தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > International Conferences > International Conference on Tamil Nationhood, Canada 1999 > Proceedings in Print

Proceedings of International Conference On Tamil Nationhood
& Search for Peace in Sri Lanka, Ottawa, Canada 1999

Message from Conference Organisers -

The Proceedings of the International Conference on Tamil Nationhood and the Search for Peace in Sri Lanka held at the Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada on May 21-22, 1999 are now available. The first printing was sold out at the Conference and we are reprinting with minor corrections and a few additional papers (which did not make it to the first printing).

Please send your orders to .

If you have large orders and if you are interested in helping us with the distribution in your respective country, we can send you the postscript/pdf file of the text as well as the cover design. You can then print and bind the Proceedings. We are looking for such interested people in the following countries: The United Kingdom, France, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, South Africa, Australia, and India. Please contact   for details.

The Table of Contents of the Proceedings:

1. Lessons from Kokkaddichcholai by Prof. Margaret Trawick

2. The World Media and Ethnic Conflicts by Mr. Vasantha Raja

3. Remembering for the Future: The Historic Exodus and its Aftermath by Fr. Dr. A. J. V. Chandrakanthan

4. Presentation on Women and Children; Human Rights Situation in the Tamil Homeland by Dr. Deirdre McConnell

5. Mass Graves in the Tamil Homeland by Ms. Avis Harrell Sri-Jayantha

6. The Effects of War on the Education of Tamil Children in the War and Conflict Zones in Sri Lanka by Dr. Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam and Mr. Arjunan Ethirveeerasingam

7. Ethical Responsibility of the International Community to Help Resolve the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka by Fr. Dr. S. J. Emmanuel

8. Sinhalese Settlements and Forced Evictions of Tamils in the Northern and Eastern Provinces by Prof. Chelvadurai Manogaran

9. Origin of the National Conflict in Sri Lanka and Sinhalese Ethnic Nationalism by Prof. Chelvadurai Manogaran

10. Ecological Consequences of the War in the Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka by Prof. T. Saverimuttu, Prof. N. Sriskandarajah and Mr. V. I. S. Jayapalan

11. Inventing History. The Interpretation of the Concept of Dhammadipa by Simhala-Bauddha Ethnonationalists by Prof. Peter Schalk

12. Through the Eyes of an American Student: An Impression of the Life of Young People in the North-East Province by Mr. Arjunan L. Ethirveerasingam

13. Life of Tamil People under Civil Administration and Army Occupation by Mr. Joseph Pararajasingham

14. Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and the Tamil National Struggle: Evolving the Law of Self-Determination by Ms. Karen Parker

15. Why the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is not a Terrorist Organization? by Ms. Karen Parker

16. Sri Lanka: Conflict Resolution Exercises and their Shortcomings by Dr. S. Sathananthan

17. Sri Lanka: Why a Devolution Package is not Workable by Dr. S. Sathananthan

18. Reflections on the Lessons of Kosovo by Dr. S. Sathananthan

19. Right of Self Determination of Ilankai Tamils by Dr. Vickramabahu Karunarathne

20. Media Bias and Censorship in Conflict Reporting in Sri Lanka by Mr. Dharmaretnam Sivaram (Taraki)

21. The Current Political Dynamics of the Tamil National Conflict in Sri Lanka by Mr. G. G. Ponnambalam

22. Observations on Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka by Prof. John P.Neelsen

23. Violations of Fundamental Rights of the Tamil People by Ms. Barbara Jackman

24. Third Party Role in Conflict Resolution by Mr. Viswanathan Rudrakumar

25. Eye Witness Account of the Medical Needs of the Displaced Tamils in Vanni by Dr. Jayalath Jayawardene

26. History of the Media Dynasty in Sri Lanka by Mr. Ponnambalam Kulendran

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