தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > International Tamil Conferences > Third  International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, 1970

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Sachi Sri Kantha, 17 October 2006  - A Brief Report on the Conference

The Third Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, organised by the International Association of Tamil Research, was held at the ancient and historic College de France, place Marcelain-Berthelot, Paris, from 15 to 18 July 1970, under the Chairmanship of the President of the Association, Prof.Jean Filliozat, Professor at the College de France….

There were altogether 120 registered participants and 60 registered observers. Several others from France and England were visitors to the Conference Sessions. Of the 120 participants, there were: 1 – Australia, 1 – Austria, 1 – Belgium, 1 – Cambodia, 1 – Canada, 8 – Ceylon, 3 – Denmark, 1 – Finland, 25 – France, 8 – West Germany, 1 – French Guiana, 2 – Holland, 20 – India, 1 – Japan, 2 – Malaysia, 2 – Mauritius, 1 – Martinique, 1 – Nigeria, 1 – Reunion, 1 – Rumania, 1 – Sierra Leone, 1 – Singapore, 3 – Sweden, 2 – Switzerland, 8 – U.K. and 5 – USA. UNESCO registered 4 observers, the CIPSH one observer…

French and English were the main languages used at the Conference. Tamil was also used by a few participants. Altogether 30 survey papers and specialised papers were presented. 



Third International Conference
Seminar of Tamil Studies
January 1970 - Paris, France

Delegates and the Titles of Their Presentations (compiled by Sachi Sri Kantha. Source: Proceedings of the Third International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Paris, France/July 1970, Institut Francais D’Indologie, Pondicherry, edited by X.S.Thani Nayagam and Francois Gros, 1973; 279 pp)

 Theme: Epigraphy and Archeology

Asko Parpola: Proto-Dravidian an Sanskrit in reconstructing the earliest form of Hinduism – Notes on methodology

Kamil V.Zvelebil: The so-called ‘Dravidian’ of the Indus inscriptions

Iravatham Mahadevan: Method of parallelisms in the interpretation of the proto-Indian script

R.Nagaswamy: Archeology and epigraphy in Tamil Nadu – a survey of recent developments

Theme: Sangam Literature

V.I.Subramoniam: The dating of Sangam literature.

M.Varadarajan: A type of apostrophes in Sangam literature

R.Panneerselvam: Computer aided Concordance to the Sangam literature 

Theme: Tamil and Sanskrit

Jean Filliozat: Tamil and Sanskrit – summary

Siegfried Lienhard: Akapporul and Sanskrit muktaka poetry

A.Muthuccumaru: Characters in Civakacintaamani

Theme: Exterior Relations of the Tamil Countries

T.P.Meenakshisundaran: Tamil and other cultures

H.W.Tambiah: Evolution of Aryan laws as a result of the external relations of the Tamil country

S.Arasaratnam: Politics and society in Tamil Nad, 1600-1800 – a view in historical perspective

Heinz Bechert: The cult of Skandakumara in the religious history of South India and Ceylon

Philip N.Jenner: Tamil studies and Mon-Khmer linguistics

Theme: Tamil Society

X.S.Thani Nayagam: The study of contemporary Tamil groups

Jean Chaia: A propos de l’immigration Tamoule en uyane Francaise

R.Raman: Tamil society in Singapore,1945-1959

Theme: Modern Literature

R.E.Asher: Modern literature in Tamil – summary

N.D.Sundaravadivelu: Poet Bharati on education

V.M.Gnanapragasam: An analysis of some select Tamil journals in 1969

List of Participants and their country affiliations

Malcolm S.Adiseshiah (UNESCO)

P.Albert (France)

K.Appadurai (India)

S.Arasaratnam (Malaya)

J.A.Arulappa (Italy)

R.E.Asher (UK)

R.Balakrishnan (Malaya)

N.Bammate (UNESCO)

Andre Bareau (France)

Stephen A.Barnett (USA)

Heinz Bechert (West Germany)

J.B.Bellegarde (France)

Jean Benoist (Canada)

M.Biardeau (France)

Kromamun Bidyalabh (Thailand)

Neil M.Bowers (USA)

Sister Mary d’Britto (India)

T.Burrow (UK)

C.Caillat (France)

Jean Chaia (Guyane)

S.M.L.Lakshmanan Chettiar (India)

Emmanuel Pouchpa Dass (France)

Jacques Pouchpa Dass (France)

A.Dharmotharan (West Germany)

Ion Dumitriu (Roumanie)

M.B.Emeneau (USA)

A.M.Esnoul (France)

Jean Filliozat (France)

Pierre Sylvain Filliozat (France)

Vasundhara Filliozat (France)

A.B.Franklin (USA)

R.E.Frykenberg (USA)

Yngve Frykholm (Sweden)

A.Gaur (UK)

Sa.Ganesan (India)

V.M.Gnanaprakasam (India)

M.Gobalakichenane (Reunion)

Albert Hesse (France)

Richard Hoggart (UNESCO)

K.V.Jagannathan (India)

K.Jamaldeen (France)

K.L.Janert (West Germany)

R.Jenathanam (India)

Philip N.Jenner (USA)

K.Kailasapathy (Ceylon)

S.Kamaldeen (Ceylon)

Noboru Karashima (Japan)

K.Karunanithi (India)

P.G.Karuthiruman (India)

K.Kasi (France)

Y.Kohno (UNESCO)

Carl A.Keller (Switzerland)

F.B.J.Kuiper (Holland)

P.Legris (France)

Siegfried Lienhard (Sweden)

Leigh Lisker (USA)

London Tamil Sangam (Dr.P.Arumugam, A.Melchior and V.Muttukumaraswamy)

I.Mahadevan (India)

S.Maharajan (India)

H.Marby (West Germany)

Farouk Maricar (Pondichery)

J.R.Marr (UK)

G.Martin (France)

M.Masillamani (West Germany)

K.A.Mathialagan (India)

T.P.Meenakshisundaran (India)

S.Mok (Cambodia)

Chandra Mudaliar (West Germany)

S.Mukherjee (France)

A.Muthuccumaru (UK)

R.Nagaswamy (India)

Jean d’Ormesson (CIPSH)

Brynhild Ortoli (France)

Hugh F.Owen (Australia)

N.H.Palmer (UK)

R.Pannirselvam (Denmark)

Asko Parpola (Denmark)

Else Pauly (Denmark)

S.Perseval (France)

S.V.S.Pillai (Belgium)

Alix Raison (France)

S.Rajamanickam (India)

R.Ramani (Singapore)

Angelo Rasanayagam (Switzerland)

Rita Regnier (France)

Jose Pedro Rona (Canada)

James T.Rutnam (Ceylon)

S.Sanmugadasan (UK)

Dolph Schifrin (USA)

M.Schrimpf (France)

U.Schweinfurth (West Germany)

A.Singaravelou (France)

C.Sivagnanasundram (UK)

Sivagnana Gramani (India)

Ven.Sobita (France)

Gunther Sontheimer (West Germany)

S.A.Srinivasan (West Germany)

Srinivasa Raghavan (India)

H.Strasser (Austria)

A.Subbiah (India)

Chung Jen Su (Hongkong)

N.D.Sundaravadivelu (India)

H.W.Tambiah (Sierra Leone)

A.J.Thamburaj (Italy)

X.S.Thani Nayagam (Ceylon)

K.C.Thangarajah (Ceylon)

S.Thananjayarajasingham (Ceylon)

Gowri Thiagarajah (Ceylon)

V.S.Tyagarajan (India)

D.Uchida (Japan)

C.Vandeville (France)

M.Varadarajan (India)

Veeriah Chettiar (Mauritius)

K.Venkatasubramaniam (India)

Hans J.Vermeer (West Germany)

S.Vithiananthan (Ceylon)

Ruth Wallden (Sweden)

Niels Warmdahl (Denmark)

David Weiss (USA)

Donna Yourkavitch (Soviet Union)

Kamil Zvelebil (Czechoslovakia)

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