"To us all towns are one, all men our kin. |
On 10 April 1983, a young Tamil from Trincomalee died in police custody after having been held without charge for two weeks. At the post mortem 25 external injuries and 10 internal injuries were found. At the judicial inquest into his death on 31 May, the Jaffna Magistrate returned a verdict of homicide. Three days later, on 3 June 1983, a new Emergency Regulation was brought into effect permitting the police to bury or cremate bodies without a post mortem or an inquest. On 9 June 1983, Amnesty International cabled President Jayawardene expressing concern that such a Regulation could give rise to the gravest violations of human rights and appealed to him to rescind it. But the Regulation was not rescinded. On the contrary, Tamils in Trincomalee faced increasing Sinhala violence during June 1983.
Tamil organisations protested against these attacks by the Sri Lankan security forces and one such protest telegram addressed on 1 July 1983 to 17 foreign embassies in Colombo read: ''Tamils experiencing pathetic situation in Trincomalee. Killing, looting and arson are now taking place. State security forces are behind violence. We seek immediate intervention by friendly nations to help stop genocide of Tamils.'' It was against the backdrop of these events that in early July 1983, the elected President of Sri Lanka gave expression to the policy of his government in respect of a people whom he claimed as a section of his electorate. President Jayawardene, vested by the Sri Lankan Constitution with the executive power of the State, declared in an interview with Ian Ward of the London Daily Telegraph:
President Jayawardene's comments were tantamount to a public refusal by the Executive Head of the Sri Lankan State and the Commander in Chief of its Armed Forces to protect the lives of the Tamil people at a time when they were crying out for help. Some may have regarded his comments not only as a license but also as an invitation to kill. In the perception of the Sri Lanka government, the claims of the Tamil people for the basic right of self determination had assumed a dimension that demanded a response - but, strangely, a response which did not have regard for the lives of the Tamil people or for that matter, their opinion. On 22 July, in the Sri Lanka Parliament, a Tamil Parliamentary leader referred to President Jayawardene's statement and said:
But no contradiction was ever made. Two weeks after President Jayawardene's interview with Ian Ward in the Daily Telegraph, a vicious widespread attack was launched on the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka. ...continued.... |