Father A. I. Bernard Father A. I. Bernard holds a BPh,LPh,BTh,LTh (India),a Post-Grad Dip in Human Rights & Education (University of London) and MA (University of London). He is the chairman- Justice & Peace Commission- Catholic Church of Jaffna (from 1996 to date), Advisor- Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies-Jaffna (2004 to date), Vice President- People's Council for & Good Will-Jaffna (2004 to date), Director-Centre for Peace & Human Rights Culture- Jaffna (2004 to date) and the Editor-Urimai Noku- Centre for Peace & Human Rights Culture-Jaffna.
Dr. Joseph A. Chandrakanthan Dr. Joseph A. Chandrakanthan, BTh, MTh, M.Phil. (Gnana Deepa University, Pune, India), L.Th., ThD (St. Paul University, Ottawa) PhD (University of Ottawa) was Senior Lecturer and later Associate Professor of Christian Studies and Ethics and Head of the Department of Christian and Islamic Studies at the State University of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. (1980 to 1996).
From 1996-1999 he was Professor of Humanities and Ethics at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada From 1999 he serves as Consultant in Bioethics at the Centre for Clinical Ethics and the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics and Associate Professor in the Centre for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto. He also teaches at the University of St. Michael’s College and at the Toronto Graduate School of Theology of the University of Toronto. His book entitled The Origin and Development of Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism co-authored with Professor A. J. Wilson was published in 2001 by the University of Washington. Mr.Tyrol Ferdinands Mr. Tyrol Ferdinands serves as Managing Trustee (2001 to date) of the initiative for political and conflict transformation (INPACT) a Colombo based trust that takes a group rights based approach and operates island wide on issues of political transformation engaging with and enabling political parties and groups . He is the Founding General Secretary (1995-2000) of the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka and has served Vice President, Secretary etc) in the Ceylon Bank Employees Union (CBEU)
Dr. Nimalka Fernando Dr. Nimalka Fernando has been a student activist and involved in human rights advocacy and training workshops since 1970's. As a lawyer she has been involved in court work and professional services relating to grass-root level Human rights activities. The repressive political period of the 1980’s was her training ground for advocacy. She had been the General Secretary of Student Christian Movement of Sri Lanka in 1978 – 1989. She served as the Secretary of Development Commission of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka and as a member of the Executive Committee of the Movement for Inter-Racial Justice and Equality and a Research Assistant of Voice of Women (Free Trade Zone Women Worker’s project) in Sri Lanka in 1980 – 1981.
She served as a Regional Co-coordinator in Asia Pacific for Women & Law Development from 1989 to 1994 based in Malaysia and also the co-coordinator for Women's Human Rights Project in the post Vienna Project of the APWLD based in Colombo up to 1996. Dr.Georg Frerks Dr. Georg Frerks is a rural sociologist with a PhD from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He worked for nearly 20 years at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in different capacities both at Headquarters and in the field. Currently he holds a Chair on Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management at Utrecht University as well as a Chair on Disaster studies at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Frerks’ research interests and publications relate to vulnerability, policy aspects of conflict and disaster management and the interface between intervening organisations and local populations. In his work he pays attention to issues of local coping and resilience. Frerks carried out his PhD research on Sri Lanka and has published on the conflict in the island and more recently on the response to the tsunami.
Dr. Jonathan Goodhand Dr. Jonathan Goodhand is Lecturer in Development Practice, at SOAS, University of London. He studied at the Universities of Birmingham and Manchester, with qualifications in education as well as development. He worked for some years managing humanitarian and development programmes in conflict situations in Afghanistan/Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and has extensive experience as a researcher and advisor in South and Central Asia for a range of NGOs and aid agencies, including DFID, SDC, ILO and UNDP. His research interests include the political economy of aid and conflict, NGOs and peacebuilding and ‘post conflict’ resolution. Publications include Aid, Conflict and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan. What Lessons can be Learned?(with H Atmar), 75pp. International Alert (UK). ISBN 01898702, 2002. and Aid, Conflict & Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka 2000 - 2005, (with B. Klem, D. Fonseka, D. Keethaponkalan, S. Sardesi) Asia Foundation, US, 2005.
Mr. Vasu Gounden Mr.Vasu Gounden is the Founder and Executive Director of the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). He is a mediator, trainer and researcher in the field of conflict resolution. He obtained a LL.B. degree in South Africa in 1986 and practiced as a human rights and trade union lawyer. In 1989 he took up a Fulbright Scholarship to complete his LLM at Georgetown Law School in Washington D.C. In 1990 he served as a Senior Fellow at the National Institute for Dispute Resolution in Washington D.C. In 2000 Gounden completed the Senior Executive Programme of the Harvard and Wits Business Schools. He has served on several Government commissions and independent bodies. In 1992 he was appointed as an expert advisor to the South African National Peace Secretariat. He was one of two persons nominated by the South African Government to serve on the “Good Offices of the Secretary General of the Commonwealth” to mediate in international conflicts.
Ms.Jezima Ismail Ms. Jezima Ismail holds a BA (University of Ceylon), MA (McGill University) and Diploma on TEFL (University of Sydney). She has 32 years of teaching experience of which 13 years were spent as the Principal of Muslim Ladies College. She has been a member of the National Committee on Women for the last 6 years, A Chancellor of South Eastern University, Member of the Public Services Commission, Governor-Marga Institute, Founder & Chair of Academy of Adult Education for Women, Vice Chair of IWITHI Trust, Media-Member of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation & Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, Board Member of the Management-Centre for Human Rights and University of Colombo. She has won several awards such as Deshabandu, Lion's, Presidential Award for Education and Ambassador for Peace.
Mr. Victor Ivan Mr. Victor Ivan is the editor of a weekly Sinhala newspaper published in Sri Lanka. He is a social activist and a founder member of the Free Media movement of Sri Lanka. He successfully challenged at the Geneva HRC the law of criminal defamation which existed in Sri Lanka. He has written and published 10 books on various subjects, including the ‘Challenge of Tenant Cultivation’, 1979 (Sinhala), ‘Freedom, National Integration, and the Family Struggle in Politics’ 1999 (Sinhala) and ‘An Unfinished Struggle–An Investigative Exposure of the Sri Lankan judiciary and the Chief Justice’ 2003 (Sinhala/English)
Ms. Vinothini Kanapathipillai Ms. Vinothini Kanapathipillai has several years of experience as a political journalist reporting on Sri Lanka’s politics and conflict. She has worked as news editor and broadcaster at the London-based IBC radio (2000-2001) and is Deputy Editor of Tamil Guardian, a not-for-profit expatriate newspaper. She was attached as a translator to the LTTE federalism study tour to several European countries in 2003. She is presently a consultant with a blue-chip management consultancy, utilising her degrees in Commerce and Law.
Dr. Sumanasiri Liyanage Dr. Sumanasiri Liyanage teaches political economy at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. His principal research interests include social movements, social justice, and critical social theory. He is a critical participant of Sri Lankan civil society initiatives for peace and conflict transformation and a regular columnist for Sinhala and English newspapers.
Dr.Clem McCartney, Consultant, Berghof Foundation
Mr. Viraj Mendis Mr.Viraj Mendis is the chair-person of the International Human Rights Association in Bremen Germany – a refugee based organisation. As a Sinhalese he has actively supported unconditionally the oppressed Tamil people’s right to self determination since 1980.
Mr. Suthaharan Nadarajah Mr. Suthaharan Nadarajah is a doctoral candidate with the Department of Politics and International Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His research explores the international system as a socializing and subject-producing device, using the conflict in Sri Lanka as a case study.
Dr. Vijitha Nanayakkara Dr. Vijitha Nanayakkara is Professor of Development Sociology at Peradeniya University, Sri Lanka
Professor A M Navaratna-Bandara Professor A M Navaratna-Bandara, B.A. (Ceylon), M.A. (Peradeniya), D. Phil (York), teaches political science, public policy and public administration at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka since1974. At present he is the Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, University of Peradeniya. In 2001, 2004 & 2005 he served as the Director of the National Integration Programme Unit (NIPU), a project funded by the Royal Norwegian Government, affiliated to the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and National Integration. Since 1993 he has been engaged in civil society campaign for political solution to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka and has written extensively to the new papers in Sri Lanka advocating a political solution to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka. He has several academic publications to his credit including Management of Ethnic Secessionist Conflict; The Big Neighbour syndrome, Dartmouth Publishing Company Ltd., Aldershot, England, (1995) and “The Peace Process and the Real Losers”, in Jayadeva Uyangoda and Maurine Perera (eds.), Sri Lanka’s Peace Process – 2002, Critical Perspectives, Social Scientists, Association, Colombo, (144-148) – (2003)
Professor John P.Neelsen Professor John P.Neelsen (1943 Berlin/Germany), M.A., Ph.D. is Professor., Dept. of Sociology, Tuebingen University/Germany. Teaching experience: Banaras (India), Zurich (Switzerland), Nancy (France) and different universities in Germany (Berlin, Bremen, etc.) Member Scientific Board: World Centre for Peace, Freedom and Human Rights, Verdun/France. ATTAC/Germany. Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Berlin/Germany. Research and publications on: North-South Relations; Sociology of Development; Human Rights; Social Inequality; Case studies on India and Sri Lanka. Six years research and field experience in South Asia.
Dr. Robert Nopers , Director, Berghof Foundation, Sri Lanka Mr. Ana Pararajasingham Mr. Ana Pararajasingham is an Australia based management consultant. Ana worked in Asia, the Middle East and Africa before migrating to Australia in 1983. He is the Chairman of the Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations - an umbrella organisation of Tamil Associations. He was formerly on the Editorial Board of the ‘Tamil Nation’ fortnightly and has written extensively on the conflict in the island of Sri Lanka and on related human rights issue. Between March 2003 and June 2003 he worked in Sri Lanka with the World Bank (as a Consultant) to assess the needs of the war torn northeast on behalf of multilateral donor agencies that included the World Bank, UN agencies and the Asian Development Bank. He was in Sri Lanka again in January 2005 to help assess the needs arising from the damage caused by the tsunami.
Dr. Karen Parker Dr. Karen Parker received her J.D. (honors) from University of San Francisco, and her Diplome (cum laude) from the International Institute of Human Rights (France). She interned at the California Supreme Court and the Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. She specializes in human rights and humanitarian (armed conflict) law, and has represented non-governmental organizations at the United Nations human rights forums since 1982. Concern for escalating violence directed at the Tamil population in Sri Lanka in 1983 led Ms Parker to speak out and write extensively on the war ever since. While mainly presenting concerns at the United Nations, she has addressed many national legislatures on the armed conflict in Sri Lanka and has made presentations on this topic at numerous university conferences and public forums. Dr. Jehan Perera Dr. Jehan Perera holds a Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor) - Harvard Law School (USA) also holds a B.A in Economics (USA) and a Bachelor of Laws - Open University (Sri Lanka). He is the Executive Director at National Peace Council (since 2005), worked as the Media Director for National Peace Council (1996-2005), Director at Sarvodaya Legal Aid Services (1988-1995). He is the author of " From War to Peace"- a collection of articles, "Peace Process in Nagaland and Chittagong Hill Tracts: An Audit report", Co-author of " A people's Movement Under Siege" and "A Manual of Civil and Political Rights" and editor of "A Gateway to Justice through Public Interest law: Proceedings of a seminar". He has won several awards such as the Media award of the Catholic National Commission for Social Communication (2004), Inter Religious and International Federation for World Peace Foundation’s Ambassador for Peace award (2004), Peace Star Award of the Ministry of National Integration (2000), Esmond Wickremasinghe prize for English language journalism (1992), Sri Lanka Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Persons award for journalism (1998).
Hon. Gajen Ponnambalam, M.P. Mr. Gajen Ponnambalam is a Member of the Sri Lanka Parliament. He was elected in 2001 as a nominee of the Tamil National Alliance. He was re-elected in 2004 for the Jaffna electoral district. At present he also serves on many Parliamentary Consultative and Select Committees. He is also a founder member of the North East Secretariat on Human Rights (NESOHR) and serves as the Honourable Treasurer of the Secretariat. In 1995 he graduated with a Bachelor of Laws LLB (Hons.) degree and thereafter qualified as a Barrister-at-Law and was called to the bar of England and Wales in 1997. He qualified as an Attorney-at-Law in Sri Lanka and was called to the Bar of Sri Lanka in 1999.
Mr.Anton Ponraj, Director, Centre for Just Peace and Democracy Mr. David Rampton Mr. David Rampton is Visiting Lecturer and Course Convenor at Department of Development Studies, SOAS, University of London
Ms. Madura Rasaratnam
Ms. Madura Rasaratnam is a doctoral candidate with the Government Department of the London School of Economics. Her thesis explores the relationship between state, identity and nationalist movements, using the Tamils of India, Sri Lanka and Singapore as case studies.
Professor Palanisamy Ramasamy Professor Palanisamy Ramasamy is presently, visiting senior research fellow at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, formerly professor of political economy National University of Malaysia and in 2005 visiting professor at University of Kassel, Germay. His academic and intellectual interests are in the political economy of labour and globalization. In recent years, he has taken a keen interest in understanding the nature of ethno-nationalist conflicts in the Asian region. He was appointed to the LTTE's Constitutional Affairs Committee in 2003 and in 2005 was appointed as the advisor for the Free Acheh Movement during the Helsinki Peace Talks. He holds a B.A. from Indian University, USA (1977), M.A. from McGill University, Canada (1980), and a Ph.D. from University of Malaya (1991). He has published four books and numerous articles in local and international journals.
Mr. Viswanathan Rudrakumaran Mr. Viswanathan Rudrakumaran is a practising Attorney in New York, USA Participated in the Norwegian sponsored Peace Talks and has written extensively on the conflict in the island of Sri Lanka.
Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe Dr. Kumar Rupesinghe is the Chairman of The Foundation for Co-Existence (FCE) in Sri Lanka. FCE works towards consolidating the peace process and promoting co-existence amongst all peoples of Sri Lanka. It has established a major programme on human security in the Eastern Region including an Early Warning and Response Mechanism for Conflict Prevention. Dr. Rupesinghe was formerly the Secretary General of International Alert (IA), an NGO dedicated to the prevention and mitigation of violent internal conflict, with field programmes in over 15 countries. Before this he was Deputy Director of the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo. Alongside these postings he has also acted as Chair of the Forum for Early Warning and Early Action (FEWER), Chair of the Human Rights Information Documentation Information Exchange, International (HURIDOCS), Chair of the Commission on Internal Conflicts, and coordinator of the United Nations Programme on Conflict Resolution. He has authored and edited numerous publications in the field of conflict resolution.
Mr. M.H.M.Salman Mr. Salman is Attorney at Law, Sri Lanka and Member and Convener of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress
Dr. Satchitanandan Sathananthan Dr S Sathananthan was born in Jaffna and holds a Ph D degree from the University of Cambridge. He was Visiting Research Scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University School of International Studies (1999-2000) Assistant Director, Marga Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka (1986-1989). His research interests cover national movements in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Dr Sathananthan is a filmmaker. Among others, he produced the documentary film ‘Where Peacocks Dance’, which explores the cultural roots of Sindhi nationalism in Pakistan, and ‘Suicide Warriors’ (1996) on women cadre of the LTTE. His feature film ‘Khamosh Pani’ (‘Silent Waters’) won the Golden Leopard for Best Film at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland, 2003. He is currently co-directing and producing a documentary film on Pakistan constructed around a dinner discussion with President Pervez Musharraf. email: [email protected]
Mr.Nadesan Satyendra, Project Adviser, Centre for Just Peace and Democracy Professor Peter Schalk Professor Peter Schalk, born in 1944 in Germany, migrated to Sweden in 1958. He is married to Gerd Falk Schalk, has three children, and is a Swedish citizen. He studied philosophy, history of ideas, theology, and indology at the Universities of Lund, Göteborg, and Uppsala, Sweden, and got his PhD in History of Religions at the Faculty of Arts in 1972. In the same year, he was appointed associate professor (docent) in the History of Religions at the Faculty of Theology, University of Lund. As a Humboldt fellow, he did research in München and Göttingen, Germany, in 1980-81. From 1973 to 1983, he was director, head and senior lecturer of Religious Studies at the University of Göteborg, Sweden. Since 1983, he has been full professor in History of Religions at Uppsala University, Sweden. His main field of research are:
1.Ritual transmission of Buddhism through pirit and baa in Sri Lanka. 2.The religions of Fu and state ideologies. 3.The history of Buddhism among Tamils in Tamilakam and Ilam. 4. Hinduism in Western exile. 5.Väddo and other Indigenous South Asian Groups in the Image of Westerners. 6. Religious expressions of social- economic conflicts in present South Asia.
Dr. Brian Senewiratne Dr. Brian Senewiratne is a Consultant Physician, trained in Medicine in Cambridge University UK and London. He is a Sinhalese whose main interest in the Sri Lankan conflict is in preventing the violation of Human Rights. In this area, he has strongly supported the right of the Tamil people to live with equality, dignity, safety and without discrimination in the country of their birth. He has written extensively on the problem and has addressed numerous meetings across the world for the past two decades. A close relative of the Bandaranaikes, he was the Associate Professor of Medicine in Kandy when educational discrimination of the Tamils under the guise of ‘Standardisation’ was introduced in 1972 by Prime Minister Sirima Bandaranaike. His first booklet was on the 1983 massacre of Tamils in the Sinhala South. A booklet on Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka, followed. Since then, he has written number of articles in which he has strongly argued for a meaningful devolution of power to the Tamils in the North and East.
Mr.Brian Smith Mr. Brian Smith is Conflict Adviser to Asian Development Bank in Colombo. He has degrees in economics, community development and public administration. After a number of years as a senior manager in the health and social services sector in Canada, he turned his attention to the developing world, where he managed community-based development programmes in Africa, the Middle East and Asia for about a decade. By chance, the programmes he managed for much of this time were in conflict-affected contexts. For the past several years, he has acted as an advisor on conflict sensitivity and conflict analysis as part of the donor community in Sri Lanka.
Professor M.Sornarajah Professor M Sornarajah studied law at the University of Ceylon, Yale Law School and the University of London. He has taught law at the University of Ceylon, the University of Tasmania, (Australia), the University of Dundee (Scotland), the American University at Washington (USA) and the National University of Singapore. He was Sterling Fellow at the Yale Law School. He was research fellow at the Centre for International Law of the University of Cambridge and at the Max Planck Institute for International Law at Heidelberg, Germany. He is Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Petroleum and Natural Resources Law of the University of Dundee. He is the author of the International Law on Foreign Investment (2nd edition, Cambridge University Press), the Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes (Kluwer) and several other books and articles. He has been counsel and arbitrator in several international law cases. Dr.Rajan Sriskandarajah Dr.Rajan Sriskandarajah is a retired physician and a US citizen of Sri Lankan Tamil origin. He was the founding editor of Ilankai Tamil Sangam website (www.sangam.org) and has also served on the Editorial Board of ‘Tamil Nation’. Rajan has participated in a number of international conferences on the conflict in Sri Lanka and has written widely on the subject.
Professor Kristian Stokke Kristian Stokke is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oslo, specialising in movement politics and democratisation in South Africa and nationalism, conflict transformation and democratization in Sri Lanka. He is the author and editor of several books on these themes, including ‘Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation’ (Palgrave Macmillan 2004) and ‘Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-economic Rights in South Africa’ (Martinus Nijhoff 2005). He is also the author of numerous papers, articles and book chapters, including ‘Building the Tamil Eelam State: Emerging State Institutions and Forms of Governance in LTTE-controlled Areas in Sri Lanka’ (2006); ‘Impacts of Intra-State War and International Resource Conflicts on Livelihoods of Fishing Communities in Northern Sri Lanka’ (with A. S. Soosai and N. Shanmugaratnam, 2006); ‘Development as a Precursor to Conflict Resolution: A Critical Review of the Fifth Peace Process in Sri Lanka’ (with N. Shanmugaratnam, 2006); ‘Sinhalese and Tamil Nationalism as Postcolonial Political Projects from “Above,” 1948-1983’ (Political Geography, 1998); and ‘Authoritarianism in the Age of Market Liberalism in Sri Lanka’ (Antipode, 1997). For further information, see: http://folk.uio.no/stokke/
Mr.Coomaran Tarcisius, Programme Director, Centre for Just Peace and Democracy Professor Jayadeva Uyangoda Dr. Jayadeva Uyangoda is Professor and Head, Dept. of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Colombo. He has written and published extensively on Sri Lanka’s conflict and peace processes. Among his publications are Sri Lanka’s Peace process 2002: Critical Perspectives (2003) and Beyond Negotiation, Mediation and Limited Peace: Towards Transformative Peace in Sri Lanka (2004). He also co-edited Essays in Constitutional Reform (1997) and Matters of Violence: Reflections on Political and Social Violence in Sri Lanka (1998). He is founder co-editor of Polity, a monthly semi-academic journal published in Colombo on current political and socio-economic in Sri Lanka. Active in civil society movements, he has been a leading advocate of a negotiated settlement to the ethnic conflict and federalist state reforms in Sri Lanka. He is at present Member, Council of Management, Social Scientists’ Association of Sri Lanka, Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust, Colombo and Board Member, India-Sri Lanka Foundation. He is also a regular commentator in the media on Sri Lanka’s peace process.
Ms. Lukshi Vimalarajah, Senior Program Coordinator, Berghof Foundation, Sri Lanka Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne specializes in human right law, constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law. He was appointed President’s Counsel, Sri Lanka in 2001. Dr. Wickramaratne holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayawardenapura and was awarded the Ph.D. degree by the University of Peradeniya for his thesis on “Fundamental Rights in Sri Lanka”. He was Consultant, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs from 1996-2001. In 2004, he functioned as Senior Advisor, Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and Convenor and member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Dr. Wickramaratne was also a member of the team that drafted the Government’s 1997 proposals for constitutional reform and devolution and the Constitution Bill, 2000. He officiated as Secretary to the talks on constitutional reform between the Government and various political parties in 2000. He is presently Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and National Integration. Dr. Wickramaratne has studied the working of the Constitutions of several countries including Canada, Belgium, India, South Africa and Switzerland, and arrangements for devolution in Northern Ireland and Scotland. He was in Laos on several UNDP assignments in the legal sector. These included being Consultant to the International Law Project, Team Leader of a Legal Sector Evaluation and Chief Technical Advisor to the Legal Sector Preparatory Assistance Project.
Dr. Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne Dr. Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne joined the Griffith Law School of Griffith University in 2001. Prior to that he taught at the University of East London (U.K). He graduated from the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London in 1990 and completed his London LLM in 1992. He received his doctorate from the University of Kent in Canterbury in 1999. His research interests lie in the field of Law and Post colonialism and Buddhist Legal Studies. He has published articles in Social and Legal Studies, Law/Text/Culture, the Griffith Law Review and Social Identites and he has also written in the Sri Lankan media. He has published a number of articles on the relationship between Buddhism, law and identity in Sri Lanka using phenomenological, deconstructive and psychoanalytical perspectives. He has recently finished co-editing a special issue of the Griffith Law Review on Tracking the Postcolonial in Law. He has been asked to write entries on Sri Lanka and Buddhist Law in South Asia for the Oxford Encyclopaedia of Legal History . In addition he is currently working on a book on Nation, Constitutionalism and Buddhist Cosmology in Sri Lanka. He is currently working on an article on Buddhist Law in Theravada Buddhism. Since 1997 Roshan has also undertaken two major consultancies with leading law firms in London. Between 1997 -2000 he was commissioned to write a report on Sri Lanka in relation to a shipping arbitration. In addition in 1999 he was asked to provide a country report on Sri Lanka to a leading London law firm.