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INDICTMENT AGAINST SRI LANKA Responding to Sri Lanka's Misinformation Campaign Sara Ananthan | |
I wish to thank Tamil Guardian, Tamil Sangam, Tamil Nation and Tamil Canadian for their invaluable service to the Tamil community at this critical juncture. I have addressed all institutions in this same letter since it is an urgent appeal on a common issue, which affects our very own survival and the reputation of the Tamil community in the international arena. First my sincere thanks to Mr.Puspa Nathan for the invaluable article " Selective Reporting Creates anti-Tamil sentiment Abroad" in the Tamil Guardian dated 9 September 2000. It was an eye opener - and a timely article. We have a duty to counter and expose this global misinformation campaign conducted by Sri Lanka with the help of sections of the Brahmin owned Indian press and some Trojan horses within our Tamil community. As Mr. Puspa Nathan explains, the international media is being manipulated by Sri Lanka. All the news circulating in the international media has originated either from the Sinhala chauvinist press or from sections of the Brahmin owned Indian press. The Sinhala government has successfully silenced any truth coming out to the international media by the killings of Thinamurasu Atputhan , Kumar Ponnambalam and now Nirmalarajan. Sri Lanka has persecuted and intimidated every other independent newspaper and journalist - examples are Thinakural, Uthayan, the journalist Manicakavaskar, the Virakesari reporter and others. Even the unlawful arrest, detention and torture of Red Cross Official Mr. Kishore was part of a plot to silence the NGOs. Sri Lanka terrorism has even reached abroad. The killing of Elamurasu Gajan in Paris and the recent attempted attack on the eminent lawyer Ms.Karen Parker are a few examples. The recent SBS Australia TV program is yet another attempt to intimidate and silence even the few voices which are left abroad... It would seem that Sri Lanka will stoop to any level and will enlist support from any quarter to achieve its ends. In Australia there is even a free newspaper Uthayam to peddle this kind of propaganda... Mr.Puspa Nathan has written about the skewed chronology of BBC. Other news agencies have similar or worse ones. Early this year, the BBC web site had a Talking Point on Sri Lanka. I was perplexed to see the BBC moderator (?) cajoling the Sinhalese to write, since he was aghast that only Tamils were presenting their views. As on cue immediately there after, there were many Sinhala writers masquerading as Tamils with their spins. From the mistakes made on the Tamil sounding names, it was clear who they were. When I wrote my view it was not published...
We must counter and expose this misinformation campaign in the international media since our own survival and our reputation is at stake.
We also should expose each and every false article with the correct version so that even a non-Tamil can easily understand. The recent example being the spin by Nirupama Subrmanian/Brahmin owned Hindu's 'Attack on LTTE camp and 20 rebels die'. At present, our news sources are fragmented... We must galvanise all our resources and set up a think tank and action committee with people selected from the fields of journalism, history, international law and politics. This should be presented in all the web sites so that even a non-Tamil who does not know the history of this ethnic problem can easily understand. As a suggestion, the information may be presented under topics, such as these: