கற்பழிப்பு - Rape by K.Rajah Sri Lanka State Terror - the Record Speaks.... Rape & Murder of Eelam Tamil Women The Blood-soaked Jasmine - Chandi Sinnathurai She was barely sixteen When she disappeared suddenly one night, Mallikai,* our little thankachi.**
We searched under the dark sky everywhere. After a long night, the village head-man asked: Could it be that our little flower has been snatched by hungry animals?
Mallikai! I screamed into the dawning sky. Only the wolves and the stray dogs howled back. Amma held her womb and wailed: thankachi.
The morning skies turned bright red and mauve. An old man who had been to the bushes came rushing. He stammered in anger: I saw Mallikai in a pool of blood.
Where? Where? I screamed in anger. We sprinted like angry leopards. Mallikai, our little thankachi. There she slept like a withered garland.
The hyenas have devoured every petal…
The Parai Melam,*** wailing horns and mourners The fire is lit; and the flame has engulfed Mallikai.
Amma returned home – to an empty space, Knowing that her son will not return.
The flame that engulfed Mallikai Has enflamed her sisters and brothers… They will now each wear a garland in memory of Thankachi!
* Jasmine ** Little sister ***Funeral drum