தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Selected Writings - Chandiravarman Sinnathurai

Father Chandiravarman Sinnathurai is a Christian priest trained in the West. He travelled extensively in the northeastern Tamil territories post-tsunami for humanitarian work and also did a series of interviews with the de facto Tamil state senior officials entitled “Eelam Encounters”. He actively fulfills his vocation as priest-poet-writer. He is currently researching on Tamil Eelam Armed Resistance: A Socio-political Theological Evaluation, based in Thamil Elam.

19 January 2007Sri Lanka: The Undeclared Dirty War
16 December 2006Transforming Dialectics into Dialogue - A Humanising Concept
22 November 2006Eelam Tamils: Highlighting crimes against peace
6 November 2006A 9 - The Road to Sri Lankan Darfour: Emptied of Compassion
18 August 2006Elliptical Illusion: PEACE
27 July 2006In Gratitude - Adrian Wijemanne
22 July 2006Sri Lanka - A Terror State
17 July 2006Keeping the Peace? International Intervention
8 July 2006Pinching the Child & Rocking the Cradle
3 July 2006Satya-Lobby: Prophetic Praxis and Imagination (2)
1 July 2006 Palacingham Pragmatism
18 June 2006

Satya-Lobby: Prophetic Praxis and Imagination (1)

10 June 2006Satya-Lobby –‘Take up the white man’s burden’
6 June 2006Democratic Deficit
1 June 2006Tamil Struggle: Poesy and Points of View
29 May 2006In Protest to Satyam
24 May 2006Brian SEN
17 May 2006Look on the Bright Side
14 May 2006Rest in Peace
Look what the peace talkers have done!
Much could be understood
From that which is not said
But from that which one chooses to not say…
We shall take control of our very own destiny
We shall rule our land and the sea...
Upon our dead we promise…
As long as we live
We will not allow others to tell us what to do or where to go… more
9 May 2006Any Questions
3 May 2006The Life of Job
2 May 2006 Mountain of Growth
30 April 2006Dignity - தன்மானம்: Dedicated to Talaivar

How long will you bomb us?
And try your best to destroy us?
Yet in the rubbles
And in the stench of death
You have created for us
We will quietly stand
We will rise up
Raise our heads to the sky
And shout Freedom  more

27 April 2006What Questions Are Worth Asking?
17 April 2006Thamil Tāyi -  தமிழ் தாய்
15 April 2006Half-empty or Half-full glass: It boils down to how you view things
4 April 2006The Elephant in the Room
2 April 2006Wounded Memories: A looking back (and on அறம் - Aaram and மறம் Maram)
23 March 2006Prosaic Dream
21 March 2006As it happens…

"...Tamils must ask the question:  What is the central plank of the Western Foreign Policy that has a fatal attraction towards the Sri Lankan genocidal intent against a wounded Tamil Nation?”

15 March 2006Trade Wars, Peace Deals and Imperial Occupation

"..In this shrinking global market, the high value ‘stock in trade’ is “peace and human rights”. It has of course, multiple meanings; but one of it is that, it is a ruthless industry. Hence, prior to any “new” peace deals, the Tamils must refuse to fall into the trap in which they were almost entrapped in previous negotiations. One would fervently pray that, this time round, the Tamil Peace Secretariat will clearly articulate the non-negotiable..."

12 March 2006The Rite of Spring
10 March 2006 Ol’ Man River He just keeps rolling along…
6 March 2006An Ode to Professor Typo - "Pilfering Print Space"
3 March 2006A Lenten Meditation
28 February 2006

Looking for Loopholes

"Much is being said about the peace overtures in Geneva between the Sri Lanka Government (SLG) and the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). Balasingham called it a “diplomatic victory”. An over estimation, one would think. The SLG have raised their tails and retorted with a spin that the Tigers agreed to an "Amendment to the original Cease Fire Agreement". Balasingham rejected it as “bizarre interpretation”. While this media warfare is being conducted multiple statements had been put out in the public domain by various Tamil organisations."...

25 February 2006Ballad of the Land and the Sea
20 February 2006Kasi Ananthan Poesy and the Tamil Eelam Liberation Struggle
10 February 2006Redemption Song - Dedicated to the heroic memory of all the writers and journalists assassinated by the Sri Lanka State
4 February 2006Democratic Sri Lanka? A Mocking Parody - An Observation through the prism of Hebrew text
27 January 2006Four Legs Good, Two legs Bad - An Assortment of Modest Reflections…read on the Holocaust Memorial Day at the local Synagogue
12 January 2006The Principle of Pre Emption - A Modest Assessment
7 January 2006Shifting the Balance of Power, Capturing the Power of Leverage
19 December 2005Drawing Circles in the Sand
8 December 2005The Threat of Genuine Negotiations
1 December 2005“Wait and Observe” - Tamil Eelam Leader's Modest Spiritual Approach
30 November 2005Tripartite Strategic Considerations
23 November 2005Thamil Bishops Urge Votes for Peace
4 November 2005Competing Geopolitical Monologues in Sri Lanka
22 October 2005The Weapons of Misperceptions
11 October 2005Some Simple Notations within the Margins
28 September 2005A Vitiated Moderation
May-July 2005Eelam Encounters


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