Relentless shelling and aerial bombing Abductions, disappearances, raping and pillage The whole world looks on us without batting an eye lid Its all geo-politics. No ethical or moral considerations. Who wants to make a quick buck out of our plight? Arms dealers. International plutocrats. Local politicians. Humanitarian needs : What’s that? Put on the back-burner. They might add. We are in the brink of starvation; Even hospitals are bombed Let alone schools. No medicine for the young and old No milk for our infants But the toys are a plenty: Burnt out shells and empty missiles The blood hounds savour the taste of skulls The crows feast on carcasses. Many civilian lives lost forever Stray dogs appear in the form of informants; child-abducting Para-Militaries, Secret agents with pocket tape recorders. Torturing out a false confession. Masquerading pimpernels in tinted white vans They are the State Terrorists. O, they have plenty to eat and drink. Apples and oranges; Tiffin and dessert Mangoes and Baila bongos – drink and be merry!
O, thou fools, Man shall not live by eating and boozing alone But by the dignity of freedom. Liberty. Roots and greens – the organic produce of our soil With that we shall survive. If not we might die. We shan’t hang our heads down in shame We shall live or even die with heads held high And stomachs empty with human dignity. Not willing to sell out our birth right. When that happens. Don’t you dare shed a drop of tear for the camera lens! A word to the Co-Chairs and the International Community: Ladies and gentlemen – How long will you pretend to be our saviours? How many times you want the Tamils to prove that we too are humans longing to free our motherland?! | |