தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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UN General Assembly

UN General Assembly, 2006 - Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions - Report by Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur  
 United Nations General Assembly, Third Committee- Statement by Professor Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, 20 October 2006

UN Human Rights Council

Inaugural Session, June 2006
Second Session, September 2006
Fourth Session, March 2007
Fifth Session, June  2007

UN Commission on Human Rights

40th Sessions, February 1984
41st Sessions, February 1985
42nd Sessions, February 1986
43rd Sessions, February 1987
45th Sessions, February 1989
46th Sessions, February 1990
47th Sessions, February 1991
48th Sessions, February 1992
49th Sessions, February 1993
50th Sessions, February 1994
51st Sessions, February 1995
52nd Sessions, February 1996
53rd Sessions, March 1997
54th Sessions, March 1998
55th Sessions, March 1999
56th Sessions, March 2000
57th Sessions, March 2001
58th Sessions, March 2002
60th Sessions, March 2004
61st Sessions, March 2005

UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

35th Sessions, August 1983
36th Sessions, August 1984
37th Sessions, August 1985
40th Sessions, August 1988
42nd Sessions, August 1990
43rd Sessions, August 1991
44th Sessions, August 1992
45th Sessions, August 1993
46th Sessions, August 1994
47th Sessions, August 1995
50th Sessions, August 1998
51st Sessions, August 1999
52nd Sessions, August 2000
56th Sessions, July/August 2004
57th Sessions, July/August 2005
58th Sessions, August 2006

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Eelam Section
of the



Since August 1983, hundreds of statements and interventions and several resolutions have been considered by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations Sub Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, and  the UN Human Rights Council on matters relating to the conflict in the island of Sri Lanka.

Around 100 non governmental organisations have expressed their grave concern at the situation in the island of Sri Lanka.

This publication brings together a selection of these statements, interventions and resolutions.

In a landmark resolution, adopted unanimously on 12 February 1987, the UN Commission on Human Rights recognised the application of the universally accepted rules of humanitarian law to the armed conflict in the island and called upon the parties to pursue a negotiated political solution, based on principles of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The 1987 UNCHR Resolution gave international recognition to the existence of an armed conflict in the island. It was a recognition which had been already accorded by Sri Lanka in July/August 1985, when Sri Lanka government negotiated with representatives of the Tamil militant movement at Thimpu with a view to securing a negotiated settlement of the conflict. The Thimpu Talks were sponsored by the Indian government.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights maintains a comprehensive and useful general site for human rights as well as matters relating to the sessions of the UN Commission on Human Rights and the UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities . (See also Human Rights and the Tamil Nation)

UN Resolutions on Sri Lanka

Un Reports

UN NGO Joint Statements

Sri Lanka's Prevarications

Non Governmental Organisations who have intervened

Action des Christians Pour L'Abolition de la Torture, African Association for Health and Human Rights Promoters, Africa Bureau of Educational Science, African Association of Education for Development, African Association of Education Development, American Association of Jurists, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights, Arab Lawyers Union, Arab Organisation for Human Rights, Article 19, the International Centre Against Censorship, Asean Cultural Forum on Development, Asian Legal Resource Centre, Association de Defense des Droits de al Personne et des Liberte's Publiques (Ruwanda), Association Mauritanienne de droits de l'te,

Canadian Council of Churches, Centre Europe - Tiers Monde, Centro de Estudion Eropees, Codehuca, Commision de Deeches Homonas de El Salavador, Commission for the Defence of Human Rights in Central America, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches,

Defence for Children International, Disabled Peoples International

Fedefam, Federation International des Droits de l'Homme, FIMARC,

General Arab Women Federation, Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec),

Habitat International Coalition, Humanitarian Law Project Human Rights Advocates, Human Rights Internet, Human Rights in Sri Lanka, Indian Council of South America (CISA)

Indian Law Research Centre, Indigenous World Association, Interfaith International, International Abolitionist Federation, International Alert, International Association against Torture (IAAT-AICT), International Association for Religious Freedom International Association for Freedom of Religion, International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Association of Education for World Peace, International Association of Indigenous Resource Development, International Commission of Health Professionals for Health and Human Rights, International Commission of Jurists, International Council of Jewish Women, International Council of Women, International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), International Education for World Peace, International Educational Development, International Federation of Human Rights, International Federation of Journalists, International Federation of Women Lawyers, International Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Ethnic, Religious, Linguistic and other Minorities, International Federation - Terre Des Hommes, International Federation of Free Journalists, International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, International Work Group of Indigenous Affairs, International Human Rights Law Group, International Immigrants Foundation, International Indian Treaty Council, International Islamic Federation of Student Organisations, International Law Association, International League for Human Rights,

International League for the Rights and Liberation of People, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and People, International Movement of Catholic Students, International Movement of Mothers, International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Organisation for Indigenous Research and Development, International Peace Bureau (IPB) , International Regional Council for Human Rights, International Service for Human rights, International Student Movement, International Union of Students,   International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations,

Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, Liberal International, Liberation, Lutheran World Federation,

Minority Rights Group, Movement against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples, Movimento Cubano por la paz y la Soberaniade los pueblos,

Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression, North-South XXI,

Organisation Guineenne de Defense Droits et l'Homme,

Pax Christi International, Pax Romana, Penal Reform International, PEN International, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights,

Regional Council on Human Rights in Asia, Robert F.Kennedy Memorial Centre of Human Rights,

Saami Council, Service Peace and Justice in Latin America, Socialist International Women, Survival International,

Third World Movement against the Exploitation of Women, Transnational Radical Party,

Union of Arab Jurists, Union International de Jovenes Democrata Cristianos,

War Resisters International, Womens International Democratic Federation, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, World Association Against Torture, World Association for School as Instrument for Peace,World Christian Life Community, World Conference on Religion and Peace, World Confederation of Labour, World Council of Churches, World Federalist Movement, World Federation of Democratic Youth, World Federation of Trade Unions, World Movement of Mothers, World Organisation Against Torture, World Social Prospects Association, World Society of Victimology, World Student Christian Federation, World University Service, Worldview International .



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