தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > Human Rights & Humanitarian Law > Armed Conflict & the Law > What is Terrorism? - Law & Practise > Terrorism: International Law & Practise  > Terrorism: Australian Law & Practise  > Terrorism: Canadian Law & Practise  > Terrorism: European Union Law & Practise  > Terrorism: Indian Law & Practise  >  Terrorism: Sri Lankan Law & Practise   > Terrorism: United Kingdom Law & Practise  > Terrorism: United States Law & Practise  

Terrorism: United States Law & Practise  

the Laws - Practise - LTTE Proscription

The Laws..
Anti Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, 1996
IEEPA: International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 1977
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act - PATRIOT Act - also in PDF, 2001
US Terrorist Designation Lists
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, 2004
US Department of State Country Reports on Terrorism 2006
What is Terrorism?  Shock and Awe? - The March for Justice
Amnesty Launches Campaign Against Torture by United States - Torture is Terror, November 2006
Bounding the Globar War on Terrorism - Jeffrey Record, December 2003

Terrorism, the Future & US Foreign Policy 1996

LTTE Proscription [see also United States & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom]

"Resolved, that the Massachusetts House of Representatives hereby urges the President and the Congress of the United States to support the Struggle for Freedom by the Tamil Nation for the Restoration and Reconstitution of the separate sovereign state of Tamil Eelam and to recognise publicly the right of self determination by the Tamil people of Tamil Eelam" House of Representatives Resolution, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA, 18 June 1981

8 October 1997US Bans Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,
10 October 1997Response by LTTE to US 'terrorist' categorisation
6 November 1997LTTE Authorisation of Appeal Against Ban to US Federal Court,
7 November 1997Christian World Service Appeal to US   on Categorisation of LTTE as a Terrorist Organisation
20 March 1998US Antiterrorism Law challenged in courts
9 June 1998US Court rules on First Amendment case
3 March 2000Judgment of United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
24 December 2000Petition against Antiterrorism Law ruling filed in US Supreme Court
27 April 2001US Patterns of Global Terrorism Report, Excerpts related to Sri Lanka & LTTE
5 May 2001Dr.Rajan Sriskandarajah writes to US Secretary of State, Colin Powell on Global Terrorism Report
30 May 2001US  Department of  State responds to Dr.Rajan Sriskandarajah on Global Terrorism Report
5 October 2003US Tamils launch Constitutional challenge to US Patriot Act
15 October 2003Cole, Chang lead US Patriot Act challenge by Tamils
27 January 2004U.S Court declares Patriot Act provision Unconstitutional
4 March 2004Amended US court ruling protects WTCC, FeTNA
18 March 2004Judgment on constitutionality of USA PATRIOT Act and Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (the “AEDPA”) which prohibit the provision of material support, including “expert advice or assistance,” to designated foreign terrorist organizations
30 September 2004U.S Court curbs FBI powers granted in Patriot Act
10 May 2005Tsunami & 'Material Support' for 'Terrorist' Organisations ' Testimony by American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California
11 May 2005Civil Group advocates changes to US Terrorism Laws
30 July 2005Key provisions in US Patriot Act struck down
2 August 2005Judgment on Constitutionality of prohibition on providing material support or resources, including “training,” “expert advice or assistance,” “personnel,” and “service,” to designated foreign terrorist organizations.
18 October 2005Constitutionality of Economic Powers Act challenged
21 November 2006Law on "Terror Finances" Ruled Unconstitutional
20 April 2007

Federal Judge Withdraws Ruling Against Bush Terror Designations

25 April 2007World Tamil Coordinating Committee representative arrested in New York  says U.S. Justice Department
10 July 2007The Current Status of U.S. "Material Support" Laws - Viswanathan Rudrakumaran
15 October 2007US to freeze TRO Assets


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