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Sathyam Commentary - Maaveerar Naal 1998
![]() Today is Maha Veerar Naal. It is a day when hundreds of thousands of Tamils living in many lands will bow their heads in silence, even if only for a few moments - and remember those of their brothers and sisters, their udan pirapukal, who have given their lives in the struggle for Tamil Eelam. It is a day of remembrance. It is also a day of re-dedication by the many, who may not have put their lives at risk, but who nonetheless identify themselves with the cause for which their brothers and sisters in Tamil Eelam have given their lives - the struggle for an independent Tamil state. The cultural events to be held in the coming days, in many parts of the globe, as far apart as Australia, South Africa, London, U.S.A., Norway and Germany, will reflect not only the growing togetherness of more than 70 million Tamil people but also their growing determination to preserve their national identity and live as a free people - a national identity, rooted in a shared heritage, in a vibrant culture, a rich language and literature and consolidated by struggle and suffering.
The pain and suffering of the people of Tamil Eelam and their struggle for freedom is serving as a catalyst to cement the growing togetherness of more than seventy million Tamil people - a nation without a state. is an aspiration which is finding an answering response in the hearts and minds of Tamils living in many lands and across distant seas. Tamil Eelam is not yet a state. It is without the resources that a state may command. The people of Tamil Eelam can only turn to their ‘udan pirapukal’ in many lands - the Tamil diaspora is the hinterland for the struggle for justice and freedom in Tamil Eelam. Some ten years ago, in April 1988, at a time when the struggle for Tamil Eelam was confronted with the occupying forces of a foreign army, Velupillai Pirabaharan, the leader of Tamil Eelam sent a message to an international Tamil Conference in London:
Today, ten years later, the people of Tamil Eelam face another grim prospect - the prospect of disease and starvation. Sri Lanka President Chandrika Kumaratunga having failed in her military adventure to conquer and rule the Tamil homeland (despite the capture of Jaffna, three years ago, in December 1995) and finding increasing difficulty in mobilising the material resources and the man power necessary to secure and sustain Sinhala rule, seeks to use food as a weapon of war. It is a strategy which invokes memories of the humanitarian tragedy of Biafra. The use of food as a weapon of war is a war crime but, it would seem that many foreign governments are not averse to looking the other way. They look away not because they do not see the force of reason in the conclusions of Professor Jordan Paust:
Governments look away not because they are unaware of the expressions of grave concern by many non governmental organisations and the appeals made by Bishops in Jaffna. They look away, not because they are unaware of the continuing suffering and pain of the people of Tamil Eelam in Jaffna and in the Vanni. They look away, not because the efforts of the Tamil people to make known to the world the suffering and pain of their brothers and sisters in Tamil Eelam, have failed. They look away not because they are so foolish as to be 'misguided' by Sri Lanka's propaganda and 'diplomacy' - after all most governments have their own sources of reliable information, together with the capacity to sift the information that they receive. They look away because the question is not so much a matter of human rights but a matter of real politick. Amnesty in a full page advertisement in the London based Guardian on 12 March 1994 commented on the cynicism of real politick in the context of East Timor - comments which are equally applicable to the situation of the Tamil people in the island of Sri Lanka:
Governments look away because existing states find common cause in preserving existing state boundaries, whether they be East Timor within Indonesia or Tamil Eelam within Sri Lanka. The remarks of a non governmental organisation in 1985 are revealing:
Today, many governments continue to find common cause with Sri Lanka in opposing 'separatism'. They suggest that the people of Tamil Eelam should be satisfied with autonomy, devolution, and perhaps pseudo federalism, even though the Sinhala political parties cannot agree amongst themselves as to the extent of that devolution and even though under any such dispensation Sinhala majority rule will continue from the centre and the Sinhala armed forces will continue as the ultimate repository of the coercive power of a Sinhala dominated Buddhist state. The suggestions that are made are not dissimilar to those that were made to the people of India in 1909: that they should be satisfied with the autonomy and devolution offered by the British Minto-Morley reforms, with a British Indian army and a British Viceroy, in place as the ultimate controllers. These governments deny that the people of Tamil Eelam are subject to rule by an alien Sinhala people and assert that universal franchise affords every Tamil the right to vote. But they choose to ignore the political reality that during the past 50 years and more, ethnic identity has in fact determined the way in which both the Sinhala people and the Tamil people have exercised their political right of universal franchise and that during this period, no Tamil has ever been elected to a predominantly Sinhala electorate and no Sinhalese has ever been elected to a predominantly Tamil electorate - apart, that is, from multi member constituencies. They choose to ignore the political reality that the practice of 'democracy' within the confines of one state has led to rule by a permanent Sinhala majority and they refuse to confront the simple question as to why it is that during the past five decades, the executive head of the Sri Lanka government has always been a Sinhala Buddhist. The answer that a Sinhala Buddhist nation masquerading as a multi ethnic Sri Lankan nation, will always have a Sinhala Buddhist as executive head of government, somehow, eludes them. They continue to speak of a multi ethnic plural society though no such society exists in Sri Lanka. In the 1980s when the Tamil people cried out against the murderous onslaught by President J. R. Jayawardenes Sri Lanka, they chose to call Sri Lanka an open, working, multiparty democracy. But in October 1998, Sri Lanka President Chandrika Kumaratunga facing growing expressions of support from Tamils in South Africa, found it politically expedient to admit in a TV interview in that country:
They choose to ignore the constitutional reality of a Buddhist Sri Lankan state and the political reality of a belligerent Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalism. They deny that the people of Tamil Eelam constitute a people entitled to freedom, though that view has found support amongst many non governmental organisations. They deny the right of the people of Tamil Eelam to freely determine their political status - in the same way as many of them denied, for centuries, the right of a colonial people to secure freedom from alien rule. They believe that by looking away, the Tamil people will be 'encouraged' to submit to alien Sinhala rule within the existing state boundaries of Sri Lanka, that Tamil national consciousness will be 'tamed' and Velupillai Pirabaharan will disappear as a bad dream. They are unmindful of Aurobindos words in 1907 on ideas such as freedom:
They call upon the people of Tamil Eelam to forget any aspiration that they may have for an independent state. One British Conservative Party M.P. frankly remarked on a recent visit to Sri Lanka that somebody should sit alongside Pirabaharan and tell him that a separate state is just not on. It was a remark that was almost on par with the comment of Winston Churchill, who expressed his concern in the 1930s about a half naked fakir (Mahatma Gandhi) parleying with the Kings Ministers' and who later, when he became British Prime Minister, asserted that he had not been appointed as the Kings First Minister to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. Notwithstanding such sentiments, empires did liquidate themselves in the face of the enduring power of struggles for freedom. It was a liquidation which left behind patch work states whose boundaries had everything to do with the needs of the former conqueror and little do with recognising the national identities of the separate peoples who had been conquered. And today, the shared need to protect existing state boundaries leads former colonial rulers to find common cause with those to whom they had transferred power. Together they seek to promote the idea of the benevolent rule of one people by another (with some 'devolution' thrown in) - in the same way as many had promoted the idea of benevolent British rule, benevolent Dutch rule, benevolent Portuguese rule, and benevolent Spanish rule for two centuries and more. They seek a stable world order without recognising the enduring (and stabilising) force of the political principle of self determination which proclaims that no one people may rule another. The struggle for Tamil Eelam is not about securing benevolent Sinhala rule. It is about securing an independent Tamil state and the way in which that independent Tamil state may associate with an independent Sri Lanka. It is about freedom from alien Sinhala rule. It is for that freedom, that thousands of Tamils have given their lives. And, it is those thousands of Tamils that we, their brothers and sisters, their udan pirapukal, remember and honour today - with bowed heads. |