Home > Tamil Diaspora - a Trans State Nation > Germany > Tamils in Germany Remember the Massacre of Innocents at Vallipunam - 14 August 2007 Tamils - a Trans State Nation: Germany  Tamils in Germany Remember the Massacre of Innocents at Vallipunam on 14 August 2006  
Tamils Women Organisation Germany, 14 August 2007 ".. to have suffered, worked, hoped together; that is worth more than common taxes and frontiers conforming to ideas of strategy... I have said 'having suffered together'; indeed, common suffering is greater than happiness. In fact, national sorrows are more significant than triumphs because they impose obligations and demand a common effort. .. A nation is a grand solidarity constituted by the sentiment of sacrifices which one has made and those that one is disposed to make again. " (Ernest Renan: Que'est-ce qu'une Nation? Paris 1882) [see also Sri Lanka Air force kills 61 school children and wounds 129 in Vallipunam, 14 August 2006 [Also in Streaming Video Dr. Arul Ranjithan, 19 August 2006... "Sixty-three schoolgirls in children's home, killed in airstrike, screamed headlines on websites, mind goes numb and blank and suddenly the world makes no sense when children's lives are snuffed out with such cruelty and ease...]
Thambirasa Lakiya (17), Mahalingam Vensidiyoola (17), Thuraisingam Sutharsini (17), Nagalingam Theepa(19), Thambirasa Theepa (19), Thirunavukkarasu Niranjini (18), Raveenthirarasa Ramya (18), Kanapathipillai Nanthini (18), Vijayabavan Sinthuja (18), Naguleswaran Nishanthini (17), Tharmakulasingam Kemala (19), Arulampalam Yasothini (18) Muthaih Indra (18), Murugaiah Arulselvi (18), Sivamoorthy Karthikayini (18), Santhanam Sathyakala (20) Kanagalingam Nirupa (17), Kanagalingam Nirusa (17), Navaratnam Santhakumari (18), Nagalingam Kokila(19), Sivamayajeyam Kokila, Shanmugarasa Paventhini, Balakrishnan Mathani (18), Sivanantham Thivya (18), Thambirasa Suganthini (18). S Vathsalamary (20), Thanabalasingam Bakeerathy (19), Thanikasalam Thanusa (19), Pathmanathan Kalaipriya (18), Markupillai Kelansuthayini (18), Rasamohan Hamsana (19), Vivekanantham Thadchayini (18), Santhakumar Sukirtha (19), Uthayakumaran Kousika (19), Nallapillai Ninthija(18), Veerasingam Rajitha (18), Thamilvasan Nivethika (18), Suntharam Anoja (17), Puvanasekaram Puvaneswari (17), Kiritharan Thayani (17), Mahalingam Vasantharani (18), Thuraisingam Thisani (18), Vairavamoorthy Kirithika (19), Chandramohan Nivethika (17), Sellam Nirojini, Tharmarasa Brintha (17), Thevarasa Sharmini (17), Varatharaja Mangaleswari (17), Rasenthiraselvam Mahilvathani (18), Nilayinar Nivakini (17), Kubenthiraselvam Lihitha (19), Chandrasekaran Vijayakumari (27), Kandasamy Kumarasamy (48), Solomon Singarasa (65), S Jeyarubi (20)
Dr. Arul Ranjithan, 19 August 2006...
Sixty-three schoolgirls in children's home, killed in airstrike, screamed headlines on websites, mind goes numb and blank and suddenly the world makes no sense when children's lives are snuffed out with such cruelty and ease.
Surely it is a mistaken bombing and Sri Lankan President will give solace to grief-stricken families. I wait in vain for words of sorrow and healing. Instead minister of (dis) information says that the children are child soldiers.
God, is this the thrice blessed land of Buddha, who preached compassion to all lives? Love and kindness replaced with hatred and poisoned words, all in the name of fighting terrorism and preserving Buddhism.
Life after nine eleven is much easier for those in power. If you are against us, surely you are a terrorist. Lankan state labels its enemies as terrorists, and fighting them, the state itself has become the terrorist.
State terrorism unleashed on hapless Tamils, with news media to spin the events, and blame falls on Tamils. Never again says the world with each succeeding genocide, Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia followed now by Sri Lanka.
With sadness and anger I walk outside, in the summer rain, My tear drops washed away by drops of rain. Pain that is dull and aching falls drop by drop on my heart, I long for wisdom, to wash away the pain in my heart.
Tragedy of a believer is infinitely worse than that of a non-believer, Since I cannot blame God, for the pain of my people in Lanka. If it is God's plan to rain death and destruction on my people, Surely the same God expects his children's conscience to guide them to action.
Sixty-three schoolgirls, the flowers of our embattled society, Raised with love and care only Ammahs (housemothers) can give, A part of them will be with us forever, And their deaths shall not be in vain.
Farwell to you our beloved children, here's my pledge Knowing that your ashes are mingled with our rivers and our land, The best memorial I can give you, is to persevere till my end, To enable our people to live with freedom and dignity in our land.