"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."

- Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 


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Sri Lanka's Genocidal War - '95 to '01

Timing of genocide dictated by President Kumaratunga's fragile majority

As the onslaught on the Tamil people intensified, President Kumaratunga's Deputy Defence Minister, Anuraddha Ratwatte, matched his leader's belligerence and declared in the Sri Lanka Parliament on 7 July 1995:

"We will deal with the LTTE by whatever means and I can assure you that this will definitely happen" - (Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday Times, 9 July 1995)

The timing of the genocidal onslaught was dictated by President Kumaratunga's own fragile majority in the Sri Lanka Parliament and her failure to keep her election promise to abolish the Executive Presidency by 15 July 1995.

Tamil bashing has always been the tested and time honoured way for Sinhala leaders to secure their hold on power in the island of Sri Lanka.

"The fragile PA Government was hanging in the balance over the week end with its own coalition allies, the opposition UNP and other parties demanding that the pledge to abolish the Executive Presidency by July 15 must be kept. But the Government has apparently decided that the Executive Presidency, which it once damned as a curse, will be retained... Political sources say the UNPs decision last week to give the necessary two thirds majority to abolish the Executive Presidency gave the Government no moral or legal to delay the move." (Front Page Main Headline, Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday Times, 9 July 1995)

"Now with the strains in the PA coalition being apparent, the powers which the wise old fox of the UNP (President J.R.Jayawardene)vested in the executive presidency are being appreciated. One political theory touted is that the government will launch a full scale offensive in the north very soon. Deputy Defence Minister Col. Anuruddha Ratwatte's statement to Parliament on Friday that the public would witness the government response in the next few days is being interpreted as the new military offensive being launched almost immediately...

Political analysts believe that the Government intends to crush the LTTE within two months and then hold parliamentary elections, hoping to win the election. With a comfortable parliamentary majority, it could then abolish the executive presidency on its own terms...…. the launching of an all out military offensive for the purpose of abolishing the executive presidency is demonstrative of the Sinhala aphorism of setting ones house on fire to light a cigar." (Editorial, Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday Island, 9 July 1995) ...continued...

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