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"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Home  > Library > International Relations  >  The Ugly American - William J.Lederer and Eugene Burdick, 1958

TAMIL NATION LIBRARY: International Relations

  • *  The Ugly American
    William J.Lederer and Eugene Burdick, 1958

* indicates link to Amazon.com online bookshop

"The multi-million-copy bestseller that coined the phrase for tragic American blunders abroad. First published in 1958, The Ugly American became a runaway national bestseller for its slashing exposé of American arrogance, incompetence, and corruption in Southeast Asia. Based on fact, the book's eye-opening stories and sketches drew a devastating picture of how the United States was losing the struggle with Communism in Asia. Combining gripping storytelling with an urgent call to action, the book prompted President Eisenhower to launch a study of our military aid program that led the way to much-needed reform..."

Reviewer: New Hubby  at Amazon.com : As Important Today As When It Was Written, April 27, 2005 "I read this book last year. I was born during the Vietnam war and remember little about it. I certainly did not experience the build up before the war. The Ugly American had a tremendous influence on American foreign policy back then. It highlighted our arrogance and our vulnerabilities when we forget the importance of understanding other cultures. And President Kennedy practically made it mandatory reading for his advisors.

What was most interesting to me, however, was how pertinent the book is today. Instead of Sarkhan or Vietnam, the book could be about Iraq. Regardless of your feelings about the war, the Ugly American is enlightening and should remind us how important it is to understand others when we occupy their nation. The book is a short -- but important -- read. I recommend it to everyone. It is a classic not so much because of its language or story. It's a classic because its message is meaningful even in today's world.


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