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Tamilnation > Struggle for Tamil Eelam > Conflict Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka > Norwegian Peace Initiative > Tsunami & Aftermath > Government of Sri Lanka and LTTE sign Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure (P-TOMS) > Text of Memorandum of Understanding for Establishment of a Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure > Sri Lanka Government Explains P-TOMS in Statement tabled in Sri Lanka House of Representatives > The United National Party & P-TOMS - Having it Both Ways? > ISGA & the Law - Professor M. Sornarajah > Sri Lanka President Kumaratunga wants joint mechanism amended > Supreme Court Decision on P-TOMS > Lesson from the Supreme Court Decision on P-TOMS > The President & the Chief Justice - Two Minds with but a Single Thought? - நான் பேச நினைப்பதெல்லாம் நீ பேச வேண்டும்
The President & the Chief Justice
- Two Minds with but a Single Thought?"நான் பேச நினைப்பதெல்லாம் நீ பேச வேண்டும்
நாளோடும் பொழுதோடும் உறவாட வேண்டும், உறவாட வேண்டும்"
21 July 2004
Sri Lanka President Kumaratunga, 10 July 2005 "The President (Kumaratunga) has informed the Norwegian facilitators the government wants Article 7 of the signed agreement dealing with the Regional Fund amended...The agreement provides for the government and the LTTE to appoint a suitable multilateral agency to be the custodian of the Regional Fund. However, the President has now proposed that the Treasury be nominated as the custodian of the Regional Fund... the President has decided not to nominate members to the respective committees to implement the P-TOMS agreement until such time an agreement is reached on the issue of the proposed amendment..." | Sri Lanka Chief Justice Sarath Silva, 15 July 2005 "The operation of Sections 6 (b)(ii), 6(b)(iv), 6 (j),6 (i) and 7 of the MOU are stayed pending the final determination of this application The funds both foreign and local intended to be deposited in the Regional Fund as provided in Section 7 may instead be dealt with according to the provisions of the Constitution and deposited in a separate account with a Custodian to be designated, if lawfully authorized."