தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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United Kingdom  & Terrorism
LTTE included in Order of Organisations to be Proscribed under UK Terrorism Act 2000, 28 February 2001
British Parliament approves proscription of LTTE , 14 March 2001
Federation of Tamil Associations, UK writes to Prime Minister Blair on LTTE proscription, 14 February 2001
Federation of Tamil Associations in New Zealand writes to UK Home Minister on proposed ban on LTTE , 11 February 2001
International Tamil Foundation writes to UK Government on proposed proscription of LTTE, 7 February 2001
Two Tamils face trial in UK for 'supporting' LTTE, 28 June 2007

united kingdom
& the Struggle for Tamil Eelam

International Educational Development writes to High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Sri Lanka, 28 June 2007
British Commissioner in Sri Lanka on United Kingdom's Peace Building Efforts in Sri Lanka, 15 June 2007
On the Conflict in the Island of Sri Lanka - Dr Kim Howells MP, Minister of State Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 12 June 2007
UK Parliament Debate on Sri Lanka together with a Prefatory Comment by  Nadesan Satyendra, 2 May 2007
Who said Cricket is not Politics? ‘Come on you Sri Lankan Lions!’ says UK High Commissioner in Sri Lanka, 27 April 2007
UK : “there can be no military solution alone to the conflict” 14 March 2007

UK Parliament Proceedings on Sri Lanka - June 2000

Letter to UK Prime Minister, Rt.Hon. Tony Blair from United Kingdom Federation of Tamil Associations - 1 February 1998
Reply from British Foreign & Commonwealth Office to Dr.Ilanko - 12 August 1997
Letter to UK Prime Minister, Rt.Hon. Tony Blair from the Tamil diaspora sent through Dr.Ilanko, New Zealand - 10 June 1997
International Federation of Tamils to UK Prime Minister Rt.Hon John Major, 18 November 1995
UK Prime Minister,   Rt.Hon. John Major to the International Federation of Tamils, 9 August 1993
International Federation of Tamils to UK Prime Minister  Rt.Hon. John Major, 24 July 1993
An Analysis of the Sri Lanka Situation attributed to British sources - August 1991
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