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Home > Struggle for Tamil Eelam > Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka > Broken Pacts & Evasive Proposals > Chandrika's 'Devolution' Proposals:1995/2001 > Sri Lanka Draft Constitution, March 1997
Sri Lanka Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris released 18 Chapters of the Draft Constitution of the Republic of Sri Lanka on March 27, 1997 - they were Chapters I through XIV and XVI through XIX. Chapter XV that deals with "Devolution of Powers to Regions" was not included. |
I. The People, the State and Sovereignty
II. Buddhism
III. Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
IV. Language
V. Citizenship
VI. Directive Principles of State Policy
VII. The Central Executive - The President of the Republic
VIII. The Central Executive - The President and the Cabinet of Ministers
XI. The Central Legislature - Parliament
X. The Central Legislature - Parliament - Procedure and Powers
XI. The Central Legislature - Amendment of the Constitution
XII Referendum
XIII. Franchise and the Elections
XIV. Constitutional Council
XV. Devolution of Power to Regions
XVI. The Judiciary Institutions for the Administration of Justice
XVII. The Independence of the Judiciary
XVIII .The Judiciary Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal
XIX. National Public Service
XX. Finance
XXI. Public Security
XXII. Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Regional Commissioners for Administration
XXIII. General
XXIV. Transitional Provisions
XXV. Interpretation
XXVI. Repeal and Promulgation
Whereas it is the will of the people of Sri Lanka to establish and strengthen an order -
Wherein the sovereignty of the people is assured and the exercise of authority by their freely chosen representatives is in the nature of a sacred trust;
Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, humanity, tolerance and equal opportunity shall be fully observed;
Wherein the dignity of the individual shall be upheld through the guaranteeing of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law;
Wherein the territories constituting the nation shall form one indissoluble union, the units whereof will be characterised by such boundaries and limitations on their powers and authority as may be prescribed; **
Wherein the territorial integrity, independence and unity of the nation including its sovereign rights over land, sea and air shall be safeguarded;
Wherein peace and fraternity among all communities shall be secured and provision made enabling all communities to enjoy and nurture their distinct culture, practice and profess their own religion and promote their own language, thus preserving the rich cultural and ethnic diversity characteristic of a plural society:
Now, therefore, we the people of Sri Lanka having solemnly resolved to constitute Sri Lanka into a free, sovereign, united and independent Republic:**
Cognisant of the sacrifices made by the people in the cause of sustaining the unity and sovereignty of the republic;
Mindful of our obligations to succeeding generations of Sri Lankans and the International Community;
Inspired by the vision of a Sri Lankan nation where all communities co-exist in equality, safety and contentment;
Conscious of the desire to achieve rapid, sustained and equitable development so that the people of Sri Lanka may prosper and attain their rightful place among the community of nations:
Do, on this (DAY) acting through our freely chosen representatives constituting the 10th Parliament of Sri Lanka established by us, hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves**
** to be finalised.