DETENTION WITHOUT CHARGE, DISAPPEARANCES & TORTURE - 1988 [see also Rajiv Gandhi's War Crimes] 
"Thousands of people were detained without charge or trial, and dozens 'disappeared' following arrest by the Sri Lankan security forces and by the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) deployed in the northeast. The fate of hundreds who had disappeared in previous years remained inadequately investigated. There were many allegations of torture. Emergency Regulations were amended to permit the disposal of bodies by the police. There were widespread reports of extra judicial killings by Sri Lankan security forces, who were among those granted immunity from persecution retroactively for offences committed 'in good faith'." - Amnesty International Annual Report, 1989 for period January to December 1988
"...I have no doubt that when this letter is made known to the outside world, it will serve as the cause of my death...Sixteen of us, including myself, are locked inside one room. The remainder are locked in two other rooms. I have no communication whatsoever with the persons in the other two rooms. In the morning and in the evening we are allowed outside our room for 15 minutes to wash and to go the toilet. A bucket is provided inside the room for us to excrete into, if the need arises at other times.
The food that is given to us is not food that we are used to, and because of this we have several loose motions and if the sentries do not allow us out, we excrete into the bucket or into small bags. The smell inside the room is nauseating. We are given food daily at 10 a.m. and in the evening at 4 p.m.. There is no light inside our room...Nobody outside knows about that which is happening here and here we do not know what is happening outside. But it is certain that the Indian Government is telling the outside world lies about our position." - from a letter in Tamil addressed to Chris Nuttal of the Guardian, by a detenu whilst being held in custody in an Indian Army Camp in early 1988
"We have received more than one report from different sources in Sri Lanka expressing serious concern about the build up of Indian forces in the Eastern Province and the possibility of a repetition of the offensive against the civilian population in Jaffna last year...
Human rights organisations in Sri Lanka are demanding that the Sri Lankan authorities allow the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to monitor any, military operations and to protect the civilian population as far as possible...
It was because the ICRC were denied access to the North that a huge loss of life and casualties occurred amongst the civilian population there. We urge the international community to prevent a repetition of that tragedy..." - Lord Avebury, Chairman UK Parliamentary Human Rights Group - Press Statement, 4 March 1988 |