தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home > International Tamil Conferences > Second World Tamil Eelam Convention, 1984

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Conference Resolutions
Hindu News Report on Conference
Tamil Anthem
Tamils of  Sri Lanka - An International Issue - Dr.David Selbourne, Ruskin College, Oxford
Tamil Liberation Struggle reaches Popular Stage - Justice Satchi Ponnambalam, Belize Supreme Court
The Eelam Economy -  Justice Satchi Ponnambalam, Belize Supreme Court


Second World Tamil Eelam Convention
1984 -  Nanuet, New York

The Second World Tamil Eelam Convention was organised by the Tamils of U.S.A. and Canada and was held on three days - 30 June, 1 July and 2 July. The Organising Committee was headed by Dr.Winston Panchacharam. The Anthem  was sung at a special flag hoisting ceremony. 

The Conference participants included:

1. Mr.K.Rajaram MLA, Speaker, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, representing All India Dravida Munentra Kalagam

2. Mr.Era Janarthanam MLA, President, World Tamil Youth Federation, representing All India Dravida Munetra Kalagam

3. His Holiness Sri Gnanasambanda Desika Swamigal, Aadheenakarthar, Madurai Aadheenarn.

4. Mr.Era Anbarasu,M.P., Convener, Tamil Nadu State Congress(I), representing the ruling Congress(I).

5. Mr.V.Gopalasamy M.P. representing the Dravida Munetra Kalagam

6. Mr.T.P.Radakrishnan, Legal Advisor to the Dravida Munetra Kalagam

7. Mr.Senchi Ramachandran, M.L.A. representing the Dravida Munetra Kalagam

8. Mr.P.Nedumaran, M.L.A., President, Kamraj Congress.

9. Mr.K.Veramani, Secretary General, Dravida Kalagam.

10. Mr.A.S.Manavaithamby, President, Malaiaga Thamilar Maruvalvu Kalagam.

11. Mr.K.R.Ramasamy, President, Dravida Kalagam, Malaysia.

12. Mr.A.K.Jainudeen, representing the Jagjivan Ram Congress.

13. Mr.V.Yoheswaran ex M.P. for Jaffna representing the Tamil United Liberation Front

14. Mr.V.Ponnambalam representing the Tamil United Liberation Front.

15.Justice Satchi Ponnambalam, Author of Sri Lanka: The National Question and the Tamil Liberation Struggle

16. Mr.S.C.Chandrahasan, ProTeg

17. Dr. David Selbourne, Oxford

18. Mr.Nadesan Satyendra

Resolutions unanimously adopted by the International Thamil Conference held at Nanuet, New York on the 1st of July 1984.

1. Resolved that the Thamil International be established, committed to the following objectives:

1. To secure the physical well being of the Thamil people because physical existence provides the base for all human action;

2. To secure the cultural identity of the Thamil people because their culture is a rich and ancient culture and because it is a culture which has much to give to the world;

3. To secure the human rights of the Thamil people because these are rights which spring from the inherent dignity of man and the Thamil people seek to live with dignity amongst their fellowmen;

4. To secure the civil and political rights of the Thamil people because the Thamil people seek to live in equality and in freedom amongst their fellowmen.

Proposed by: Winston Panchacharam
Seconded by: T. Sri Thillaiampalam

2. Resolved that:

S. C. Chandrahasan
P. Nedumaran
S. Ponnambalam
N. Satyendra

and one person to be nominated by the Tamil United Liberation Front, constitute the working group for the establishment of the Thamil International.

Proposed by: T. Sri Thillaiampalam
Seconded by: S. Sivasundaram.

3. Resolved that:

All forces fighting for freedom unite together in greater solidarity.

Proposed by: V. Yogeswaran
Seconded by: S. C. Chandrahasan

4. Resolved that:

Whereas the genocidal killings of Tamils in Sri Lanka commencing on the 25th of July 1983 resulted in the loss of several thousand Tamil lives and several billion rupees of damage to property owned by Tamils, this Conference resolves that the 25th of July shall be observed as a day of mourning by Tamils all over the world and as a day on which Tamils all over the world pay homage to those who died so that the Tamil people may live in freedom.

Proposed by: Era Janarthanam
Seconded by: A. S. Manavaithamby

5. Resolved that:

The working group of the Thamil International be charged with the responsibility of taking the necessary steps to secure an independent and impartial inquiry by an international tribunal of jurists into the crimes of genocide and human right violations against the Thamil people by the Sri Lankan government.

Proposed by: Era. Anbarasu, Convener: Tamil Nadu State Congress (I) in Parliament.
Seconded by: S. C. Chandrahasan.

The proposer before moving the resolution conveyed a message from Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, wishing the conference every success in its deliberations.

World body to protect Tamils' rights mooted at NY talks
Hindu News Report in the Sri Lanka Island, 7 July 1984

NANUET (New York State) The second international Tamil conference which ended here on July 1 resolved to create an organisation at the international level to secure the rights of the Tamil people. It also called for an impartial inquiry into the violation of the rights of Sri Lanka Tamils in recent times.

By a resolution the conference, convened by representatives of the Eelam Tamil Association, called upon the various Tamil political groups in Sri Lanka to unite in their struggle against the Jayewardene Government.

In the two days of deliberations, there were strong speeches, especially by Eelam Tamil leaders, but the outcome was moderate. Both in their speeches and behind the scene talks, they were urged by participants from Tamil Nadu to proceed with caution. For example, when a resolution was brought up for exploring the possibilities of a government-in-exile of Sri Lanka Tamils, the sponsor Mr. Jagadasan was counselled by several others, notably Mr. P. Nedumaran, conference president and leader of the Kamaraj Congress in Tamil Nadu, not to press his motion. This was neither the moment to proceed with it nor was it in conformity with the objectives of the conference. He eventually withdrew the motion.

During the concluding day's discussions, speakers strongly denounced, the Jayewardene Government's action in inviting Mossad from Israel to crush the Tamil movement in the guise of curbing terrorism. The Rev. Philip Ratnapala, a church leader of Sri Lankan origin from Ottawa, alleged that the British Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher was secretly sending arms to the Jayewardene Government. He thanked both Mrs. Gandhi and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for looking after Tamil refugees and said they should not be handed over to Mr. Jayewardene.

Democrats' support cited:

Mr. Sri Thillaiampalam, president of the Eelam Tamil Association in the U.S., said the fact that Senators Alan Cranston and Edward Kennedy, both top Democrats, had moved a resolution in the Senate calling upon the U.S. President Mr. Reagan, to urge the Sri Lanka Government to seek a negotiated settlement of the Tamil issues showed that truth was on their side.

From the Tamil Nadu leaders attending the conference, there was a renewed call for unity among the Sri Lanka Tamil leaders and for spreading Tamil culture among overseas Tamils of the younger generation.

Tamil centre opened:

The Tamil Nadu Speaker, Mr, Rajaram formally inaugrated a Tamil centre to be set up at New York by lighting two "kuthuvillakkus". Both Mr. Rajaram and Mr. K. Veeramani of the Dravida Kazhagam presented Tamil books for the library to be set up at the centre.

The conference passed a resolution sponsored by Dr. W. Panchacharam, chief organiser, for the formation of a "Tamil International". The purpose will be to secure the physical well-being of the Tamil people, their cultural identities, their ancient culture and the human rights of Tamil people springing from "the inherent dignity of man" and, lastly, to preserve the civil and political rights of Tamil people to enable them to live in equality and freedom."

The resolution was left vague enough to enable participants from different countries, especially those from Tamil Nadu to endorse it. A Working Group was set up with Mr. Satyendra, Mr. Chandrahasan, Mr. Ponnambalam and a representative of the Tamil United Liberation Front.

The Tamil Nadu representative is Mr. Nedumaran. The group will take steps to set up the organisation.

Call for unity:

The unity resolution was moved by the TULF representative Mr. V. Yogeswaran. It called upon the various groups working for "separate State of Tamil Eelam" to coordinate their activities. "A grave situation for the Tamils has been created by the induction of Mossad and the British SAS. In meeting this it is necessary to forge unity among us," he said. The resolution was passed.

At the instance of the Congress [I] member of Parliament from Tamil Nadu, Mr. Era Anbarasu, and with modifications proposed by Era Sezhiyan, President of the Janata Party in Tamil Nadu, the conference passed a resolution that called for an independent inquiry into the "crime of genocide" and "violation of human rights" by the Sri Lanka Government.

The conference also resolved to observe July 25 as a day of mourning in mark of the Tamils in Sri Lanka killed in the army action.

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