தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO)
தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகம்

Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Switzerland
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation  in Tamil - English - Deutsch - Italy
Tamils Rehabilation Oorganisation - France
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Germany
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation  - USA
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Denmark
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation -  Coordination & Support Centre, Tsunami
Disaster Management Unit (DMU)

14 August 2007TRO Memorial for 51 School Girls Killed in SLAF Bombing
31 July 2007Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi, Vadamaradchchi East (Jaffna), Mannar & Vavuniya - TRO Situation Report: 16 July 2007 - 31 July 2007
4 April 2007Bombing of White Pigeon Building in Puthukkudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu District
25 March 2007Funeral Held for TRO aid worker killed by Sri Lanka Army
15 March 2007Abducted TRO Aid Workers Believed Dead - Memorial service held by TRO [also in PDF]
7 February 2007Ceasefire Agreement: 2002 - 2007 - 5 year Missed Opportunity
18 January 2007Vaharai is Starving
26 December 2006TSUNAMI: 2 YEARS ON - A REPORT from the TRO Board of Governors
29 August 2006Sinhala Sri Lanka government freezes bank accounts of a Registered Charity
23 August 2006Dr. Nagaratnam Ranjithan, President TRO, USA  Speaks about  FBI Search
21 July 2006TRO Employee Assaulted by Army in Jaffna
23 May 2006TRO Condemns Attack on NGOs in Trincomalee
26 April 2006Urgent Appeal for Internally Displaced

"..Thousands of persons from Ralkuli, Kadakaraichchenai, Senaiyoor, Sampoor, Ilakkanthai, Sudaikuda, Paddalipuram and Upparu in the Trincomalee district have been displaced due to the ongoing air, sea, and ground attacks by the Security Forces of Government of Sri Lanka. The IDPs affected by the previous week’s communal violence are also streaming into LTTE controlled areas from the government controlled areas. The number of IDPs has passed the 30,000 mark and continues to rise. Due to extensive and continuous shelling and bombing the relief and rescue efforts are being severely hampered and travel to the affected areas to carry out humanitarian work has been nearly impossible..."

6 April 2006Families of 7 “disappeared” TRO workers plead for their release
10 February 2006Profiles of TRO Staffers abducted by Sri Lanka Paramilitary - and still missing
10 February 2006TRO Response to Allegations of Non Cooperation in Investigation of Abduction
3 February 2006TRO Statement to Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA)

"..A strong civil society is a sign that the mechanisms of democracy are still thriving. TRO believes that the humanitarian work that we are engaged in provides services to the affected populations of the NorthEast that would otherwise not receive the assistance that they need and deserve....Now, as seven of TRO’s dedicated, selfless staffers face an uncertain fate, many more re-consider their dedication to TRO and to humanitarian work in general. What are the safe avenues left for those who seek to create a positive impact through their contribution to our society? ..  In the past week, for fear of the safety of our staff, TRO has, in some parts of the NorthEast, been forced to divert our attentions away from the vital work we do in the humanitarian field and instead focus on the protection of our staff. Once again I urge you to raise your voice and call for an end to this violence and call for the release of the kidnapped individual..."

30 January 2006Sri Lanka Paramilitaries abduct Tamil Staff members of Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) in Welikande/Batticaloa

".. TRO believes that the humanitarian work that we are engaged in provides services to the affected populations of the NorthEast that would otherwise not receive the assistance that they need and deserve....Now, as seven of TRO’s dedicated, selfless staffers face an uncertain fate... I urge you to raise your voice and  call for the release of the kidnapped individuals..." Statement by Arjun Ethirveerasingam, TRO Project Development Manager, Colombo

19 January 2006Appeal for  Jaffna Displaced

Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance - At the start of December 2005 there was an increase in the level of violence in the Jaffna Peninsula, Trincomalee and other regions of the NorthEast of Sri Lanka. The NGO Consortium and local NGOs have stated that, “Many families in the Jaffna peninsula and Trincomalee felt that due to escalating violence that there was a threat to their personal safety from the Sri Lankan Security Forces and paramilitary forces. Many of these families identified the Vanni region as a place where they could temporarily move for safety.”  Over 3,325 families (approximately 14,500 individuals as of 16/01/06) have left their permanent housing, taking only what they could carry on their backs, and have crossed the checkpoints and lagoon into LTTE controlled areas of the Vanni. In light of this influx of IDPs TRO is making an “URGENT APPEAL” to the Tamil Diaspora and the international community for desperately needed funds to build temporary shelters, provide food and water, non-food relief (NFR) items, medical treatment and transportation to meet the needs of these families.

16 December 2005TRO Responds to Media Reports

"It is with regret and concern that TRO must respond to the recent articles in the local and international media. The false allegations, complete fabrications, and twisting of facts reported in the articles are a weak attempt to malign the largest and most efficient NGO in the NorthEast. It appears that there is a coordinated malicious campaign by pro-government, anti-Tamil forces to malign TRO and the work that it performs. It is also disturbing that the increased levels of propaganda correspond to the diminished levels of peace discourse in Sri Lanka.... TRO is a registered, tax exempt charitable organization in the USA and is a registered charity with the government of Sri Lanka. TRO’s effectiveness in the NorthEast has been recognized by the local and international media, international NGOs (iNGOs), visiting dignitaries (President Clinton, Kofi Annan), foreign governments, the UN, and even by the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL)..."

June 2005Report on Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation for Tsunami Affected Sri Lanka, 26 December 2004 – 26 June 2005

"Six months after a devastating tsunami overwhelmed the coast of Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004, the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) is publishing this report to provide awareness of its tsunami related activities including current projects, challenges and partners. " more

9 January 2005


Executive Director, TRO meets UN Secretary General and submits letter detailing TRO's lead in the NorthEast in providing Tsunami relief

6 January 2005

Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation -  Coordination & Support Centre, Tsunami Disaster Management Unit (DMU)

To address the immediate and life-threatening relief and rehabilitation needs of those affected by the Tsunami in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka, the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has set up a Disaster Management Unit (DMU) at its head office in Colombo . Our objective is to co-ordinate all emergency relief work in the NorthEast and we have many dedicated employees and volunteers working around the clock. The DMU is structured to address urgent needs and maximize efficiency and we have identified and established the following divisions: Medical, Logistics & Procurement, Communication & Media, Data collection & management, Finance / Administration. The DMU is fully functional and has been delivering emergency relief items to affected areas in the NorthEast from day one of the disaster.

29 December 2004Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation Media Release, Press Conference at Swiss TRO Headquarters, Geneva

"Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation which is a registered humanitarian organization in Sri Lanka and a member of the consortium of humanitarian has grave concerns that our ability to respond in a timely manner is being hindered by excessive administrative, bureaucratic and control requirements imposed.  We are going through a critical phase of the relief efforts to address the impact of the unparalleled calamity caused by Tsumani. Urgent response is of paramount importance to arrest further deterioration of this tragic situation. This is particularly so because relief channelled through the Government of Sri Lanka has not reached the people of the northeast of the Island...

TRO has been in operation for over 19 years,  and currently partners with multilateral and UN Agencies and several international NGOs in major rehabilitation and reconstruction projects and programmes in the North-East of Sri Lanka. TRO has district offices and sub-offices in each of the eight districts in the North-East of Sri Lanka and employs over 3500 paid staff. 

TRO has a well trained de-mining staff that have undergone extensive training including training provided by UN Agencies and are in full readiness to address dangers caused by mines. Delays of relief reaching some districts in the North-East are being attributed in some quarters to problems regarding mines. TRO considers that dangers caused by free floating mines are  far less significant when compared to the dangers of death by starvation and disease. Our staff and volunteers live in this environment and have always been exposed to these risks and have the acquired the expertise and capability to address these concerns. "

28 December 2004TRO lists immediate relief needs
27 December 2004Updated Appeal for Tsunami Disaster Victims in Tamil Eelam - 8000 Dead and 500,000 Displaced in northeast of the Island of Sri Lanka

"The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation is engaged, on a war footing, in rendering urgent humanitarian assistance to all those in the coastal areas of the northeast  of Sri Lanka who have borne the brunt of  the  ‘tidal’ waves (tsunamis) caused by the strongest earthquake in 40 years, with its epicentre in Indonesia. Beaches are strewn with debris and waste. Whole villages have been turned into cemeteries. Over 8000 have lost their lives in the northeast. More than 500,000 have been displaced from their homes and left without shelter.The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation is engaged in the task of providing food, medical help, transport, temporary shelters and other urgent humanitarian assistance for the hundreds of thousands of the displaced. However, the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that we are faced with is such that we need the urgent support of the international community and the generous and immediate support of our Tamil brothers and sisters living in many lands..."

27 December 2004Updated Appeal  for Tsunami Disaster Victims in Tamil Eelam

ஈழம் வடக்குக்கிழக்கில் 6000 பொதுமக்கள் உயிரிழப்பு - 500 000 மக்கள் இடம்பெயர்வு - அவசர மனிதாபிமான உதவிகளை வழங்கிடுவீர்!  தற்போது இடம்பெயர்ந்து பல்வேறு இடங்களிலும் தங்கியுள்ள சுமார் 500 000 பொதுமக்களிற்கான உணவு மருத்துவ உதவிகள் போக்குவரத்து மற்றும் தற்காலிக இருப்பிட உதவிகள் போன்ற அவசர மனிதாபிமான உதவிகளை தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகம் வழங்கி வருகின்றது. எனினும் தற்போது ஏற்பட்டுள் பெருமளவிலான தேவைகளை எதிர்கொள்வதற்கு அனைத்துலக சமூகமும் புகலிட தமிழ் சமூகமும் பெருமெடுப்பில் உதவிடல் வேண்டும் என தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழக நிறைவேற்றுப் பணிப்பாளர் வேண்டுதல் விடுத்துள்ளார்.

26 December  2004Appeal for Tsunami Disaster Victims in Tamil Eelam

"Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), an independent Non-Governmental Organization registered with Government of Sri Lanka, appealed to the Tamil expatriates Sunday to donate towards meeting the humanitarian crisis unfolding following the tsunami wave triggered flooding in residential areas along the eastern coast of Sri Lanka. Majority of families affected were from the NorthEast of Sri Lanka...The North and East coast of the Island of Sri Lanka has been devastated by unexpected tidal waves which have swamped several villages and towns in the Amparai, Mullaitivu Batticaloa Trincomalee and Vadamarachi districts.Violent waves entered villages located up to 3 kilometres from the coast in the districts of Batticaloa and Trincomalee..."


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