism -
They would deny reason, not because they do not recognise reason. They deny reason so that they may advance their own perceived self interests in the Indian Ocean region by supporting their 'good friends' - even if that be at the price of the pain, and suffering of the people of Tamil Eelam. And where they cannot any longer ignore, with any credibility, the terrorism of the Sri Lanka government, they adopt the PR technique of minimising the abuses, and talk about the conflict as a 'complex' two sided story, and play up efforts at reform. Some even have the temerity (in Tamil we say திமிர்) to assert that -
They believe that by their support for Sri Lanka's strategy of terror, the Tamil people will be 'encouraged' to submit to alien Sinhala rule within the existing state boundaries of Sri Lanka, that Tamil national consciousness will be 'tamed' and Velupillai Pirabaharan will disappear as a ‘bad dream’. It is not that they are unmindful of Aurobindos words in 1907 on ideas such as freedom:
They are mindful. And so their support for Sri Lanka's strategy of terror is coupled with a concerted effort to undermine the ideological strength of a struggle for freedom by labelling it 'terrorism' and then demonising its leaders.
They deliberately obfuscate by conflating the words 'terrorism' and 'violence' and they avoid addressing the question whether there are any circumstances under which a people ruled by an alien people can, in law, resort to arms to secure freedom. And, if there are such circumstances what are such circumstances? Recognising the ideological strength of a struggle for freedom they call upon the people of Tamil Eelam to forget any aspiration that they may have to be free from alien Sinhala rule - and seek to lead them down the slippery slope of devolution to village panchayats. One British Conservative Party M.P. frankly remarked on a visit to Sri Lanka that somebody should sit alongside Pirabaharan and tell him that a separate state is just not on. It was a remark that was almost on par with the comment of Winston Churchill, who expressed his concern in the 1930s about a half naked fakir (Mahatma Gandhi) parleying with the Kings Ministers' and who later, when he became British Prime Minister, asserted that he had not been appointed as the Kings First Minister to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. Notwithstanding such sentiments, empires weakened by two world wars, did liquidate themselves in the face of the enduring strength of struggles for freedom. If Mahatma Gandhi or for that matter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had been asked in the early 1930s as to when India would be free, they may well have replied: "We cannot say. The British Empire is the strongest the world has seen. But, if every Indian without exception stood up and declared openly, steadfastly and fearlessly that the demand for an independent and free India was not negotiable, the British will be unable to rule. When there are no quislings and collaborators amongst us, we will be free. The answer to the question, when we will be free, therefore lies in our own hands." They may have even added - In the same way as the struggle for an India free from alien British rule was not negotiable, the struggle for an independent Tamil Eelam, free from alien Sinhala rule is also not negotiable. The struggle for Tamil Eelam is not about securing ‘benevolent’ Sinhala rule. It is about freedom from alien Sinhala rule and the removal of the occupying Sinhala armed forces from the Tamil homeland. It is for that freedom, that thousands of Tamils have given their lives. And, it is those thousands of Tamils that we, their brothers and sisters, their udan pirapukal, will remember and honour tomorrow on Maaveerar Naal - with bowed heads, as we re dedicate ourselves to the cause for which they gave their lives. |