தமிழ்த் தேசியம்

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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European Union & Terrorism
European Initiative for a Negotiated Peace in Sri Lanka - in English, Deutsch, French & Portuguese - Jean Ziegler, Professor at the University of Geneva - Switzerland, Dr. Lugder Weckel - Institute for Theology and Politics - Münster - Germany, PD Dr. Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam - University Passau - Germany, Professor John Neelsen - Germany, Professor Peter Schalk - Sweden, Professor Paul Weller - Britain, François Houtart - Professor Emeritus - Catholic University Louvain (Belgium), Rev. Alexander Reid, C.S.s.R - Ireland, Fr. Albert Koolen - Germany et al

european union &
the Struggle for Tamil Eelam

History of Intransigence -  J.T. Janani , October 2006
European Parliament Resolution on Sri Lanka, September 2006
European Union Ban on LTTE, 31 May 2006
Joint Motion for a Resolution on the situation in Sri Lanka , 17 May 2006
EU Contribution to the Peace Process in Sri Lanka - Symposium in European Parliament - Organised by the Tamil Centre for Human Rights, March 2006
European Union & Sri Lanka
Exchange of Letters Between the European Union and the International Federation of Tamils, 2005

Expatriate Tamils from Across Europe to rally before Bern Parliament, Switzerland

Expatriate Tamils from across countries in Europe staged rally in front of Swiss parliament in Bern on the 29 May 2005 Monday at 1:00 p.m.The rally urged the European countries to assist Tamils in achieving their self-determination rights or to recognize Tamils' right to secede, organizers said.

Buses and trains were organized by the rally officials in most of the countries, and those planning to participate were asked to contact local co-ordinating offices, leaflets said. The rally placed the following demands to key decision makers in the European member countries:

Recognize Tamil Nation, Tamil Homeland and Tamils right to self-determination,
Lift ban on Liberation Tigers,
Remove restrictions on High Security Zones (HSZ) allowing displaced Tamils in NorthEast to resettle in their homes,
Remove ban on fishing along coasts of NorthEast, and
Not to repatriate Tamils who seek refugee status in European capitals until a politically negotiated solution is accepted by both warring parties in Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka: European Union Declaration  26 September 2005

'Do not send Tamil refugees back' - Rev.S.J.Emmanuel writes to European Commission, 29 June 2000

UK Tamil Association responds to the European Union Outline Reply, 15 November 1995
Touch of Farce in Strasbourg, 1994
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