TAMIL NATION LIBRARY: History & Geography - A century of Tamil demography: the development of the population of Tamil Nadu from 1871 to 1981. [Un siecle de demographie tamoule: l'evolution de la population du Tamil Nadu de 1871 a 1981.] Les Etudes du CEPED, No. 4, ISBN 2-87762-040-9. Mar 1992. viii, 167 pp. Centre Francais sur la Population et le Developpement [CEPED]: Paris, France. In French with summary in English
by Guilmoto, Christophe Z.
(Courtesy Princeton University Catalogue): This study is based on a doctoral dissertation on the demography of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu during the period 1871-1981. Data are from official sources, including both the census and vital statistics. The study is in three parts. The first describes the period 1871-1921 and its high levels of fertility and mortality, which were affected by periodic crises such as epidemics or famines; the second focuses on the period of transition, 1921-1951, identified primarily by a decline in mortality and accelerating urbanization; and the third deals with the period since 1951, characterized by continuing declines in mortality and fertility, following a brief increase in the early 1950s. Comparisons are made with other parts of India. Correspondence: Centre Francais sur la Population et le Developpement, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Medecine, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France. Location: Princeton University Library (SPR).