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Hitler & Goebbels on Propaganda
German Propaganda Archive
Goebbells on Knowledge and Propaganda, 1928
Goebbels on Propaganda, 1927
Goebbels on Propaganda, 1934
Adolf Hitler quoted by G.Stark in Modern Political Propaganda, 1930
"Propaganda is a means and must be evaluated as such, from the standpoint of the goal."
"It has always to speak only to the masses."
"The task of propaganda lies not in the scientific training of the individual, rather in drawing the attention of the masses to certain facts, events, necessities, etc...."
"It is wrong to want to give propaganda the multi-sidedness of scientific instruction."
"...Effective propaganda must limit its points of a few and these points must be repeated until even the last member of the audience understands what is meant by them."
"It must limit itself to a few themes and repeat them incessantly."
"Each change must never affect the content of propaganda, rather must always draw the same conclusions."
“...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious...The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly... it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
"Political propaganda in principle is active and revolutionary. It is aimed at the broad masses. It speaks the language of the people because it wants to be understood by the people. Its task is the highest creative art of putting sometimes complicated events and facts in a way simple enough to be understood by the man on the street. Its foundation is that there is nothing the people cannot understand, rather things must be put in a way that they can understand. It is a question of making it clear to him by using the proper approach, evidence and language.
Propaganda is a means to an end. Its purpose is to lead the people to an understanding that will allow them to willingly and without internal resistance devote themselves to the tasks and goals of a superior leadership. If propaganda is to succeed, it must know what it wants. It must keep a clear and firm goal in mind, and seek the appropriate means and methods to reach that goal. Propaganda as such is neither good nor evil. Its moral value is determined by the the goals it seeks."