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THE ASIAN STUDIES WWW MONITORhttp://coombs.anu.edu.au/asia-www-monitor.html |
Edited by: Dr T.Matthew Ciolek
"The Asian Studies WWW Monitor" (ISSN 1329-9778) was established 21 April 1994. It forms a key element of the global, cooperative project Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. For further details of this publication see About the Asian Studies WWW Monitor.
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|| Announce New/Improved Web Sites || Past Issues - Archive ||Asian Studies WWW Monitor ISSN 1329-9778
Vol. 5, No. 53 For earlier materials see the Past Issues - Archive. To input new material use Announce New/Improved Web Sites page. THIS ISSUE Entries accepted for publication: 19 Entries rejected : 6
13 May 1998
Journal Online, Philippines
Philippine Journalists, Inc., Manila, Philippines
Supplied note: "Daily in-depth reporting on the recently concluded Philippine National Elections. The site is updated daily and contains both English and Filipino articles. The Journal Online also carries stories culled from the published daily editions of three tabloids (People's Journal, People's Tonight, Taliba [Filipino language paper]) a broadsheet (Philippine Times Journal) and a weekly magazine (Women's Journal). The site has been in test web publish since August last year and will be launched officially once we move to a new domain name http://www.news.com.ph"
URL http://www.skyinet.net/journal
Link submitted by: Randy Delos Reyes (rdlreyes@reporters.net)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: News
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Useful
13 May 1998
Hong Kong News On-Line
Sibor Media Communications Limited, HK, China
Supplied note: "Hong Kong News and Coming Events Web Site provides information of major events that will take place in Hong Kong in the form of a calendar. They include the Government and private sectors as well as parties functions, press conferences..."
[Site requires readers to register - ed.]
URL http://www.hknews.com.hk
Link submitted by: (cmchan@airnet.com.hk)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: News
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: rating not available
12 May 1998
Tamil National Forum, United Kingdom
Supplied note: "The Tamilnation website exists to nurture the growing togetherness of more than 70 million Tamil people, living in many lands and across distant seas, a growing togetherness rooted in an ancient heritage, a rich language and literature, a vibrant culture, in deeply held beliefs, and in an economic life together, a growing togetherness consolidated by struggle and suffering, and given purpose and direction by a determined aspiration to live in equality and in freedom, in an emerging post-modern world."
[A well organised, and extensively annotated guide to Tamil-related resources - ed.]
URL http://www.tamilnation.org
Link submitted by: Nadesan Satyendra (ns@sathyam.demon.co.uk)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Online Guide
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
11 May 1998
Chinapoint - Business links
Chinapoint, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Self description: "China point and its sister sites Asia point, Europe point, America point and China zone promote the business relations between Europe and Asia in general and China, HongKong and Taiwan in particular."
Site contents: Organizations; News & Statistics; Internet Sites; Jobs Database; Jobseekers Database; Freelancing Database; Shopping for Books; Seminars; Migration; Founding a Trust Co.; Keyword Search.
URL http://www.chinapoint.com
Link submitted by: Paul van der Heiden (management@chinazone.nl)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Online Guide
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Useful
11 May 1998
Japanese Law Links
Kyushu University, Japan
Supplied note: "You may be interested in [a register of] Japanese law related material in English available on the Internet [...] I am updating and improving it regularly, along with other pages containing Japanese law related information."
Site contents: Introductory Section; Japanese Law Related Websites (Governmental and Quasi-Governmental, Organisations, Academic Institutions, Associations, Law Firms and Individuals); Japanese Caselaw; Other Developments.
URL http://www.law.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~luke/japaneselawlinks.html
Link submitted by: Luke Nottage (luke@law.kyushu-u.ac.jp)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Online Guide
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Useful
08 May 1998
Hong Kong: Challenges of Change
Asia Society, USA
Supplied note: "[An article] by Jeffrey Fischer and Hugh J. Ivory, Yi-zheng Lian, and James T. H. Tang. This Asian Update examines the forthcoming Legislative Council elections in Hong Kong and assesses Hong Kong's political and economic environment one year into Chinese sovereignty."
[The document is on a single, 200Kb page. Only for those with a truly fast connection - ed.]
URL http://www.asiasociety.org/publications/update_hongkong_challenges.html
Link submitted by: Hylton Jolliffe (hyltonj@asiasoc.org)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Study
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: V.Useful
08 May 1998
RRojas Databank
RRojas Research Unit, United Kingdom
Supplied note: "An academic site for research on South East Asia and Latin America. The main expertise is on China, Indonesia, and Chile. The site offers statistical resources [on the political economy of development studies - ed.], analytical research, paper, notes, lecture notes and books, authored by Dr. Robinson Rojas and others. This academic site is part of Biz/Ed managed by the University of Bristol, U.K."
URL http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~rrojas
Link submitted by: Dr. Robinson Rojas (rrojas@mail.ndirect.co.uk)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Study
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
06 May 1998
Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) On Line
Association for Asian Studies, University of Michigan, USA
Supplied note: "The AAS is happy to announce that the on-line BAS is now available for demonstration. [...] This demostration will be open for use by anyone until the end of May. After that, libraries interested in subscribing may request additional demonstration time (to be provided by password). Pricing information is available on the AAS home page at An order form and draft licensing agreement will be posted there shortly. We are currently looking into whether subcriptions via agents is appropriate."
Site contents: about 420,000 references to books, journal articles, individually-authored monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc., published from 1971 until the present day.
Search the Bibliography of Asian Studies; Browse the BAS by Subject; Browse the BAS by Journal Title; Browse the BAS by Country.
[Simple, informative and superbly fast tool - ed.]
URL http://bas.umdl.umich.edu/b/bas/demo/
Link submitted by: John Campbell (jccamp@umich.edu)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Documents
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
06 May 1998
AsiaSociety.org Special Reports
Asia Society, New York, USA
Supplied note: "Announcing a new site area in which we'll be featuring timely and newsworthy content. In our inaugural report we celebrate Asia Pacific American Heritage Month with: the online publication of 'Bridges with Asia: Asian Americans in the United States'; information on our upcoming "What's Asia Got to do with the United States" national initiative; and a new collection of hundreds of links to Asian American Resources. Stay tuned throughout the month as we continue to add more information and resources."
URL http://www.asiasociety.org/special-reports/
Link submitted by: Hylton Jolliffe (hyltonj@asiasoc.org)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Online Guide
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
05 May 1998
Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium II
Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Vienna, Austria
Supplied note: "The Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium (AEYLS) is one of the follow-up activities of the first Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), which was held in Bangkok in March 1996. Each year young representatives from European and Asian countries are invited to meet, exchange views and work together on the most pressing issues in both regions."
Site contents: full text documents and institutional home pages for the following topics: Asia-Europe Contacts; Globalisation vs. Regionalism; The Future of Work in Europe and Asia; European and Asian Values; Cross Cultural Exchanges; Education and Human Resources Development for the 21st Century.
URL http://www.aeyls-ii.bka.gv.at/
Link submitted by: Hanno Lecher (lecher@gw.sino.uni-heidelberg.de)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Corporate Info.
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Essential
02 May 1998
Papua New Guinea Links Database
www.pngnetsearch.com, USA
Supplied note: "Steven Matainaho, who has just turned 14 years, has developed a website for Papua New Guinea, listing a number of resources for that country. [Steven's father, originaly from Mortlock Is (atoll) PNG, is now working on a PhD in USA - ed.]. Steven invites people to visit his site and to link their sites by clicking on 'Add a resource'."
Site contents: Add a Resource, Modify a Resource, What's New, What's Cool, Random Link, Search. Categories: Business, Communication, Education and Careers, Government, Health, Internet, News and Media, People and Environment, Religion, Travel and Tourism.
[A country-specific, mini-Yahoo !. Currently it contains about 50 links. Its long-term usefulness will depend on the quality of of sites adding themselves to it - ed]
URL http://www.pngnetsearch.com/
Link submitted by: Grant McCall (G.McCall@unsw.edu.au)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Online Guide
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: Useful
01 May 1998
Traceca - Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia
Traceca Coordination, Belgium
Supplied note: "A programme of the European Commission (DG1A - Tacis) concerning 10 countries: Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Kirghistan. Many [of technical studies and] reports are downloadable from the website, same for maps of these areas with the detailed TRACECA route. The maps are in Acrobat Reader format."
Site contents: Site Information, What is TRACECA ?, TRACECA Technical Overview, Projects, Technical Library, Contractors, Countries, Freight, Forwarders, Newsletter, Where to find us?, Maps.
[The main entry point, http://www.traceca.org, consists of an empty page with a single 145Kb strong navigational gif, which maybe loads quickly in Brussels, but is hardly accessible from networks in Caucasus or Central Asia - ed.]
URL http://www.traceca.org/tracecafr.htm
Link submitted by: Dominique Feldheim (dominique_feldheim@compuserve.com)
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]: Study
* Research usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]: V.Useful
see also AWARDS, ACCOLADES and DISTINCTIONS received by this e-journal.
Copyright (c) 1998 by T.Matthew Ciolek. This Web page may be linked to any other Web pages. Contents may not be altered. The editor does not control or endorse the content of third party Web Sites.