தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > International Conferences > International Conference on Tamil Nationhood, Canada, 1999

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Conference Theme
Conference Conclusion
Conference Organisation & Sponsors
Conference Proceedings Available in Print
Freedom is Our Right and Peace is our Objective - Ethical Responsibility of the International Community
to help resolve the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka - Key Note Address -
Lessons from Kokkodaicholai - Why you should go there - Margaret Trawick
Mass Graves in the Tamil Homeland - Avis Harrell Sri-Jayantha
Through the Eyes of an American Student: An Impression of the Life of Young People in the NorthEast Province - Arjunan L. Ethirveerasingam
Women and Children - Human Rights Situation in the Tamil Homeland - Deirdre McConnell
Why the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is not a Terrorist Organisation - Karen Parker
The Current Political Dynamics of the Tamil National Conflict in Sri Lanka -  G.G. Ponnambalam (Jr.)
Origin of the Conflict in Sri Lanka and Sinhala Ethnic Nationalism - C.Manogaran
Reflections on the Lessons of Kosovo - Dr.S. Sathananthan
The Reporting Culture & the Media Dynasties in Sri Lanka - Pon Kulendran
World Media & Ethnic Conflicts - M.Vasantha Raja
Media Bias and Censorship
in Conflict Reporting in Sri Lanka
Dharmaretnam Sivaram
Life of Tamil People under Civil Administration and Army Occupation - Joseph Pararajasingham, M.P
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and the Tamil National Struggle: Evolving the Law of Self Determination - Karen Parker
Right to Self Determination of Ilankai Tamils - Dr.Vickramabahu Karunaratne
Ecological Consequences of the War in the Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka - T Saverimuttu, N Sriskandarajah, VIS Jayapalan
Sri Lanka: Why a 'Devolution Package' is not workable - Dr.S.Sathananthan
The Need for Third Party Conflict Resolution in the Island of Sri Lanka - Viswanathan Rudrakumaran


International Conference On Tamil Nationhood
& Search for Peace in Sri Lanka

Academic Society of Tamil Students
Carleton University, Canada
21-22 May 1999

Conference Theme, Conclusion & Organisation

Conference Theme

"The conference reviews the cirumstances which lead to the Tamil national conflict in Sri Lanka, its impact on a significant segment of the Canadian population and on the life of the people in the conflict zone. Past and present peace initiatives to resolve the conflict and the shortcomings of those initiatives will be examined. The current political dynamics in Sri Lanka and the likelihood of resolving the conflict will also be critically assessed. Finally, the conference will focus on the need for a peaceful and just resolution of the conflict."

Conference Conclusion

Resolution adopted unanimously by the delegates to the International Conference on Tamil Nationhood and the Search for Peace in Sri Lanka, held at the Bell Theatre, Minto Centre for Studies in Advanced Engineering, Carleton University, in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, at 18.05 hours, on Saturday, May 22, 1999.


The International Conference on The Tamil Nationhood and the Search for Peace in Sri Lanka, organized by The Academic Society of Tamil Students (ACTS) of Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, and , held at the Bell Theatre, Minto Centre for Studies in Advanced Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on May 21 and 22, 1999. The conference, attended by Canadians of Tamil descent, international scholars, political leaders, representatives of the Canadian Government and Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs), after due deliberation, recognized, with deep shock and distress, the violation of a broad range of human rights of the Tamil People by Sinhala armed forces in Sri Lanka. The human rights violations include arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention and disappearances, torture, rape, extrajudicial killings of Tamil civilians, and the destruction of the homes, schools, libraries, religious institutions, and the infrastructure, and the degradation of environment, in the Tamil homeland.

The delegates to conference re-affirmed that any meaningful negotiation for a peaceful resolution of the Tamil-Sinhala national conflict must be based on the recognition of the cardinal basic principles, also known as "Thimpu Principles". These principles, intra alia, state that,

  1. Tamil people have a distinct culture, language and they together constitute a NATION,
  2. The Tamil People have lived for centuries in a clearly established HOMELAND, with defined borders, in the Island of Ceylon, and
  3. The Tamil people have an inallienable right for SELF-DETERMINATION.

The delegates are aware that the Tamil people of the Island of Sri Lanka want to end the war and they want the political establishment of the Sinhala Nation to negotiate with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the representatives of the Tamil Nation, for a durable and just political solution.

The delegates gathered here today in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Ontario, Canada, hereby solemnly resolve that,


1. We are a Nation of Tamil People, our Homeland is Tamil Eelam, and we have the inalienable right to self-determination, and we have equal rights as any other individuals and nations, and

2. Our national liberation movement which finds justification and legitimacy under international law, to take up arms in defence of the Tamil People in distress and their national aspirations, and that this national liberation movement is the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which is also the political voice of the Tamil Nation.


  1. We call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to,
  1. The conference resolved to appeal to
  • All countries in the world to recognize the Tamil people’s right to self-determination and to accept the LTTE as the sole representatives of the Tamil Nation, and
  • Those countries that provide military training to Sri Lankan forces and trade arms with Sri Lanka to stop all such assistance in the interest of facilitating a speedy resolution of the Sinhala-Tamil national conflict

Conference Organisation & Sponsors

Mr. Derick Thurairajah
President, Academic Society of Tamil Students (ACTS)
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Ms. Jeevachelvi Selvaratnam,
University of Ottawa, Canada
Mr. Sathi Nannithamby,
Carleton University, Canada
Mr. Ravinthar Thomas,
Carleton University, Canada

Prof. Chelvadurai Manogaran, M.A., Ph.D.,
Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Elagu V. Elagupillai, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Prof. Jeyaratnam Wilson, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Fredericton, NB, Canada
Prof. Joseph Chandrakanthan, M.A., Ph.D.,
Toronto, ON, Canada,
Prof. Selvanayagam Kanaganayagam, M.A., Ph.D.,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Prof. Nagalingam Sriskandarajah, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Sydney, Australia
Dr. Sinnathurai Vijaykumar, M.Eng., Ph.D.,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Ms. Avis Harrell Sri-Jayantha, M.A.,
New York, N.Y., USA
Dr. Meenan Vishnu, Ph.D.,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Ms. Arularasi Singham,
University of Ottawa
Mr. Indrajit Kunaratnam,
Carleton University
Mr. Luxmihasan Rasappah,
Carleton University
Mr. Palani Praba,
Carleton University
Ms Vanitha Paramanathan,
University of Ottawa
Mr. Parthiban Candrabose,
Carleton University
Mr. Ravikumar Balasubramaniam,
Carleton University

Carleton University Students Association Inc. (CUSA)
The Students Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO)
Carleton University Tamil Student Association (CUTSA)
Amnesty International, Carleton University Chapter
Tamil Students Union, University of Ottawa
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), University of Ottawa



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