தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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The Tamil Internet 2001 Conference and Exhibition (TI2001), the fourth in the series, was held from 26-28 August 2001 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. TI2001, with the theme 'Pathways to Progress' was co-organised by the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) and the International Forum for Information Technology in Tamil (INFITT). It was the first time that a Tamil Internet conference was organised under the auspices of INFITT, which was established in July 2000.


The exhibition attracted a total of 30,000 visitors over three days. A major impact of this exhibition was the dissemination of information and technology relating to Tamil computing and Tamil Internet to a large segment of the local Indian population for the first time. The event provided an extraordinary opportunity for interactive exposure to new technologies as well as an appreciation of how much Tamil language has progressed as an integral part of Internet. These included many innovative software products in Tamil such as digital dictionaries, computer games, Tamil Front-End interfaces, and multimedia educational software. For both the Malaysian and overseas Indian business communities, the exhibition provided a platform for networking and business opportunities. The exhibition also featured many software and hardware that enriched the learning environment for Tamil and other subjects through IT.

"Net For Life" Campaign

One special feature of TI2000 in Malaysia was the nation-wide campaign to promote Internet awareness and usage among the Indian community. Divided into three segments -- "Web@8" aimed at primary school children, "eSkills@15" aimed at teenagers, and "eSeniors" aimed at senior citizens -- the campaign was launched in July and within two months had exceeded its target by reaching out to more than 70,000 people. The campaign is continuing unabated.


The conference was attended by about 750 delegates from more than a dozen countries. Some 50 speakers addressed a wide spectrum of issues such as teaching of Tamil through IT, Tamil implementation in Unicode and on different platforms, developing optical character recognition (OCR), internet search engines, natural language processing, Tamil in Linux, speech synthesis in Tamil, building Tamil cyber communities and business networks. The conference also became a vast platform for interaction among Tamil internet related scholars, technologists and end users.
Recommendations & Resolutions

At the end of the three-day event, both the Conference and the INFITT Constituent Assembly made many recommendations and resolutions for the consideration of governments, international and national organisations, corporate bodies as well as individuals.

The following is a summary of the key recommendations and resolutions:


The INFITT Executive Committee (IEC) resolved the problem of numerous font encoding schemes by recommending only two 8-bit glyph encoding schemes, TAB and TSCII, with the provision for seamless conversion between the two for information storage and exchange through the Internet. Usage of the monolingual TAM scheme was also recognised as a viable scheme wherever appropriate. At the same time, developers were urged to adopt Unicode for Tamil character encoding and use it in global application software so as to reduce dependency on the 8-bit glyph encoding in the future.
The Working Group on Glossary of Technical Terms in Tamil Computing recommended a list of about 250 technical terms. These terms were considered essential for tasks such as development of screens and web pages in Tamil and for machine translation of documents and speech processes. This list of terms will be available at the INFITT website: www.infitt.org


The Conference noted with regret that some pioneers in Tamil content on the web had suffered business losses due to unfavourable economic factors. However, the Conference was confident that the scope and business opportunities for Tamil content on the web would expand considerably and it urged content developers to press ahead with their efforts. The Conference also expressed the hope that the limiting of font encoding schemes to just two would greatly encourage the rapid growth of content as well as content management.

The Conference also urged the governments and other concerned organizations to embark on outreach programmes on a large scale so as to benefit people of all ages and economic classes. In this context, the Conference noted with appreciation the Malaysian campaign, ?Net-For-Life?, aimed at children, youth and senior citizens. Another good example of outreach programme is the setting up of electronic kiosks in rural and remote areas of the country to bring valuable and not easily accessible information.



Tamil Internet 2001

Pathways to Progress

Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
26-28 August 2001

Papers Presented/Submitted

Tamil Teaching through Information Technology
Dr. Mullai Ramaiah & Sudandara S. Nathan, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia - Factors that impact on the use of computers in teaching/learning in Tamil Schools
குணசேகரன் கந்தசாமி - தமிழ்ப்பள்ளிகளில் கணினி மைய உருவாக்கமும் கல்வி வளர்ச்சியில் அதன் பங்கும்
K.Uthaman . M.A., M. Phil.,Med. - இணையத் தளங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தித் தமிழ் கற்பித்தல் - ஒரு பார்வை
Manonmani Mookaiah, R Bawani, S Ravindran - சிங்கையில் தமிழை இரண்டாம் மொழியாகக் கற்பிக்கும் உயர்நிலைப்பள்ளித் தமிழாசிரியர்களுக்குத் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பப் பயிற்சி
Thiagarajan Bhoopathey -  Teaching of Tamil Through computers in Primary Schools in Singapore
K. Sivagurunatha Pillai - Multimedia : a developing trend in language teaching
டாக்டர் இரா. பக்கிரிசாமி - இணைய பல்கலைக்கழகமூலம் தமிழ் கற்பித்தல் - Teaching Methodology in Tamil Inaiya Virtual University
Ms.Subashini Kanagasundaram - டிஜிட்டல் கிராமத்தில் டிஜிட்டல் கல்வி முறை - Digital Learning in Digital Village
Dr. M.V. Ramachandra - Multimedia based Tamil Teaching - advantages and problems
Prof.S.Jean Lawrence - Material Production For Multimedia Package
M. P. Premkumar - Tamil Kalam - Teaching Tamil over the Web
Dr.P.Vanchinathan -  Yapparinjan: a software for parsing  Thamizh verses and classifying its elements
Dr. Kodumudi Shanmugam - Tamil Script and Students
N. Nadaraja Pillai - A Bridge too far : functional grammar and Traditional grammar in school Education
Tamil Implementation in Unicode
Michael Kaplan & Cathy Wissink - Issues in Indic Language Collation
T.N.C. Venkata Rangan and Satheesh, Vishwak Associates, Chennai - XML and Tamil text processing with Unicode
M.R.K. Murthy Raju - Why Unicode?
Tamil Script Forms for Tamil Computing
சு. சீனிவாசன், அ. ஜேம்ஸ் & எஸ். அனந்தநாராயணன், கே.ஆர்.எஸ். நாராயணன் - தமிழ்க் கணிப்பில் மறைந்துள்ள சில சிக்கல்களும் சவால்களும் - Hidden problems and challenges in Tamil Computing
Dr. R. பக்கிரிசாமி - தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களின் சூட்மமும் கணினியும் - Features of tamil scripts and their relation to computers
N. Anbarasan -  Difficulties in learning Tamil : irregularities in the Tamil scripts
N.D. Logasundaram - Reform of script forms in Tamil Alphabet
Tamil Optical Character Recognition
Aparna K G & A G Ramakrishnan -  Tamil GNANI- an OCR for windows
D Dhanya and A G Ramakrishnan - Simultaneous Recognition of Tamil and Roman Scripts
Dr V Krishnamoorthy - On Developing OCR Software for Tamil
Glossary of Technical Terms in Tamil
Anto Peter - கலைச்சொல்லாக்க உத்திகள் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பக் கலைச் சொல்லாக்கக் குழு
பெ.சந்திரசேகரன் - கலைச்சொல் ஆக்க உத்திகள்
Dr. P. Chandra Bose - Standardisation of Technical Terms in Tamil
Speech Synthesis in Tamil
G. L. Jayavardhana Rama, A. G. Ramakrishnan, Vijay Venkatesh and R. Murali Shankar - Thirukkural - A Text-to-Speech Synthesis System
R. Murali Shankar and A. G. Ramakrishnan - Human Touch to Tamil Speech Synthesizer
Building Cyber Communities
Tan Tin Wee, James Seng , and S.Maniam -  Internationalization of the Domain Name System: The Next Big Step in a Multilingual Internet
Mr. Rangarajan and N. Jayaradha -  Problems encountered in searching in Tamil on the Internet: a suggestion for a versatile search engine
M.V. Ramachandra - இணையத் தமிழ் வலைத்தளங்களும், அவற்றின் எதிர்காலமும் - Tamil Portal Sites on Internet and their future
Kamini Anthonysamy - Mobile Internet Unit (MIU) - A Mobile Multimedia Cyber Learning Station
C.M. Elanttamil & Dr. N. Selvanathan - Towards the development of a Holistic Malaysian Indian Cyber Community
M.R.K. Murthy Raju - Multilingual Web applications using PHP
அப்பணசாமி - இணையத்தில் தமிழ்த் தளங்கள் - ஒரு சுய பரிசீலனை
Computer Resource Management
மா.ஆண்டோ பீட்டர் - தமிழ் இணையங்கள் அமைப்பதற்கான வழிமுறைகள்
Dr. N. Kannan - இ - சுவடி மின்னோலை பதிப்பு, பாதுகாப்பு, மின்னாடல் - electronic digital version of a Palmleaf manuscript)
முனைவர் கு. பகவதி, முனைவர் செ. ஜீன் லாறன்ஸ - தமிழியல் ஆவணம்
Tamil Computing Technology - Tools
P. Anandan, Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathy & Dr. T.V. Geetha - Morphological Generator for Tamil
Dr. Vasu Renganathan Development of Morphological Tagger for Tamil
S. Subramanian and K.M. Ganesh - Study and Implementation of a Tamil Text-to-Speech Engine
Ramasamy Duraipandi -  Global Encoding Convertor
Prof. Harold F. Schiffman & Dr. Vasu Renganathan - An Electronic English-Tamil Dictionary
Ravindran K. Paul - Analysis of relative merits of Tamil99 and Thunaivan Keyboard layouts in a Malaysian context
Tamil Text Processing
S. Hirschhorn and S. Senthilnathan - Intelligent Text Input and Superior Display on Information Appliances: Asia- Pacific Region
Tamil Implementation in Different Platforms
R. Kalaimani - Tamil in Palmtop computers - an introduction
M. Thulukkanam - Java-based Tamil User Interface for Mobile Devices
Ramasamy Duraipandi - Role of ActiveX in Tamil Computing



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