தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > Tamils: a Trans State Nation > Struggle for Tamil Eelam > Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka > Bandaranaike - Chelvanayakam Pact, 1957 >Dudley Senanayake - Chelvanayakam Agreement, 1965 > District Councils, 1968 > District Development Councils, 1979 > Annexure "C" Proposals, 1983> All Party Conference, 1983/84  >Thimpu Talks, 1985 > Indo Sri Lanka Working Paper, 1985 > "December 19th Proposals", 1986 > Exchange of Letters between India & Sri Lanka, 1987 > Indo Sri Lanka Agreement, 1987 > 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka Constitution - Devolution or Comic Opera?, 1988 > Sri Lanka/LTTE Talks 1989/90 > Select Committee - Interim Report,1992 > Chandrika - LTTE Talks: 1994/95 > Chandrika's 'Devolution' Proposals:1995/2001 > Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative


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Related Off Site Links

Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission
Sri Lankan Government Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process
Peace Secretariat of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
European Initiative for a Negotiated Peace in Sri Lanka - Peter Schalk et al
Inter Press Service Coverage of Peace Process
National Peace Council
Sri Lanka Conflict Dialogue in DWCW

Colombo Voice Documents related to the Sri Lanka Peace Process

"... Those who assume the LTTE's concession on negotiating within the framework of a united Sri Lanka are, to paraphrase Richard Falk, pretending that the self-determination genie remains in the doctrinal box of a statist world. Instead, as Falk and others recognise, the post-Cold War era has presented real-political challenges to positivist attempts to define or restrict international legal rights of self-determination. The implications for the current Sri Lanka political process are significant...."  Self Determination and Conflict Regulation in Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland and beyond  - Brendan O'Duffy, May 2003


Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative

"..Unless consistent pressure is brought to bear on both the LTTE and the government, they are unlikely to make serious efforts to change. Although the parties cannot be forced to the negotiating table, points of leverage need to be considered. One point of leverage is aid, an option donor countries have been unwilling to use in the past but which bears another look, given that the Sri Lankan government is now channeling a much higher proportion of its resources into the war. At the same time, it would be helpful for the U.S. to find a way to open a channel of communication with the LTTE, as it has done with other guerrilla groups in the past. The willingness of many countries to concur with the Sri Lankan government’s demonization of the LTTE will not lead to an environment conducive to negotiations, and Washington should avoid such a one-sided approach..." -  Miriam Young in Sri Lanka’s Long War, October 2000

"...many peace agreements are fragile and the 'peace' that they create is usually the extension of war by more civilised means... A peace agreement is often an imperfect compromise based on the state of play when the parties have reached a 'hurting stalemate' or when the international community can no longer stomach a continuation of the crisis. A peace process, on the other hand, is not so much what happens before an agreement is reached, rather what happens after it... the post conflict phase crucially defines the relationship between former antagonists..." After the Peace: resistance and reconciliation' by Robert L.Rothstein, 1999

1996 - 1999 Early Beginnings...
1999 - 2000LTTE's Military Victories & the International Response
2000 - 2001LTTE's Unilateral Ceasefires
2001- 2002Sri Lanka Army suffers further major debacles
2002Ceasefire Agreement & Lifting of Ban on LTTE
2002First Session of Peace Talks in Thailand & Aftermath
2002Second Session of Peace Talks in Thailand & Aftermath
2002Oslo Peace Support Meeting
2002 - 2003Third Session of Peace Talks in Oslo & Aftermath
2003Fourth Session of Peace Talks in Thailand & Aftermath
2003Fifth Session of Peace Talks in Germany & Aftermath
2003Sixth Session of Talks in Japan & Aftermath
2003LTTE Suspends Negotiations
2003 - 2004Interim Self Governing Authority & Aftermath
2005Tsunami & Aftermath
2005 - 2006After 2005 Presidential Elections
2006Geneva Talks & Aftermath
2006- 2007Ceasefire Agreement Buried?



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